ISCA - International Speech
Communication Association

ISCApad Archive  »  2011  »  ISCApad #156  »  Jobs

ISCApad #156

Tuesday, June 21, 2011 by Chris Wellekens

6 Jobs
6-1(2010-12-01) Opened positions/internships at Microsoft: French Linguists (M/F)

Opened positions/internships at Microsoft: French Linguists (M/F)

MLDC – Microsoft Language Development Center, a branch of the Microsoft Product Group that develops Speech Recognition and Synthesis Technologies, situated in Porto Salvo, Portugal (

 Be native or near native

 Have a university degree in Linguistics (with good computational skills), Computational Linguistics (Master’s or PhD) or related area

 Have an advanced level of English (oral and written)

 Have some experience in working with Speech Technology/Natural Language Processing/Linguistics, either in academia or in industry

 Have some computational ability – being able to run tools, being comfortable to work with Microsoft Office tools and having some programming fundamentals, though no programming is required

 Have team work skills

 Willing to work in Porto Salvo (near Lisbon) for the duration of the contract

 Willing to work in a multicultural and multinational team across the globe, is seeking a part-time or full-time temporary language expert in the French language and Linguistics, for a 4 months contract, to work in speech and language technology related development projects. Salary conditions and work details are discussed in the interview. The successful candidate should have the following requirements: French speaker (from France) Duration of the contract: January 3st – April 30th 2011.

To apply, please submit your resume and a brief statement describing your experience and abilities to

Daniela Braga:

We will only consider electronic submissions.

Deadline for submissions

: open until filled.

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6-2(2010-12-06) These CIFRE at EDF France (in french)

Financement  :  thèse  CIFRE  en  traitement  automatique de la langue parlée

Lieu :   EDF R&D,    1, av du Général de Gaulle,  92141 Clamart (80%)
            LIMSI, Université Paris XI, Orsay (20%)

Début : Janvier 2011
Durée : 3 ans

Titre : Extraction d'informations sémantiques à partir de données orales: application aux corpus EDF de dialogues client/conseiller

Encadrement   académique  :  Martine  Adda-Decker  (CNRS LIMSI/LPP, Univ. Paris 3),  Ioana  Vasilescu (CNRS LIMSI, Univ Paris 11), Sophie
Rosset (CNRS LIMSI, Univ Paris 11)

Encadrement industriel : Chloé Clavel (EDF R&D)

Sujet : L'extraction d'information à partir de données acoustiques de parole lance aujourd'hui un défi important aux chercheurs du traitement automatique de la parole: aller au-delà de la transformation du signal sonore en une simple suite de mots (transcription automatique) en y intégrant des informations sémantiques.  Ces informations sémantiques sont notamment utilisées pour indexer les données acoustiques en fonction des thèmes abordés, des sujets traités, voire même des opinions exprimées sur ces sujets.

De nombreuses recherches portées par la communauté TAL (traitement automatique des langues) abordent également la problématique de l'extraction d'information à partir de données textuelles de plus en plus variées et de sources hétérogènes (blogs, forum de discussions, etc.). En particulier, l'utilisation de techniques issues de l'indexation de documents textuels, appliquées à la transcription automatique de parole constitue un thème de recherche en plein essor qui soulève de nombreux problèmes scientifiques.  Ces problèmes sont liés au traitement de la variabilité dans la parole, aux erreurs (ou au bruit) de la transcription automatique ainsi qu'aux modes d'expressions spontanés différents de ceux de l'expression écrite.

Le sujet de thèse porte sur l'extraction d'information dans des données conversationnelles EDF à partir des transcriptions automatiques. Ce travail est à la fois concerné par l'extraction d'information à partir du texte et par l'analyse et la gestion des aspects liés à l'expression orale via le traitement des erreurs de transcription automatique.  Les données conversationnelles EDF (centres d'appel, enquêtes de satisfaction) représentent un corpus riche fournissant un cadre de travail particulièrement motivant en termes de recherche fondamentale et d'enjeux applicatifs. La palette thématique et expressive est à la fois large et circonscrite par le cadre applicatif.  Les sources de variabilités (variantes de prononciation, phénomènes dits « disfluents » et structures dites «agrammaticales», accents (étrangers, régionaux etc., bruits environnants etc.) sont particulièrement présentes dans ces données.

Le travail envisagé portera sur:

1. la modélisation sémantique de l'information à extraire.  

(i) Un premier volet portera sur l'indexation thématique en fonction des données exploitées et des besoins opérationnels (ex: repérer les conversations où les clients abordent un thème donné).  

(ii) Un deuxième volet de recherche visera à expliciter les raisons de satisfaction ou d'insatisfaction.  Le travail effectué sera examiné dans le cadre des recherches sur la fouille d'opinions (opinion mining).

2. l'adaptation aux transcriptions.  

Il s'agira d'adapter les techniques d'extraction d'information aux spécificités de l'oral: disfluences, faible cohérence syntaxique, marqueurs pragmatiques (ex: marqueurs de discours, indices dialogiques).  Des traitements spécifiques seront à envisager afin de minimiser l'impact du bruit de transcription automatique (erreurs de transcription).  Une étape préalable consistera à faire une analyse systématique des erreurs de transcription automatique en fonction de l'information recherchée et du cadre dialogique (profils conseiller/client).

Profil recherché : Bac+5 dans le domaine du TALN et/ou du traitement de la parole.  

Français et Anglais courant.  

Contexte : Cette thèse s'effectuera entre le LIMSI, groupe TLP
(Traitement du Langage Parlé) et le département ICAME (Innovation
Commerciale pour l'Analyse des Marchés et de leur Environnement) d'EDF

Candidature : Envoyer un CV, une lettre de motivation, et les coordonnées d'au moins un référent universitaire à l'ensemble des adresses suivantes : ,,,

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6-3(2010-12-17) PhD at INRS Montreal Canada

A PhD Position is available at the Multimodal Signal Analysis and Enhancement Laboratory (MuSAE Lab), Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS-EMT), located in Montreal, Canada.

The MuSAE Lab has an opening for a PhD student (full financial support) to work in the area of analysis, assessment, and/or enhancement of speech/audio/biomedical signals. Strong knowledge of digital signal processing (speech/audio/biomedical), pattern recognition, and sensor fusion is required. Strong programming skills in Matlab is preferred. Interested candidates should send their CV's, research interests and relevant publications (if applicable) to Dr. Tiago H. Falk (falk [at] emt [dot] inrs [dot] ca). Note that only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

Created in 1969, INRS is a university dedicated to research and graduate studies. At INRS, research is carried out in a context of innovation, action, and partnership with the industry and government. The Energy, Materials, and Telecommunications (INRS-EMT) Research Center focuses its research activities in strategic sectors of communications, photonics and energy. INRS-EMT is located in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, a (bilingual, English/French) city renowned for its great pool of ethnic diversity and its vibrant cosmopolitan ambiance.

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6-4(2010-12-20) Tenure-track position in signal processing and tenure-track position in acoustics at the Aalto University (Espoo, Finland).


Tenure-track position in signal processing and tenure-track position in acoustics at the Aalto University (Espoo, Finland).

We invite applications for two tenure-track positions (one in signal processing, one in acoustics) at the Aalto University, Espoo, Finland (formerly known as the Helsinki University of Technology). The tenure track is open to talented individuals who have excellent potential for a scientific career. On the basis of their experience and competence, applicants will be placed on any of the four levels of the tenure track system: Assistant Professor (1), Assistant Professor (2), Associate Professor, or Full Professor. The dead line of the call is January 30, 2011. Further information and instructions are available here:

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6-5(2011-01-15) 3 PhD positions at Tilburg University (The Netherlands)

The Department of Communication and Information Science of the School of Humanities at
Tilburg University has 3 PhD positions in the broader area of language, communication and
cognition. More information on these positions and on the application procedure can be
found here:

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6-6(2011-01-15) 3 Engineer positions open at SYNVO

Company Profile
SYNVO ( develops the next generation of speech synthesis
solutions for use in various mobile devices, like smartphones, tablet PCs or
navigation devices. We offer a highly attractive and friendly work environment
and the opportunity to work within a first class research and engineering team.
SYNVO is a dynamically growing startup company based in Graz, Austria, and
in Zurich, Switzerland. This position offers an excellent opportunity to join the
company at an attractive stage in its development for very competitive salaries.

