We would like to invite you to submit a paper to the SLaTE-2011 workshop August 24-26, 2011 (before Interspeech-2011 in Florence, Italy) Ca' Foscari University, Venice, Italy http://project.cgm.unive.it/events/SLaTE2011/
ISCA-SIG SLaTE The ISCA (International Speech Communication Association) Special Interest Group (SIG) on Speech and Language Technology in Education (SLaTE) promotes the use of speech and language technology for educational purposes, and provides a forum for exchanging information (http://www.sigslate.org).
WORKSHOP THEMES The workshop will address all topics related to SLaTE, such as: - Speech technology for education - Natural language processing for education - Spoken dialogue systems for education - Applications using speech and/or natural language processing for education - Intelligent tutoring systems using speech and natural language - Development of language resources for SLaTE applications - Assessment of SLaTE methods and applications
We especially welcome contributions on the future of Speech and Language Technology in Education, e.g. mobile learning, serious gaming, virtual reality, social media (networks), etc. In addition, we would like to invite demonstrations of systems.
PAPER SUBMISSION Full 4-page papers should be submitted before April 8, 2011. Notification of acceptance or rejection of papers will be given by June 10, 2011. For further information see http://project.cgm.unive.it/events/SLaTE2011/ If you have questions, you can send an e-mail to SLaTE2011-org (at) let.ru.nl
ORGANIZATION SLaTE-2011 will be organized by Helmer Strik, Catia Cucchiarini (Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands, technical program), Rodolfo Delmonte and Rocco Tripodi (Ca' Foscari University, Venice, Italy, local organizers), within the framework of the ISCA-SIG SLaTE (see http://www.sigslate.org).
Best regards, Helmer Strik, Catia Cucchiarini, Rodolfo Delmonte, and Rocco Tripodi The SLaTE-2011 Organizing Committee |