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ISCApad Archive  »  2011  »  ISCApad #155  »  Events  »  Other Events  »  (2011-11-25) 5th Language and Technology Conference (LTC 2011), Poznan, Poland

ISCApad #155

Saturday, May 14, 2011 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-38 (2011-11-25) 5th Language and Technology Conference (LTC 2011), Poznan, Poland

The 5th Language and Technology Conference (LTC 2011), November 25-27, 2011, Poznań, Poland CALL FOR PAPERS The 5th Language and Technology Conference (LTC'11), a meeting organized by the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland in cooperation with the Adam Mickiewicz University Foundation, will take place on November 25-27, 2011. Since very beginning the meetings of the LTC series continue to address Human Language Technologies (HLT) as a challenge for computer science, linguistics and related fields. Fostering language technologies and resources remains an important mission in the dynamically changing information-saturated world. We aim at contributing to this mission and we invite you to join us in that at LTC'11 in November 2011, traditionally held in Poznań, Poland. CONFERENCE TOPICS The conference topics include the following (the ordering is not significative): * electronic language resources and tools * formalization of natural languages * parsing and other forms of NL processing * computer modeling of language competence * NL user modeling * NL understanding by computers * knowledge representation * man-machine NL interfaces * Logic Programming in Natural Language Processing * speech processing * NL applications in robotics * text-based information retrieval and extraction * question answering * tools and methodologies for developing multilingual systems * translation enhancement tools * corpora-based methods in language engineering * WordNet-like ontologies * methodological issues in HLT * language-specific computational challenges for HLTs (especially for languages other than English) * validation in all areas of HLTs * HLT standards and best practices * HLTs as a support for foreign language teaching * HLTs as support for e-learning * communicative intelligence * legal issues connected with HLTs (problems and challenges) * contribution of HLTs to the Homeland Security problems (technology applications and legal aspects) * visionary papers in the field of HLT * HLT related policies * system prototype presentations This list is by no means closed and we are open to further proposals. Please do not hesitate to contact us in order to feed us with your suggestions and ideas of how to satisfy your expectations concerning the program. The Program Committee is also open to suggestions concerning accompanying events (workshops, exhibits, panels, etc). Suggestions, ideas and observations may be addressed directly to the LTC Chair by email ( ). Language: The conference language is English Contact: Paper submission The conference accepts papers in English. Papers (5 formatted pages in the conference format) are due by June 20, 2011 (midnight, any time zone) and should not identify the author(s) in any manner. In order to facilitate submission we have decided to reduce the formatting requirements as much as possible at this stage. Please, however, do observe the following: 1. Accepted fonts for texts are Times Roman, Times New Roman. Courier is recommended for program listings. Character size for the main text should be 10 points, with 11 points leading (line spacing). 2. Text should be presented in 2 columns, 8,42 cm each with 0,95 cm between columns (gutter). 3. The document size is 5 pages formatted according to (1) and (2) above. 4. The use of PDF format is strongly recommended, although MS Word will also be accepted. (Please no latex and other formats) You may also use the templates (ELRA/LREC based format), to be found at (soon). Detailed guidelines for the final submission of accepted papers will be published on the conference web site before September 12, 2011. All submissions are to be made electronically via the LTC'11 web submission system (EasyChair). Acceptance/rejection notification will be sent by September 12, 2011. PUBLICATION POLICY Acceptance will be based on the reviewers' assessments (anonymous submission model). The accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings (hard copy, with ISBN number) and on CD-ROM. The abstracts of the accepted contributions will also be made available via the conference page (during its lifetime). Publication requires full electronic registration and payment of the conference fee (full registration) by at least one of the co-authors before October 12, 2011. A post-conference volume with extended versions of selected papers is planned to be published. As this was the case for post-LTC'07 (v. 5603) and LTC'09 (v. 6562), it is planned to publish them in the Springer series Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. IMPORTANT DATES/DEADLINES * Deadline for submission of papers for review: June 20, 2011 * Acceptance/Rejection notification: September 12, 2011 * Deadline for submission of final versions of accepted papers: