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ISCApad Archive  »  2010  »  ISCApad #150  »  Resources  »  Database  »  Bell System Technical Journal (1922-1983) available .

ISCApad #150

Tuesday, December 07, 2010 by Chris Wellekens

5-2-1 Bell System Technical Journal (1922-1983) available .
I received this very good news from Joseph P. Campbell (MIT Lincoln

The entire Bell System Technical Journal from 1922--1983 is now
available on line! It is offered in PDF format sorted by year, volume, and
issue; and it is searchable:

BSTJ holds a wealth of consolidated information of outstanding contributions
from Bell Labs over the years. For example, check out Fletcher's 1922
article 'The Nature of Speech and Its Interpretation', BSTJ, vol 1, no 1.
Also see Shannon's landmark paper and much, much more!

As Joe pointed out, the current generation of researchers didn't grow up
with BSTJs under their bed like we both did, but for the older generation
that remembers these great articles, this is indeed very good news.

--Isabel Trancoso

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