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ISCApad Archive  »  2011  »  ISCApad #160  »  Events  »  Other Events  »  (2011-10-26) CfP Oriental COCOSDA Taiwan

ISCApad #160

Saturday, October 08, 2011 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-3 (2011-10-26) CfP Oriental COCOSDA Taiwan

Oriental COCOSDA 2011
October 26-28, 2011, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan


        The oriental chapter of COCOSDA (The International Committee for the
Co-ordination and Standardization of Speech Databases and Assessment
Techniques) is pleased to announce that the 14th Oriental COCOSDA Conference
will be held on Oct. 26-28, in Hsinchu, Taiwan hosted by the National Chiao
Tung University, Taiwan. Oriental COCOSDA is an international conference
held annually by the oriental chapter of COCOSDA. The first preparatory
meeting was held in Hong Kong in 1997 and then the past thirteen workshops
were held in Japan, Taiwan, China, Korea, Thailand, Singapore, India,
Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Japan, China and Nepal.
        Oriental COCOSDA conference in Taiwan will help in boosting the
research and development in the field of Speech Technology and will help in
enthusing the interest towards Speech Technology in East and Southeast Asia.
        Papers are invited on substantial, original and unpublished research
on all aspects of speech databases, assessments and speech I/O, including,
but not limited to:


• Speech databases and text corpora
• Assessment of speech input and output technologies
• Phonetic/phonological systems for Oriental languages
• Romanization of Non-Roman Characters
• Segmentation and labeling
• Speech Prosody and Labeling
• Speech processing models and systems
• Multilingual speech corpora
• Special topics on speech databases and assessments
• Standardization
• Any other relevant topics
Important Dates

•Full Paper Submission                     July, 1,  2011
•Notification of acceptance of paper          Aug. 5, 2011
•Final Manuscript                         Aug. 26, 2011

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