Software Engineer for Text-to-Speech
Synthesis on Embedded Platforms
Tasks and Responsibilities

Analysis and management of requirements

Design, implementation, evaluation, optimization and testing of new text-tospeech
components for various mobile device platforms

TTS engine quality assurance and documentation
Qualifications and Expert Knowledge

University degree in computer science or equivalent university degree
(electrical engineering, audio engineering) and several years of experience in
software product development

C, Objective C and Java expertise (preferable with the Eclipse IDE)

Expertise in platform-independent software development

Working knowledge on Android OS, iOS and/or Phone 7 OS platforms

Working knowledge on QNX and/or Symbian is a plus
Personal Requirements
• Software Architect for Text-to-Speech
Synthesis Systems
Strong commitment to the job

Complete written and spoken fluency in English

Willingness to relocate to Graz, Austria

Start Date:  At earliest availability

Software Architect for Text-to-Speech
Synthesis Systems

Tasks and Responsibilities

Coordination and execution of the full software product development life-
cycle of text-to-speech synthesis systems

Design and implementation of the software architecture

Unit and integration testing

Software quality assurance, documentation and deployment

Involvement into customer projects and pre-sales activities
Qualifications and Expert Knowledge

Master degree in computer science or equivalent university degree (electrical
engineering, audio engineering) and 6+ years of experience in software
product development and software project coordination, PhD preferred

C, Objective C and Java expertise (preferable with the Eclipse IDE)

Expertise in platform-independent software design

Expertise in Unified Rational Process is a plus

Working knowledge on Android OS, iOS, Phone 7 OS, QNX and/or Symbian
platforms is a plus
Personal Requirements

Strong commitment to the job

Complete written and spoken fluency in English

Willingness to relocate to Graz, Austria

Start Date: At earliest availability

Senior Researcher in Signal Processing

Tasks and Responsibilities

Design, implementation, evaluation, optimization and testing of new
algorithms and tools for embedded text-to-speech synthesis with a strong
focus on
Speech signal processing
Statistical modeling
Voice conversion and speaker adaptation
Computationally efficient training of statistical models
Qualifications and Expert Knowledge

Relevant university degrees (computer science, electrical engineering) with
several years of experience, PhD strongly preferred

Expertise in Matlab and C

Outstanding programming skills in
Statistical modeling
Digital signal processing
Speech coding and speech database development
Personal Requirements

Strong commitment to the job

Complete written and spoken fluency in English

Willingness to relocate to Graz, Austria

Start Date: At earliest availability 

Please send your application to Harald Romsdorfer (

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6-7(2011-01-20) Poste de Professeur, Grenoble INP (ENSIMAG ), Laboratoire LIG France
Titre : Job: Poste de Professeur 27, Grenoble INP (ENSIMAG ), Laboratoire LIG

Un poste de professeur, section 27 est à pourvoir pour septembre 2011 à l'ENSIMAG (Grenoble INP)  et au laboratoire LIG pour lequel l'activité de recherche concerne notamment le traitement automatique des langues naturelles. 


Composante : ENSIMAG
Profil :
La personne recrutée devra posséder de solides connaissances en informatique et en développement de logiciels. Elle sera amenée à participer aux enseignements scientifiques de tronc commun (algorithmique, bases de données, programmation, théorie des langages, statistique, etc.) et à travailler dans le cadre des  enseignements par projet de l'Ensimag. Elle .devra également s’impliquer dans la vie de l’école et de l’établissement par la prise de responsabilités.
Contacts : Brigitte Plateau (  pour l'ENSIMAG et Yves Maréchal ( pour Grenoble INP


Profil :
Le laboratoire recherche des candidatures d’excellence permettant de renforcer son encadrement et de participer à sa dynamique. Les 2  thématiques du profil, citées par ordre alphabétique,  se déclinent de manière large :
– Accès à l’information : fouille de données massives et complexes, ingénierie des connaissances, recherche d’information, apprentissage automatique, accès pervasif et mobile, etc.
Interaction : conception d’interfaces homme-machine, dialogue homme-machine. multi-modalité, systèmes perceptifs, mondes virtuels, etc.

Le candidat devra s’intégrer dans  l’une quelconque des équipes du LIG, avec un projet de recherche qui développe l’un des aspects du profil du poste, en liaison avec le projet quadriennal « informatique ambiante et durable » du LIG.


Grenoble INP, dans le cadre des Investissements d'avenir est le porteur d'un projet d'Institut autour des énergies décarbonées intelligentes et souhaite que le candidat s'investisse pour son activité de recherche dans cette initiative.

Contact : Hervé Martin (
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6-8(2011-02-01) Maitre de conferences UMR CNRS Laboratoire des Sciences de l'Information & des Systèmes à Toulon

L'UMR CNRS Laboratoire des Sciences de l'Information & des Systèmes à
Toulon recrute un Maitre de Conférences en section 27 :

Profil Recherche:
Le maître de conférences recruté intégrera le projet DYNI (Dynamiques
de l?information) où sont construits des modèles de représentation
adaptés à des données multimodales, hétérogènes, plus ou moins
structurées, plus ou moins annotées, dynamiques, éventuellement
distribuées, de grande dimension et de grand volume.

Le Maître de conférences mènera ses recherches dans les thématiques de
l'analyse multidimentionnelle. Dans ce contexte, l'un des deux thèmes
suivants doit être renforcé :

-        Le premier thème est complémentaire aux travaux en indexation
et apprentissage supervisé multimodal menés dans l?équipe. Il s'agit
d'apporter au projet DYNI de nouvelles compétences en passage à
l'échelle de traitement de documents (audio, vidéo ou texte)  de
grande dimension et/ou grand volume. Il s'agira donc d'approximation
de métrique et de mesure de similarité pour du 'clustering' efficace,
d'apprentissage (semi ou non-supervisé) en grande dimension, de
modélisation et résumé de données multidimensionnelles. Ces derniers
sont indispensables au (pré-)traitement de données dont le volume et
la méconnaissance rendent impossible un traitement purement supervisé.

Mots clé thème 1 : Probabilité, statistique et optimisation.
Programmation scientifique (programmation sur GPU), techniques
d'approximation de métriques et de mesure de similarité

-        Le second thème se situe dans la continuité des travaux sur
la modélisation et l?interrogation de données XML menés dans l?équipe.
Il vise à augmenter la puissance des langages de description et de
manipulation des données pour représenter et exploiter leur contenu et
les connaissances du domaine auxquelles elles sont rattachées. Il
s?agit d?apporter au projet DYNI de nouvelles compétences pour
exploiter ces connaissances dans le cadre de l'analyse
multidimensionnelle de données.

Mots clé thème 2 : Modèles d?arbres et de graphes, Documents,
Annotations, XML, Web, Langages de requêtes, Ontologies, OWL,
modélisation multidimensionnelle, OLAP.

Profil enseignement:
Le maître de conférences recruté interviendra à l'UFR de Sciences et
Techniques au département informatique dans les formations suivantes:
·         Licence Informatique
·         Licence Sciences pour l'Ingénieur à partir de la rentrée 2012
·         Master Sciences de l?Information et des Systèmes Spécialité
Informatique - Parcours Systèmes d?Information Sécurisés
·         Master DAPM (Développement et Applications sur Plateformes
Mobiles) à partir de la rentrée 2012.

