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ISCApad Archive  »  2011  »  ISCApad #161  »  ISCA News  »  President's message

ISCApad #161

Monday, November 07, 2011 by Chris Wellekens

2-1 President's message

Dear ISCA Members,

I am taking advantage of this ISCApad issue to highlight three recent ISCA board activities.

I am very happy to announce the medalist for the 'ISCA Medal for Scientific Achievement 2012': Professor Chin-Hui Lee, for 'pioneering and seminal contributions to automatic speech and speaker recognition, including innovations in adaptive learning, discriminative training, and utterance verification'.

We received two very good bids for Interspeech 2015 organization, one from our German colleagues, for a conference in Dresden, and one from our Swedish colleagues, for a conference in Stockholm. It is very important to ISCA to have several high-quality proposals for the organization of Interspeech to guarantee the continuity of Interspeech events with, at least, the same level of quality. The International Advisory Comittee is now in the process of evaluating the bids and a decision will be made based on this evaluation.We are working on our new concept of 'ISCA training schools', announced during the last ISCA General Assembly, and we will soon open a call for proposals.
Of course, we are also working on all the other aspects of ISCA activities, please look at the ISCA web site  and come to Portland, Interspeech 2012, to have a complete view!

JF Bonastre
ISCA President

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