October 12, 2011 * Conference: November 25-27, 2011 REGISTRATION Only electronic registration will be possible. Details will be published at CONFERENCE FEES Non-student participants: Regular registration fee (payment before October 13, 2011) 190 EURO Late registration fee (payment after October 12, 2011) 240 EURO Student participants: Regular registration fee (payment before October 13, 2011) 120 EURO Late registration fee (payment after October 12, 2011) 160 EURO To be entitled to student rates the participant must present a student identity card (or equivalent document)valid on June 20, 2011. The conference fee covers: * participation in the scientific program * conference materials * proceedings on CD and paper * social events (banquet,...) * coffee breaks EXHIBITIONS AND SPECIAL EVENTS *Poster forum* Although all accepted papers will be presented by the authors in the traditional, standard way (oral presentation + discussion), the organizers will offer to the authors an additional opportunity to present (mini) posters containing the abstract and the key ideas of the paper. Posters will be presented by the organizers during the LTC in the conference area. No extra fee will be charged for this form of presentation. The poster size will be A1, horizontal. (Notice. The Poster forum should not be confused with traditional poster sessions. In particular, there will be no limited presentation time and the posters do not have to be accompanied by the authors) *Hyde park corner* We intend to arrange 'A Hyde Park Corner' for non-reviewed presentations and positions. Limited number of presentations (depending on the available space) will be accepted. The content must meet the conference scope and aims. Both form and content must conform to the Polish and International Law. Texts will be presented on the sole responsibility of the authors/presenters and will not be published or reproduced in the Conference documents. *A book exhibition* is intended (call for exhibitors in preparation). Also, registered participants are invited to bring hard copies of their papers and books. We plan to make special presentations of the achievements of the conference participants, irrespective of whether they are directly related to the conference topic. *Tutorials* A tutorial program is under construction. *Special events.* Besides the standard conference presentation of papers, the Organizers are open to various kinds of initiatives (expos, demos, satellite workshops, panels, awards). A program of special events is now under construction. You are welcome to contact us with your suggestions. AWARDS FOR BEST STUDENT PAPERS As at the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Language and Technology Conferences (2005, 2007, 2009) special awards will be granted to the best student papers. The regular or PhD students (on the date of paper submission) are concerned. Co-authored papers will be considered provided that the students' contributions exceeds 60% and that the main author(s) is (are) student(s)(this fact must be documented by a written declaration signed by all co-authors). In 2005 the Jury, composed of the Program Committee members present at the conference, awarded this distinction to: Ronny Melz (University of Leipzig, Germany), Hartwig Holzapfel (University of Karlsruhe, Germany), Marcin Woliński (IPI PAN, Warsaw, Poland). In 2007 this distinction went to Daria Fišer (University of Ljubljana) In 2009 two awards were granted: to Mahmoud EL-Haj (University of Essex, UK) and Alexander Pak (LIMSI-CNRS, Orsay, France). VISAS Participants from some non-EC countries may need visas to enter the Polish territory. Visa delivery is exclusively in competence of the Visa Authorities of the Schengen Convention countries. If you have any doubts, we recommend you to check your situation with the nearest Polish Consulate in your residence country. If you are author (co-author) of an accepted paper, we can confirm - if necessary - that we expect your presence at the conference for paper presentation. Upon request, we may also write a confirmation letter (in Polish) directly to the Polish Consulate indicated by you. To do this we will need a request letter (e-mail) from you in which you will provide us with the address of the Consulate you wish us to contact. To get information about countries whose citizens are not required to have a visa when entering Poland and to find important telephone numbers you may also visit the web site of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (see Consular Information ) Conference location: Poznań, Poland. Further details will be announced soon at ACCOMODATION There are several large scale events in Poznań at the LTC 2009 time (November 25-27, 2011). Therefore, we strongly recommend you to make hotel reservation in advance. There are several standard possibilities to book via Internet. Also, a special offer for Conference participants has been prepared by the travel agency Zimny ( ). OTHER MANY important information will is provided at Please check it from time to time and do not hesitate to ask questions at

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