Il devra prendre en charge des enseignements fondamentaux de
l'informatique en licence et interviendra dans les thématiques
spécifiques du master.

Pour toute information, contacter :
- recherche : Hervé Glotin (Responsable projet DYNI ),
- enseignement : Jean-Pierre Zanotti (Responsable département

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6-9(2011-02-15) Maitre de conferences à l'Université du Mans France
Un poste de McF (section 27) est ouvert au concours à l'université du Mans. La personne recrutée fera sa recherche dans l'une des équipes du LIUM : LST ou  ingénierie des EIAH.
Les thèmes de recherche ouverts pour ce recrutement dans l'équipe LST sont : traitement automatique de la parole (transcription, interprétation, indexation) et traduction automatique par méthodes statistiques.

Contact EIAH Christophe. Choquet at
Contact LST Paul.Deleglise at 
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6-10(2011-02-16) Research Associate Position/ Dialogue Systems Group, Cambridge University Engineering Department

Research Associate Position

Dialogue Systems Group, Cambridge University Engineering Department

Applications are invited for a Research Associate position, working on automatic speech recognition. The project will be based in the Dialogue Systems Group, in the machine intelligence lab at the Cambridge University Engineering Department with an anticipated start date of March 2011 or soon after.
The aim of the project is to build a server-based robust spoken dialogue system providing tourist information for in-car users. The research associate will be involved in building the system's real-time conversational speech recognition engine. Tasks will include acoustic/language model training, implementing noise robustness techniques, decoder optimization, silence detection and turn taking research. ATK and HTK will be used as the speech recognition platform.

The successful candidate will have a PhD in a relevant area, such as speech recognition or computer science, and be familiar with HMM based speech recognition techniques. Preference will be given to candidates with experience in noise robustness research, end-to-end implementation of speech recognition systems, and those familiar with the ATK/HTK platforms. Salary will be in the range £27,319 to £35,646 depending on qualifications and experience.

The Dialogue Systems Group is a world-leading research group working on robust statistical spoken dialogue systems. During the project, there will be good opportunities to attend international conferences and workshops. Prospective candidates are encouraged to send their CV to Dr Kai Yu (

The Dialogue Systems Group expects to have further vacancies in the near future and if you would like to be kept informed please also contact Dr Yu.

Senior Research Associate
Dialogue System Group
Cambridge University Engineering Department

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6-11(2011-02-18) Post docs at Tsinghua University, China

Post-doctoral positions


Graduate School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University, China seeks qualified candidates for several postdoctoral researcher positions:


1. Computational Auditory Scene Analysis (CASA), Active noise control;


2. Speech enhancement, Single-/Multi-channel robust speech recognition;


3. Model based speech synthesis.


The appointments are for two years with possibility of renewal. Salaries are competitive.


Job requirements:


- Applicants are expected to have finished, or be about to finish their Ph.D. degrees, to have a strong background in the area of machine learning and digital signal processing, and to have a track record of publications in top conferences and journals.


- Extensive experience with Matlab and C/C++ (Python a plus).


- Good English communication skills;




- Graduate School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University is located in Shenzhen city, situated immediately north of Hong Kong. Owing to China's economic liberalization, the area became China's first and the most successful Special Economic Zones.


- Salaries are in the range 20,000 to 25,000 USD per year based on the candidates' experience. An apartment with about 70 square meters (two bed rooms, one living room and one kitchen room)is provided inside the campus and the rent is less than 200 USD per month.


- The laboratory offers a creative international environment, and works on an interdisciplinary team (with vision processing, active HCI, embedded system, etc.) We provide a possibility to conduct competitive research on a global scale. There will be ample opportunities to cooperate with some of the best groups in Hong Kong, Europe and the USA.


Application Instructions:


Interested applicants should send a brief statement of research interest and a CV to

Prof. Weifeng Li (li.weifeng at

Tel: +86 755 2603 6023

Address: Room 103A, F Building, Tsinghua Campus, Nanshan District, 518055

Shenzhen, P.R. China


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6-12(2011-02-22) Programming position at ELDA Paris France

ELDA offers a position for its Language Resource Production and Evaluation activities working in the framework of European projects.  


The position is related to a number of NLP activities within ELDA, with a focus on the development of web-service architectures for the automatic production and distribution of language resources.

The candidate may also be involved in the creation of LR repositories, NLP applications development and/or evaluation, etc.

- Degree or MSc in computer science, computational linguistics, natural language processing or similar fields (preference for a PhD)
- Good programming skills in C, C++, Perl and/or Java
- Experience and/or knowledge of web services
- Good knowledge of Linux and open source software
- Good knowledge of Django, database management (MySQL), programming environment
- Experience and/or knowledge of NLP is a plus
- Experience and/or knowledge of Machine Translation, Information Retrieval and related areas is a plus
- Ability to work independently and as part of a team, in particular to collaborate with members of a multidisciplinary and multilingual team
- Proficiency in French and English
Salary: Commensurate with qualifications and experience.
Applications will be considered until the position is filled. The position is based in Paris, France and candidates should have the citizenship (or residency papers) of a European Union country.
Applicants should send (preferably via email) a cover letter addressing the points listed above together with a curriculum vitae to:
Khalid CHOUKRI                                                                                                             
ELRA / ELDA                                                                                                                      
55-57, rue Brillat Savarin                                                                                                          
Fax : +33 1 43 13 33 30
Email :
The European Language Resources Association (ELRA) is a non-profit making organisation founded by the European Commission in 1995, with the mission of providing a clearing house for language resources and promoting Human Language Technologies.
The Evaluations and Language resources Distribution Agency (ELDA) is ELRA's operational body. ELDA identifies, collects, distributes and evaluates language resources. It also organises evaluation activities and campaigns in HLT, as well as disseminates general information in the HLT field.

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6-13(2011-02-24) Research position at NICT Japan


Spoken Language Communication Group
Knowledge Creating Communication Research Center
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
The division name may be changed under a revision to company's
organization next year.


Job Information

Subject No.


Job Title

Expert Researcher

Limited Term Researcher


Knowledge Creating Communication Research Center Spoken Language Communication Group

The division name may be changed under a revision to company's organization next year.

Work Contents

RecommendedResearch theme)

Multi-lingual speech recognition and speech synthesis and translation and information retrieval from image data in real environment for universal communication

Qualification Requirements

RecommendedResearch theme overview)

Research on establishment of a new method for large-scale corpus-based speech recognition technology in real environment, speech synthesis method which realize various speaker characteristics and speaking style, automating resources and tools in order to build multilingual MT system via corpus-based translation technology, information retrieval from image data in universal speech and language communication.

Application requirement

Experience on speech recognition or synthesis or translation or information retrieval from image data research for more than 5 years, and holds a Ph.D.Fellowship Experience, and ability of the research management (e.g. Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research) Ability on software programing and papers in English (15 or more) (International conference, journal papers)

Recruiting (Number of people)


Period of Employment

May 1,2011

 ~ March 31,2012  N.B. Contract could be updated.


 (basic salary)

436,000 ~ 482,000/month

Work Place

Keihanna Branch

Working frequency

5 days

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6-14(2011-03-01) Post-doctoral position in Automatic Speech Recognition at IRISA, France.
Post-doctoral position in Automatic Speech Recognition at IRISA, France.

In the framework of the project 'Automatic System Harnessing' (ASH),
funded by the French National Research Agency, IRISA seeks to hire a
postdoctoral researcher in the field of automatic speech
recognition. Landmark-driven paradigms for large vocabulary speech
recognition will be the main topic of interest [1,2,3], with a focus
on developing bidirectional interaction mechanisms between landmark
detection and speech transcription. 

