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ISCApad Archive  »  2011  »  ISCApad #158  »  ISCA News  »  Meeting of senior and student researchers organized by our student branch

ISCApad #158

Thursday, August 04, 2011 by Chris Wellekens

2-4 Meeting of senior and student researchers organized by our student branch
ISCA Student Advisory Committee is happy to announce that this year, thanks to the generous support of the Interspeech 2011 Organizing Committee and ISCA Board, we are organizing a special event for students that gives you the possibility to get in touch with prominent researchers in your area and have a discussion on your interest and research work with people whose work is well-known, established and inspiring to all of us! This event will be accompanied with Italian delicacies as well.

This event is a great opportunity and an informal setting to meet your peer researchers and experts in your field.

We are very happy with the list of researchers that will be attending the event, who include

Prof. Abeer Alwan, UCLA

Prof. Gerard Bailly, GIPSA

Prof. Peter Birkholz, RWTH Aachen

Prof. Alan Black, CMU

Prof. Nick Campbell, TCD, Dublin

Prof. Hynek Hermansky, John Hopkins

Prof. Julia Hirchberg, Columbia, NY

Prof. Tokuda Keiichi, NIT, Nagoya

Prof. Helen Meng, Hong Kong

Prof. John Ohala, Berkeley

Prof. Elizabeth Shriberg, Microsoft

Prof. Steve Young, Cambridge

and more.

The Interspeech 2011 Student Roundtable Lunch Discussion will take
place on the second day of Interspeech, Monday, August 29th, from
12:00 to 13:30, on the first floor of the 'Pala Affari' building.

The number of tables and places is limited so hurry and sign up as soon as possible.

To do so please go to our webpage -

After the registration, students will be grouped in teams of 10 depending on their research interest, and accompanied by an Italian host researcher and an international researcher.

A light lunch buffet will be provided.

We look forward to welcoming you to Florence in August, 2011!
Maria Eskevich
School of Computing
Dublin City University
Dublin 9, Ireland

tel (Ireland): +353  87 14 23 101
tel (Russia): + 7 921 915 52 54


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