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ISCApad Archive  »  2011  »  ISCApad #153  »  ISCA News  »  Call for Board Member Nominations

ISCApad #153

Saturday, March 05, 2011 by Chris Wellekens

2-1 Call for Board Member Nominations

Dear ISCA Member,

As you may know, the ISCA Board currently has fourteen members from
eleven countries (see full list below). Members are elected to the
Board for a period of four years and no member may serve on the Board
for more than two consecutive terms.

The following five Board members have now served for one term of four

Alan Black, USA (Grants and Awards)

Helen Meng, Hong Kong (Student Affairs Coordinator)

Bernd Möbius, Germany (Treasurer)

Yoshinori Sagisaka, Japan (Distinguished Lecturers, Language SIG?s,

External Liaison)

Tanja Schultz, Germany (Future Conferences)

Yoshinori Sagisaka has decided not to stand for reelection. Alan

Helen Meng, Bernd Möbius, and Tanja Schultz, have all indicated
their willingness to serve on the Board for another four years if

According to the ISCA by-laws, elections to the Board may take place
in April or May every two years. Nominations of candidates for the
Board member elections can be made by the Board and by each ISCA

The Board would therefore like to invite nominations from the ISCA
membership. As of this year, the ISCA statutes permit a maximum of
three Board members from any single country. As there are currently
no more than two Board members from any single country, there is no
restriction on nominations pertaining to country.

Nominations to the Board are to be made with the support of three
members of ISCA and with agreement from the candidate in either
written or electronic form.

Members who are elected to the Board will be expected to take up one
of the areas of responsibility, to commit time to furthering the work
of ISCA in their area, to attend the two-day Board meeting that takes
place in conjunction with the annual INTERSPEECH conference and to
participate in additional virtual meetings during the year
(teleconferences). Note that members often change responsibility
areas over the course of their board involvement; listed assignments
just represent the status as of February 2011. All candidates should
be aware of these obligations and commit themselves to fulfilling
them before agreeing to be nominated.

The Board will accept nominations either from proposers or
self-nominations, as long as indication of support is provided.
Please send your nomination(s) to the ISCA Secretariat BY MARCH 20TH (Sunday) with the following

Full Name and Title:

Position and Institution:

Research area:

Indication of willingness to serve if elected:


URL (where CV may be found):

Short biography (one paragraph):

Short statement (one paragraph, describing the work they would intend
to do on the Board):

Names and emails of three proposers (ISCA members):

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require further
information about the nomination process or about duties of ISCA
Board members.

Best regards,

Isabel Trancoso (ISCA President)

David House (ISCA Secretary)


Current ISCA Board membership

Isabel Trancoso, Portugal (President)

Jean-François Bonastre, France (Vice President)

David House, Sweden (Secretary)

Bernd Möbius, Germany (Treasurer)

Alan Black, USA (Grants and Awards)

Nick Campbell, Ireland (Workshops)

Keikichi Hirose, Japan (Fellows)

Haizhou Li, Singapore, (Web and Archive)

Helen Meng, Hong Kong (Student Affairs Coordinator)

Douglas O?Shaughnessy, Canada (Current Conferences)

Michael Picheny, USA (Topic SIG?s, Industrial Liaison, Journals)

Yoshinori Sagisaka, Japan (Distinguished Lecturers, Language SIG?s,

External Liaison)

Tanja Schultz, Germany (Future Conferences)

Yannis Stylianou, Greece (Training, Education, Video Archive)

In addition to the Board members listed above, the Board continues to
receive the great help of two ex-officio members: Wolfgang Hess
(Archive) and Christian Wellekens (ISCApad).


Board members whose first term is ending

Alan Black, USA, 2011 (First term)

Helen Meng, Hong Kong, 2011 (First term)

Bernd Möbius, Germany, 2011 (First term)

Yoshinori Sagisaka, Japan, 2011 (First term)

Tanja Schultz, Germany, 2011 (First term)

Board members whose first term continues

Nick Campbell, Ireland, 2013 (First term)

Keikichi Hirose, Japan, 2013 (First term)

Haizhou Li, Singapore, 2013 (First term)

Douglas O?Shaughnessy, Canada, 2013 (First term)

Yannis Stylianou, Greece, 2013 (First term)

Board members whose second term continues

Jean-Francois Bonastre, France, 2013 (Second term)

David House, Sweden, 2013 (Second term)

Michael Picheny, USA, 2013 (Second term)

Isabel Trancoso, Portugal, 2013 (Second term)

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