The ASH project is a national project aiming at developing
collaborative approaches to speech recognition by tight coupling of
several ASR systems or by coupling an ASR system with landmark
detectors. The idea of coupling (harnessing) systems originates from
the driven decoding principle as explained in [4]. The project is
leaded by the Laboratoire d'Informatique de l'Université du Mans
(LIUM) with the Laboratoire d'Informatique d'Avignon (LIA) as partner
in addition to IRISA.

The postdoc will be in charge of designing and implementing
interaction mechanisms between the IRISA's ASR system and that of the
other partners, during the decoding stage. Similar mechanims will be
investigated for joint ASR and landmark detection in Irisa's ASR
system. These research activities will be incoporated in fit in the
framework of the upcoming national benchmark ETAPE/ESTER 3.

Candidate should be a recent PhD in computer science or electrical
engineering with strong experience in large vocabulary speech
recognition (preferably search or acoustic modeling) and/or audio
signal processing and classification. Candidates should have good
practical and theoretical knowledge in pattern recognition. We are
primarily interested in statistical approaches to pattern recognition
but skills in discriminative techniques, in particular neural
networks, are welcome. As we are mostly dealing with French data,
knowledge of the French language is a plus but not required.

IRISA is a French public laboratory located in Rennes (France),
affiliated to CNRS, the French national Center for Scientific
Research. The candidate will join the leading multimedia group TEXMEX
at IRISA ( and develop his research in strong
collaboration with the speech and audio processing group METISS. He
will be part of the ASR&NLP workgroup which gathers leading scientists
in speech recognition, natural language processing and information
retrieval. Work will be carried out in close collaboration with a PhD
student on landmark-driven speech recognition and in interaction with
ASH partners.

The position, to be fulfilled as soon as possible, is opened for one
year, possibly with a 6 months extension. Gross salary is 2500 euros
per month (2040 net pay) and includes social benefits.

Please contact Guillaume Gravier ( for more details or
send an extended resume for application.

[1] M. Hasegawa-Johnson, S. Borys and K. Chen, Experiments in
Landmark-Based Speech Recognition. Sound to Sense: Workshop in Honor
of Kenneth N. Stevens, June, 2004.

[2] G. Gravier and D. Moraru. Towards phonetically-driven hidden
Markov models: Can we incorporate phonetic landmarks in HMM-based ASR? 
In Proc. ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Non Linear Speech
Processing (NOLISP), 2007.

[3] S. Sainath. Island driven search using broad phonetic
classes. IEEE Worskhop on Automatic Speech Recognition and
Understanding, 2009.

[4] B. Lecouteux, G. Linarès, Y. Estève, and G. Gravier. Generalized
driven decoding for speech recognition system combination. In IEEE
Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2008.
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6-15(2011-03-09) Ingenieur R/D INRIA Rennes (France)

Le centre INRIA de Rennes Bretagne Atlantique recrute en CDD :

un ingénieur R&D

en indexation multimédia et gestion de projet

Nombre de postes à pourvoir : 1

Offre en CDD : 1 an, renouvelable jusqu?à fin avril 2013.

Salaire : de 2062,32 ? à 2585,90 ? nets mensuels suivant diplômes et expérience.

Lieu de travail : Rennes (35) - campus de Beaulieu

Date de prise de fonction : à partir du 1er avril 2011

*Affectation :*

Équipe - projet TEXMEX du centre de recherche Rennes Bretagne - Atlantique.

*Environnement et contacte de travail :*

L?INRIA est l?institut de recherche spécialisé en sciences et technologies de
l?information et de la communication (STIC). 3800 personnes travaillent dans ses
centres de recherche implantés sur 7 régions.

Trois équipes ? projets rennaises et trois autres de Grenoble et
Sophia-Antipolis participent au programme collaboratif Quaero. La personne
recrutée sera placée sous la responsabilité du responsable de l?équipe - projet
TEXMEX qui coordonne la participation de l?INRIA à ce programme.

*Missions :*

-Assister le responsable de l?équipe ? projet TEXMEX dans la gestion de ce contrat.

-Participer au travail scientifique sur certaines tâches.

-Participer à l?encadrement des personnes recrutées dans le cadre du contrat.

*Activités :*

-Préparation, suivi, animation et comptes-rendus de réunions.

-Coordination et participation aux délivrables : documents, logiciels, corpus et

-Suivi et encadrements de personnes recrutées en CDD, participation à des
actions de formation.

-Encadrement de développements logiciels, utilisation d?outils de gestion de
code, mise en place d?une démarche qualité.

-Développements algorithmiques et logiciels pour certains modules.

-Travail collaboratif et gestion du contrat.

*Compétences et profil :*

-Pratique courante de l?anglais indispensable.

-Bonne pratique du développement (C++ plus un langage de script, outils de

-Connaissance dans le domaine du traitement et de l?indexation vidéo ou sonore.

-Aptitude au travail en groupe, au travail dans un contexte collaboratif.

-Aptitude à l?encadrement technique et scientifique.

*Contacts :*

Renseignements sur le poste :

Patrick Gros

Responsable de l?équipe-projet TEXMEX

Email : <;

Adresser les candidatures (Lettre de motivation et CV) à :

Loic Lesage

Email : <;

Tél. 02 99 84 74 37

INRIA Rennes

Campus universitaire de Beaulieu

35042 Rennes cedex



*Pour en savoir plus sur :*


Le centre de recherche INRIA de Rennes :

L?équipe projet TEXMEX :

Le projet Quaero :

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6-16(2011-03-09)Internship for Web Interface for natual language data bases INRIA Paris
Stage en développement web interface graphique

Recherche stagiaires en ingéniérie Web pour le développement d?un frontal web dans le cadre d?un projet CNRS/ANR en traitement automatique des langues naturelles (, laboratoires partenaires IRCAM, Paris ; MODYCO, Nanterre)
Objectifs : Développement d?une interface web de consultation, visualisation et d?annotation de données orales structurées (3h d'enregistrement audio avec la transcription et des analyses linguistiques)
Tâche demandée : Mise en place d?une interface web permettant d?accéder à des données audio et à des annotations sur ces données par l?intermédiaire d?un langage de requête constitué au préalable. Cette interface proposera : - des formulaires de recherche s?appuyant sur un moteur existant - la représentation graphique ergonomique des annotations à l'aide de différentes visualisations des données audio et textuelles - la possibilité de réviser les annotations fournies - des statistiques sur les données et leurs représentations graphiques - un backoffice d?administration des données et des utilisateurs
Compétence techniques requises :
- Serveur : PHP ou un autre langage script (Python, Perl) et MySQL - Client Web : Javascript, HTML La connaissance de AJAX, Json, JQuery et SVG ainsi qu'en développement des outils Web avec des accès réservés sera un plus. Un intérêt pour les structures de la langue sera apprécié mais aucune connaissance particulière en parole et linguistique n?est requise. Le candidat collaborera avec l?équipe du laboratoire (linguistes et informaticiens) pour formaliser les spécifications fonctionnelles de l?application.
Indéminités mensuelles de stage. 417,09 euros
Lieu de travail : laboratoire MODYCO, Université de paris Ouest Nanterre, télétravail possible
avec mise à disposition d?ordinateur. 

Début du stage : avril 2011 ou le plus tôt possible. 

Durée du stage : 3 mois minimum et possibilité d?enchaîner sur un CDD de 6 à 12 mois. Contacter : Atanas Tchobanov et Kim Gerdes


Nicolas OBIN: PhD Student at IRCAM Analysis/Synthesis Team - 
contact | -
? : 33 (0) 1 44 78 48 90, Fax : 33 (0)1 44 78 15 40


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6-17(2011-03-15) Engineer in Multimedia TCL AMERICA
TCL Research America (<>), the research arm of TCL Corporation in North America, is currently recruiting Research Scientists and Architects to conduct R&D efforts in the fields of multimedia, communications and smart computing. We offer competitive compensation, benefits and bonus to our employees.

