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ISCApad Archive  »  2010  »  ISCApad #150  »  Journals  »  Special issue on Content based Multimedia Indexing in Multimedia Tools and Applications Journal

ISCApad #150

Tuesday, December 07, 2010 by Chris Wellekens

7-4 Special issue on Content based Multimedia Indexing in Multimedia Tools and Applications Journal

Special Issue on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing CBMI’2010
Second call for submissions

This call is related to the CBMI’2010 workshop but is open to
all contributions on a relevant topic, whether submitted at
CBMI’2010 or not.

The Special issue of Multimedia Tools and Applications Journal
will contain selected papers, after resubmission and review
from 8th International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia
Indexing CBMI’2010. Following the seven successful previous
events (Toulouse 1999, Brescia 2001, Rennes 2003, Riga 2005,
Bordeaux 2007, London 2008, Chania 2009), 2010 International
Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI) will be
held on June 23-25, 2010 in Grenoble, France. It will be
organized by the Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble CBMI 2010 aims at bringing together
the various communities involved in the different aspects of
content-based multimedia indexing, such as image processing
and information retrieval with current industrial trends and
developments. Research in Multimedia Indexing covers a wide
spectrum of topics in content analysis, content description,
content adaptation and content retrieval. Hence, topics of
interest for the Special Issue include, but are not limited to:

- Multimedia indexing and retrieval (image, audio, video, text)
- Matching and similarity search
- Construction of high level indices
- Multimedia content extraction
- Identification and tracking of semantic regions in scenes
- Multi-modal and cross-modal indexing
- Content-based search
- Multimedia data mining
- Metadata generation, coding and transformation
- Large scale multimedia database management
- Summarisation, browsing and organization of multimedia content
- Presentation and visualization tools
- User interaction and relevance feedback
- Personalization and content adaptation

Paper Format
Papers must be typed in a font size no smaller than 10 pt,
and presented in single-column format with double line spacing
on one side A4 paper. All pages should be numbered. The
manuscript should be formatted according to the requirements
of the journal. Detailed information about the Journal,
including an author guide and detailed formatting information
is available at:

Paper Submission
All papers must be submitted through the journals Editorial
Manager system: When uploading your paper,
please ensure that your manuscript is marked as being for this
special issue.

Important Dates
Manuscript due:              19th of April 2010
Notification of acceptance:  1st of July 2010
Publication date:            January 2011

Guest Editors
Dr. Georges Quénot
LIG UMR 5217 INPG-INRIA-University Joseph Fourier, UPMF -CNRS
Campus Scientifique, BP 53, 38041 Grenoble Cedex 9, France
e-mail :

Prof. Jenny Benois-Pineau,
University of Bordeaux1, LABRI UMR 5800 Universities Bordeaux-CNRS,

Prof. Régine André-Obrecht
University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, IRIT UMR UPS/CNRS/UT1/UTM, France

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