Established in 1981, TCL Corporation<> is a global leader in consumer electronics and communications with over 50,000 employees worldwide. TCL runs the world 6th largest TV business and 7th largest mobile phone business with globally respected brands Alcatel, Thomson and TCL. In the North America market, TCL ships Alcatel mobile phones<> and TCL TVs<>. More information of the company can be found at<>

List of Openings: (

     Senior Smart TV Architect
     Senior Multimedia Architect
     Research Scientist
     Visiting Professor
     Visiting Scientist

Please submit your resume in pdf to CAREER.AMERICA@TCL.COM<mailto:CAREER.AMERICA@TCL.COM>. Our human resource staff will follow up with your application shortly.

TCL Research America<>
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6-18(2011-03-22) Thesis in psycholinguistic at the University of Geneva Switzerland

Le laboratoire de psycholinguistique expérimentale de l'Université de Genève met au concours:


1 poste de doctorant/e FNS

en psycholinguistique expérimentale à 100%


Ce poste s'inscrit dans le cadre du projet de recherche financé par le Fonds National Suisse de la Recherche Scientifique (FNS) dont l’intitulé est le suivant : « Relative contribution of multiple segmentation cues to lexical identification and acquisition ». L’objectif principal du projet est d’explorer comment différents indices sous-lexicaux fournis par la structure phonétique, phonologique et rythmique de la parole contribuent à l’identification et à l’acquisition lexicale. Le/la candidat/e participera à la récolte et à l’analyse des données et développera un projet de thèse sur l'un des thèmes abordés par la recherche.


Maîtrise en Psychologie, Master en Sciences du Langage avec spécialisation phonétique/phonologie (ou titre jugé équivalent). Les travaux antérieurs du/de la candidat/e devront mettre en évidence un intérêt particulier pour la psycholinguistique expérimentale. La motivation à faire une thèse de doctorat dans le cadre de la recherche soutenue par le projet sera déterminante dans le choix du/de la candidat/e.

Entrée en fonction: juillet 2011 (ou à convenir)

Durée du projet: 3 ans

Lieu de travail: laboratoire de psycholinguistique expérimentale, Université de Genève

Salaire brut: de CHF 40’200 à CHF 46’200 

Délai pour le dépôt des candidatures: 15 Mai 2011 (prévoir un entretien éventuel début juin)

Dossier de candidature:

Les personnes intéressées sont priées de soumettre un dossier de candidature complet, incluant une lettre de motivation, leur Curriculum Vitae ainsi que la copie électronique d'une publication scientifique et/ou du mémoire de fin d'études (ou, à défaut, une recommandation du directeur/trice de mémoire). Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez vous adresser à Odile Bagou : Le dossier doit être envoyé par e-mail à l'attention du Prof. Ulrich Frauenfelder (

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6-19(2011-03-30) Research associate position in the Dialog Group at Cambridge Univ. UK
Research Associate, Dialogue Systems Group

Applications are invited for a Research Associate position, working on automatic 
speech recognition. The project will be based in the Dialogue Systems Group, in
the machine intelligence lab at the Cambridge University Engineering Department 
with an anticipated start date of May 1st, 2011 or soon after.

The aim of the project is to build a server-based robust spoken dialogue system 
providing tourist information for in-car users. The research associate will be 
involved in building the system's real-time conversational speech recognition 
engine. Tasks will include acoustic/language model training, implementing noise 
robustness techniques, decoder optimization, silence detection and turn taking 
research. ATK and HTK will be used as the speech recognition platform. The successful 
candidate will have a PhD in a relevant area, such as speech recognition or computer 
science, and be familiar with HMM based speech recognition techniques. Preference 
will be given to candidates with experience in noise robustness research, end-to-end 
implementation of speech recognition systems, and those familiar with the ATK/HTK 

The Dialogue Systems Group is a world-leading research group working on robust 
statistical spoken dialogue systems. During the project, there will be good 
opportunities to attend international conferences and workshops.  Interested 
candidates should send their CV as soon as possible to Dr Kai Yu ( 
or Prof. Steve Young ( Salary will be in the range £27319 to 
£35646 and the closing date is 14th April 2011.  

More information on the Dialogue Systems Group can be found at

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6-20(2011-04-01) Research Position in Speech Recognition for Underresourced Languages at K.U.Leuven - ESAT, Belgium

Research Position in Speech Recognition for Underresourced Languages

at K.U.Leuven - ESAT, Belgium

Today's speech recognition systems require hundreds of hours of example data for training the acoustic models.  While such large corpora are available for the major languages, this is not the case for smaller languages, making them 'under-resourced'�. One of the underlying reasons for this data hungriness is that the dimensionality of feature vectors used in state-of-the-art speech recognition systems (typically in the range 30-40) is much larger than the intrinsic dimensionality of speech which is estimated to be 7-10 only. Efforts to make the intrinsic dimensionality smaller have been largely futile as the constraints are too complex for our by and large linear techniques. This inefficiency in basic representation, combined with other inefficiencies in mainstream context-dependent modeling makes that the hundreds of thousands parameters that constitute an acoustic model are largely redundant.      

The objective of this project is to apply novel mathematical techniques (e.g. spectral clustering) that can capture constraints - not in the feature space - but in the model space, i.e. in the underlying HMM parameters. Such constraints will lead to lesser requirements on the size of the training databases and should increase robustness in all situations where we don't have large corpora available, such as speaker adaptation, accent adaptation or modeling of under-resourced languages. Apart from general principles, two test cases will be  be studied in more detail : i) 'Afrikaans'�, for which data from Dutch and Flemish can be reused; ii) languages form the Bantu family as spoken in South Africa for which we can only bootstrap from a wide set of rather unrelated languages.


Candidates ideally have a university degree in engineering, computer science or applied mathematics. Skills and experience in any of the following areas are welcomed:

  • speech recognition and speech modeling
  • strong background in linear algebra and/or statistical parameter estimation
  • some familiarity with Dutch or Afrikaans
  • computational skills (MATLAB, C, UNIX, Python)


Within this project there is funding for a 4yr Ph.D. scholarship.  Alternatively we will also accept applications for a 2 yr junior post-doc with significant relevant experience.



Dirk Van Compernolle -


Project Partners

This research will be carried out the K.U.Leuven, Belgium in the context of the AMODA project in collaboration with Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Pretoria, South Africa.

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6-21(2011-05-04) Post-doctoral researcher, audio signal processing, at Microsoft Research

Post-doctoral researcher, audio signal processing, at Microsoft Research


Position Title: Post-doctoral researcher

Organization Name: Microsoft Research

Location: Redmond, WA, USA.


Microsoft Research ( is looking for one or more post-doctoral researchers in the general area of audio signal processing. They will perform research in sound capture and rendering, speech enhancement, arrays of transducers processing, psychoacoustics, human perception of sounds and images.


Strong background in the area of audio and speech signal processing, good publication record, and experience in creating a working audio systems are requirements. Expertise in speech enhancement and/or psychoacoustics is a strong advantage; good engineering and coding skills are preferred. Ability or experience to work with engineering teams is a plus.


For enquiries please send e-mail to Dr. Ivan Tashev at

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6-22(2011-05-07) Eight Research Positions in Speech Synthesis and Speech Recognition at Universities of Edinburgh, Cambridge, Sheffield

Eight Research Positions in Speech Synthesis and Speech Recognition at Universities of Edinburgh, Cambridge, Sheffield


Centre for Speech Technology Research, University of Edinburgh
Speech Research Group, University of Cambridge
Speech and Hearing Group, University of Sheffield

Natural Speech Technology (NST) is an EPSRC Programme Grant, involving the Universities of Edinburgh, Cambridge and Sheffield. Its objective is to significantly advance the state-of-the-art in speech technology by making it more natural, approaching human levels of reliability, adaptability and conversational richness. NST starts in May 2011, and has a duration of 5 years.

8 research posts in speech recognition and speech synthesis are available on the project, across the three universities.

For further details please see

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6-23(2011-05-16) Assistant(e) au Labo psycholinguistique expérimentale Genève

Ouverture d'un poste d’Assistant-e en psycholinguistique (70%)

au Laboratoire de psycholinguistique expérimentale




Niveau :

-      Assistant-e doctorant-e


Titre exigé :                   

-      Master en psychologie (ou en linguistique), ou titre jugé équivalent


Profil souhaité :

-      diplôme post-licence en psychologie ou en linguistique

-      connaissances en psycholinguistique et/ou linguistique

-      connaissances en informatique, logiciels d’expérimentation, analyses statistiques

-      bonnes bases en expérimentation


Charges :

-      thèse en psychologie (40% du temps)

-      participation à l’enseignement en psycholinguistique aux niveaux du Bachelor et du Master en Psychologie

-      encadrement de recherches d’étudiants en psycholinguistique expérimentale

-      participation aux activités de recherche de l’équipe


Salaire brut           : selon barème de l’Université, dès classe 8/0, soit 43'724.-à 70%

Entrée en fonction : 1er septembre 2011

Taux d’activité      : 70 %



Merci d’envoyer votre CV et une lettre de motivation

d’ici au 31 mai 2011 à




Mme Carole Bigler

Faculté de psychologie et des sciences de l’éducation

Université de Genève

40 bd du Pont d'Arve

1211 Genève 4 – Suisse

Tel: +41 (0) 22.379.91.55

Email :

Des renseignements sur le poste peuvent être obtenus auprès du Prof. Uli Frauenfelder :

+41(0) 22 379 91 41 ou

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6-24(2011-05-16) Doctorant au Labo psycholinguistique expérimentale Genève

Le laboratoire de psycholinguistique expérimentale de la Faculté de psychologie et des sciences de l’éducation (Université de Genève) met au concours:


1 poste de doctorant-e FNS à 100%

en psycholinguistique expérimentale


Ce poste s'inscrit dans le cadre du projet de recherche financé par le Fonds National Suisse de la Recherche Scientifique (FNS) dont l’intitulé est le suivant : « Relative contribution of multiple segmentation cues to lexical identification and acquisition ». L’objectif principal du projet est d’explorer comment différents indices sous-lexicaux fournis par la structure phonétique, phonologique et rythmique de la parole contribuent à l’identification et à l’acquisition lexicale. Le-la candidat-e participera à la récolte et à l’analyse des données et développera un projet de thèse sur l'un des thèmes abordés par la recherche.

Titre exigé : Maîtrise universitaire en psychologie ou Maîtrise universitaire en sciences du langage avec spécialisation phonétique/phonologie, ou titre jugé équivalent.


Les travaux antérieurs du-de la candidat-e devront mettre en évidence un intérêt particulier pour la psycholinguistique expérimentale. La motivation à faire une thèse de doctorat dans le cadre de la recherche soutenue par le projet sera déterminante dans le choix du-de la candidat-e.

Entrée en fonction: été 2011 (ou à convenir)

Durée: 3 ans

Lieu de travail: laboratoire de psycholinguistique expérimentale, Faculté de psychologie et des sciences de l’éducation, Genève

Salaire brut: de CHF 40’200 à CHF 46’200 

Délai pour le dépôt des candidatures: 31 Mai 2011 (prévoir un entretien éventuel en juin)

Dossier de candidature:

Les personnes intéressées sont priées de soumettre un dossier de candidature incluant une lettre de motivation, leur Curriculum Vitae, copie du diplôme de maîtrise (ou master), ainsi que la copie électronique d'une publication scientifique et/ou du mémoire de fin d'études (ou, à défaut, une recommandation du directeur-trice de mémoire). Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez vous adresser à Madame Odile Bagou : Le dossier doit être envoyé par e-mail à l'attention du Prof. Ulrich Frauenfelder (

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6-25(2011-05-18) Research Positions in Speech Synthesis and Speech Recognition Great Britain

Title:  Research Positions in Speech Synthesis and Speech Recognition

Details below:


Centre for Speech Technology Research, University of Edinburgh
Speech Research Group, University of Cambridge
Speech and Hearing Group, University of Sheffield

Natural Speech Technology (NST) is an EPSRC Programme Grant, involving the Universities of Edinburgh, Cambridge and Sheffield.  Its objective is to significantly advance the state-of-the-art in speech technology by making it more natural, approaching human levels of reliability, adaptability and conversational richness.  NST starts in May 2011, and has a duration of 5 years.

8 research posts in speech recognition and speech synthesis are available on the project.

The overall aim of NST is to develop new speech technologies and theoretical frameworks which are adaptable, personalised, and expressive.  These technologies will be closely linked to exemplar applications and the needs of the project User Group.   We have four main technical objectives:

1. Learning and Adaptation:  Models and algorithms for synthesis and recognition that can learn from continuous streams of data, can compactly represent and adapt to new scenarios and speaking styles, and seamlessly adapt to new situations and contexts almost instantaneously.

2.  Natural Transcription:  Speech recognisers that can detect ``who spoke what, when, and how'' in any acoustic environment and for any task domain.

3.  Natural Synthesis:  Controllable speech synthesisers that automatically learn from data, and are capable of generating the full expressive diversity of natural speech.

4.  Exemplar Applications:  Deployment of these advances in novel applications, with an emphasis on the health/social domain, personal listeners, and the needs of the User Group stakeholders.

The available positions are listed below, and at

To apply:  For each position for which you wish to be considered, please apply to the host university using the corresponding web link in the list below (which also gives further information about the position).  In addition, please also send an email including which jobs you are applying for and containing your CV as an attachment to:

Closing date:  10 June 2011


1.  University of Edinburgh.  Science Manager in Speech Technology.

  Reporting to the Programme Director, Prof Steve Renals, the Science Manager will ensure synchronisation, motivation and communications between the individual projects that make up the NST Programme Grant, and will also be responsible for developing and maintaining the interactions with the User Group. The Science Manager will work closely with lead researchers of each individual project, ensuring results are communicated across the consortium, and building liaisons with any User Group members for whom the project has relevance.

  In addition, the Science Manager is expected to take a leading research role in one or more the individual projects in NST, working on statistical parametric speech synthesis and/or large vocabulary speech recognition.

  The successful candidate should have or a PhD in speech processing, computer science, cognitive science, linguistics, engineering, mathematics, or a related discipline. He or she must have excellent programming skills, a background in statistical modelling using Hidden Markov Models, research experience in speech recognition and/or speech synthesis, and a strong publications record in international journals and conferences.  He or she will also have experience and evidence of effective independent contribution to collaborative research teams. More broadly, he or she will have a demonstrated ability to lead, design and complete research projects, to solve problems independently and make original contributions to research.

  Informal inquiries can be made by email to Prof Steve Renals ( or Prof Simon King (

  This post is fixed-term for 2 years, with the possibility of extension.

2.  University of Edinburgh.  Postdoctoral Research Associate in Speech Synthesis.

  This position is concerned with research in statistical parametric speech synthesis. The work will have a particular focus on the development of structured acoustic models which take account of factors such as accent and speaking style, and on the development of machine learning techniques for vocoding. You will have (or be near completion of) a PhD in speech processing, computer science, cognitive science, linguistics, engineering, mathematics, or a related discipline. You will have the necessary programming ability to conduct research in this area, a background in statistical modelling using Hidden Markov Models, speech signal processing, and research experience in speech synthesis.

  A background in one or more of the following areas is also desirable: statistical parametric text-to-speech synthesis using HMMs and HSMMs; glottal source modelling; speech signal modelling; speaker adaptation using the MLLR or MAP family of techniques; familiarity with software tools including HTK, HTS, Festival; and familiarity with modern machine learning.

  Informal inquiries can be made by email to Prof Steve Renals ( or Prof Simon King (

  This post is fixed-term for 2 years, with the possibility of extension.

3.  University of Edinburgh.  Postdoctoral Research Associate in Speech Recognition.

  This position is concerned with research in large vocabulary speech recognition, with a focus on models and algorithms that enable coverage of a wide set of domains. The work will have a particular focus on acoustic model structures factored in terms of acoustic environment, channel condition, band- width, speaker, and speaker style, and on factorised model building that can include supervised and unsupervised sources. You will have (or be near completion of) a PhD in speech processing, computer science, cognitive science, linguistics, engineering, mathematics, or a related discipline. You will have the necessary programming ability to conduct research in this area, a background in statistical modelling using Hidden Markov Models and research experience in speech recognition.

  A background in one or more of the following areas is also desirable: subspace Gaussian mixture models; joint factor analysis; speaker adaptation using the MLLR or MAP family of techniques; familiarity with software tools including HTK and Kaldi; experience of the design, construction and evaluation of large vocabulary speech recognition systems; distant speech recognition; and multilingual acoustic modelling.

  Informal inquiries can be made by email to Prof Steve Renals ( or Prof Simon King (

  This post is fixed-term for 2 years, with the possibility of extension.

4.  University of Sheffield.  Senior Research Fellow in Speech Transcription.

  You will  work on the Natural Transcription theme, addressing wide domain coverage, environment models and canonical acoustic models. Wide domain coverage in speech transcription is concerned with addressing the poor generalisation of recognition systems to new domains. Environment modelling means the automatic learning of acoustic scenarios for the benefit of improved far field recognition performance. Both of these rely on improved adaptability in recognition systems, addressed by the project on canonical acoustic modelling. You are required to work well in research teams and actively contribute to research advancement of the NST programme, the SpandH research group and the Department of Computer Science. All team members are expected to publish or contribute to publication in international conferences and journals at the forefront of the field.

  Applicants should have a PhD (or have equivalent experience) in a related subject area.  Solid knowledge of Unix type operating systems and programming in C/C++ is required.  Applicants should have experience in one or more of the following areas:  Acoustic modelling for automatic speech recognition, language modelling for automatic speech recognition, statistical pattern processing and the Hidden Markov Model Toolkit (HTK). Applicants are required to have an excellent track record in research of speech recognition and/or machine learning topics. Experience in research management is essential for this position as candidates are expected to take a leading role in site scientific management.

  Informal inquiries can be made by email to Dr Thomas Hain ( or Prof Phil Green (

  This post is fixed-term for 2 years, with the possibility of extension.

5. University of Sheffield.  Research Associate in Speech Transcription

  You will be expected to work on NST projects on wide domain coverage, environment models and canonical acoustic models. Wide domain coverage in speech transcription is concerned with addressing the poor generalisation of recognition systems to new domains. Environment modelling means the automatic learning of acoustic scenarios for the benefit of improved far field recognition performance. Both of these rely on improved adaptability in recognition systems, addressed by the project on canonical acoustic modelling.

  Applicants should have a PhD (or have equivalent experience) in a related subject area.  Solid knowledge of Unix type operating systems and programming in C/C++ is required.  Applicants should have experience in one or more of the following areas:  Acoustic modelling for automatic speech recognition, language modelling for automatic speech recognition, statistical pattern processing and the Hidden Markov Model Toolkit (HTK). Applicants are required to have a good track record in research of speech recognition and/or machine learning topics demonstrated by publications in international journals and conferences. Candidates are required to work well in research teams and actively contribute to research advancement of the NST programme, the SpandH research group and the Department of Computer Science. All team members are expected to publish or contribute to publication in international conferences and journals at the forefront of the field.

  Informal inquiries can be made by email to Dr Thomas Hain ( or Prof Phil Green (

  This post is fixed-term for 2 years, with the possibility of extension.

6.  University of Sheffield.  Research Associate in Clinical Applications of Speech Technology.

  You will work on the NST project homeService, which will develop personalised, adaptive speech technology allowing users (who may be disabled and may have speech disorders) to interact with environmental control systems and home monitoring devices. The goals are to help people who cannot use conventional (keyboard/ mouse/screen) interfaces, people who prefer not to use such interfaces, in circumstances where conventional interfaces are impractical and for people who cannot communicate with others verbally, because their speech is disordered or they cannot speak at all. To meet these challenges our overarching goal is spoken language technology which adapts to the voice and the needs of an individual, a 'personal adaptive listener'.

  Applicants should have a PhD (or have equivalent experience) in a related subject area.  Solid knowledge of Unix type operating systems and programming in C/C++ is required.  Applicants should have experience in one or more of the following areas:  Acoustic modelling for automatic speech recognition, language modelling for automatic speech recognition, statistical pattern processing and the Hidden Markov Model Toolkit (HTK). Applicants are required to have a track record in research of speech recognition, but must also demonstrate 'user-facing' skills, since homeService  will be based on a longitudinal study in which NST technology will be deployed in user's homes. Candidates are required to work well in research teams and actively contribute to research advancement of the NST programme, the SpandH research group and the Department of Computer Science. All team members are expected to publish or contribute to publication in international conferences and journals at the forefront of the field.

  Informal inquiries can be made by email to Prof Phil Green ( or Dr Thomas Hain (

  This post is fixed-term for 3 years, with the possibility of extension.

7.  University of Cambridge.  Two Research Associates in Speech Technology.

  Two positions for Research Associates will be available to work on NST at Cambridge. The five year programme is a collaboration between the University of Cambridge and the Universities of Edinburgh and Sheffield. It aims to significantly improve the state-of-the-art in large vocabulary speech recognition and speech synthesis. Appointments will be made for up to two years with the possibility of extension.

  Applicants must have a very good first degree in a relevant discipline and would normally have a PhD degree in an area related to speech technology. It is expected that candidates will have a good knowledge of software tools including HTK and HTS. A good knowledge of C/C++ is required. In addition, experience in one or more of the following technical areas is necessary: machine learning;  acoustic modelling techniques including methods for training and adaptation;  HMM-based speech synthesis;  language modelling for large vocabulary speech recognition.

  Informal inquiries can be made by email to Prof Phil Woodland (, Dr Mark Gales (, or Dr Bill Byrne (

  This post is fixed-term for 2 years, with the possibility of extension.

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6-26(2011-06-04) Post-doc 'Traitement du Langage Parlé' du LIMSI/CNRS

Le groupe 'Traitement du Langage Parlé' du LIMSI/CNRS
( recrute un post-doctorant pour travailler sur
le sujet :

Adaptation diachronique et thématique dans un système de reconnaissance.

 Le travail se fera en partie sur le projet ANR EDyLex
 (, et en partie dans le cadre
 du programme Quaero (

Les candidats devront savoir programmer dans un environnement Unix, et
être capable de parler et écrire en anglais.
Ils devront avoir obtenu un doctorat en traitement de la parole.

La durée du contrat est de 1 an.

Le travail se déroulera au LIMSI/CNRS qui se situe à Orsay, au sud de Paris.

Les candidatures devront être adressées, accompagnées d'un CV, à
Jean-Luc Gauvain( et Gilles ADDA (

The Spoken Language Processing Group at the LIMSI/CNRS
( is looking for a postdoc to participate in a
research project on 'Diachronic and thematic adaptation in a speech
transcription system'.

The work will be conducted in the framework of the EDyLex project
(, and of the Quaero
program (

Applicants should be experienced programmers, be familiar with the
Unix environment, and be able to speak and write in English.  The
successful candidate will have a PhD in speech processing.

The position, to be fulfilled as soon as possible, is opened for one

Location: LIMSI/CNRS Orsay, France (South of Paris)

Interested candidates should send a CV to Jean-Luc Gauvain
and Gilles Adda (

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6-27(2011-06-08) Ingénieur en conception et développement en expérimentation, Lab Phonétique et Phonologie, Paris
Ingénieur en conception et développement en expérimentation,

Affectation : Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie, PARIS


Mission :  
L'ingénieur en conception et développement en expérimentation assurera la conception, la mise en oeuvre, 
l'utilisation et la maintenance de dispositifs expérimentaux spécialisés dans le domaine de la parole. 
L'ingénieur aura la responsabilité de la plateforme expérimentale du Laboratoire de Phonétique et 
Phonologie qui comprend des dispositifs permettant l'acquisition de données sur la production et la 
perception de la parole. 
Sa mission consistera en particulier à concevoir et développer des solutions expérimentales et 
instrumentales adéquates pour l'acquisition et le prétraitement de ce type de données, et des outils pour 
leur analyse et leur mutualisation. 


Activités :  
-Développer, assurer le suivi et valoriser la plateforme expérimentale du LPP pour l'étude de la parole. 
-Concevoir les dispositifs et protocoles expérimentaux en collaboration avec les membres de l'unité pour 
répondre aux objectifs de recherche.
-Développer des procédures automatisées de pré-traitement des données (synchronisation, filtrage, 
uniformisation de formats, etc.).
-Développer et adapter des outils logiciels pour la visualisation et l'analyse des données et former à leur 
utilisation (pour des spécialistes et non spécialistes).
-Coordonner la réalisation de la base de données physiologiques du LPP et en assurer la diffusion sur le 
site Web du LPP.
-Assister chercheurs et étudiants dans le recueil des données, la réalisation des mesures, leur 
interprétation et leur validation pour leur exploitation scientifique.
-Contribuer à la formation aux techniques expérimentales pour l'étude de la parole.
-Participer à l'encadrement des stagiaires, doctorants et post-doctorants 
-Assurer la maintenance des ressources informatiques et instrumentales en place.


Compétences :  
-Avoir des connaissances approfondies dans le domaine de la parole, de son traitement phonétique 
(acoustique, articulatoire et physiologique)
-Avoir des connaissances approfondies dans le domaine de l'expérimentation, la mesure, et la 
synchronisation de signaux hétérogènes (audio, vidéo, etc.).
-Avoir des compétences approfondies en instrumentation, en traitement et analyse du signal, et plus 
particulièrement en acoustique de la parole. 
-Avoir des compétences informatiques pour la mise au point d'outils logiciels (adaptés à tous niveaux de 
compétences techniques) pour l'ensemble des utilisateurs de la plateforme du LPP.
-Avoir des compétences en programmation pour le traitement du signal et de l'image (Matlab, Praat, etc.).
-Avoir des compétences en conception et développement de bases de données.
-Maîtriser les techniques de communication scientifique écrite et orale en anglais pour la participation à 
des projets internationaux.


Contexte :  
Le Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie (LPP) est une unité mixte de recherche UMR 7018 CNRS-
Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3 regroupant des linguistes, phonéticiens, phonologues, 
psycholinguistes, informaticiens et médecins. Les activités sont centrées autour de la recherche et 
l'enseignement en phonétique et phonologie expérimentales. Depuis 2008, le LPP est doté d'un 
équipement semi-lourd constituant la Plateforme d'Etude Physiologique de la Parole (PEP2) dont une partie 
est située à l'Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou. Celle-ci comprend une vingtaine d'instruments de 
recueil de données physiologiques (électrophysiologiques, aérodynamiques, vidéo, capture de 
mouvements, etc.). Ce parc instrumental spécialisé est unique au niveau européen, et permet, en 
particulier, l'acquisition simultanée de plusieurs modalités physiologiques. Pour en savoir plus :

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6-28(2011-06-14) 3 Professorships on Speech Coding, Semantic Audio Processing and Psychoacoustics at International Audio Laboratories Erlangen, Germany

Title: Professorships on Speech Coding, Semantic Audio Processing and
Psychoacoustics at International Audio Laboratories Erlangen, Germany

website 1:

website 2:

Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

The Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nürnberg and the
Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft with its Institute for Integrated Circuits
jointly operate the 'International Audio Laboratories Erlangen', which
conduct both fundamental and applied research on novel audio technology.
This involves a close and long-term collaboration between both
institutions stipulated by contract. Eventually, more than 50 scientists
will work in this internationally unique research facility.

The Faculty of Engineering invites applications for the following three
professorships to be filled at the Department of Electrical,
Electronics, and Communication Engineering:

W 3-Professorship in Semantic Audio Processing (tenured)

The successful applicant will be expected to represent the field of
semantic processing of audio signals both in research and teaching.
Special focus should be on intelligent and object-oriented analysis,
semantic processing, and respective synthesis of complex audio signal

W 2-Professorship in Psychoacoustics (limited to 5 years)

The successful applicant will be expected to represent the field of
psychoacoustic modelling of human auditory perception and its cognitive
aspects both in research and teaching. Focus areas can be spatial
auditory attributes, computational auditory scene analysis, or
subjective signal quality, as it is relevant for perceptually motivated
audio signal processing and coding.

W 2-Professorship in Speech Coding (limited to 5 years)

The successful applicant will be expected to represent the field of
speech coding both in research and teaching. Special focus should be on
modern methods for low bit-rate combined speech and audio coding, speech
coding based on analysis-by-synthesis, and speech transformation.

Qualifications include university graduate and doctoral degrees, good
teaching skills, and a habilitation or equivalent other qualification,
which may have been gained outside the University or within a

At the time of appointment the candidate must not exceed 52 years of
age. The Ministry for Science, Research and Art, with approval by the
Ministry of Finance, may grant exemptions to this rule. The appointment
will be made by the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg. This appointment
will be made by the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg.

The University of Erlangen-Nürnberg is committed to a profamily policy
and an equal opportunity employer. We strongly encourage women to apply
in an effort to increase a female representation in research and teaching.

The University of Erlangen-Nürnberg pursues a policy of intensive study
support of its students and expects therefore that its teaching staff
maintain a substantial student contact time by being present at the

All other qualifications being equal handicapped persons will be given

Application documents (curriculum vitae, photograph, list of
publications and teaching activities, and certified copies of degree
certificates but no publications) must be sent not later than July 30,
2011 to: Dekan der Technischen Fakultät der Universität
Erlangen-Nürnberg, Martensstraße 5a, 91058 Erlangen, Germany.

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6-29(2011-06-14) Professeur Angers France
Un poste de professeur 27 (voir fiche de poste ci-après) sera à pourvoir à
l'Université d'Angers (LERIA et département d'informatique de l'UFR
Sciences) lors d'un recrutement au fil de l'eau pour une prise de fonction
prévue au 1 novembre 2011.

Le calendrier provisoire du concours est le suivant :

- 07/07/2011 au 18/08/2011 : Ouverture de la campagne et candidatures
- 12/09/2011 au 29/09/2011 : Travaux du comité de sélection
- 07/10/2011 au 14/10/2011 : V½ux des candidats
- 17/10/2011 : Publication des résultats sur GALAXIE
- 01/11/2011 : Prise de fonction

Le recrutement étant totalement ouvert, les personnes intéressées peuvent
dès à présent prendre contact.

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