ISCA - International Speech
Communication Association

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ISCApad #149

Friday, November 05, 2010 by Chris Wellekens

3-3 Other Events
3-3-1(2010-11-08) 12th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces

Call for Papers: ICMI-MLMI 2010


12th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces


7th Workshop on Machine Learning for Multimodal Interaction


Beijing, China, November 8-12, 2010


The Twelfth International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces and the

Seventh Workshop on Machine Learning for Multimodal Interaction will be

held jointly in Beijing China during November 8-12, 2010. The primary aim

of ICMI-MLMI 2010 is to further scientific research within the broad

field of multimodal interaction, methods, and systems, focusing on major

trends and challenges, and working towards identifying a roadmap for

future research and commercial success. The conference will continue to

feature a single-track with keynote speakers, technical paper

presentations, poster sessions, a doctoral consortium, and

demonstrations of state of the art multimodal systems and concepts. The

conference will be followed by workshops.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

    - Multimodal input and output interfaces

    - Multimodal human behavior analysis

    - Machine learning methods for multimodal processing

    - Fusion techniques and hybrid architectures

    - Processing of language and action patterns

    - Gaze and vision-based interfaces

    - Speech and conversational interfaces

    - Pen-based interfaces

    - Haptic interfaces

    - Brain-computer interfaces

    - Cognitive modeling of users  

    - Multi-biometric interfaces

    - Multimodal-multisensor interfaces

    - Interfaces for attentive and intelligent environments

    - Mobile, tangible and virtual/augmented multimodal interfaces

    - Distributed/collaborative multimodal interfaces

    - Tools and system infrastructure issues for designing multimodal interfaces

    - Evaluation of multimodal interfaces

    - AI techniques and adaptive multimodal interfaces


Paper Submission

There are two different submission categories: regular paper and short

paper. The page limit is 8 pages for regular papers and 4 pages for

short papers.


Demo Submission

Proposals for demos shall be submitted to demo chairs electronically. A

two page description with photographs of the demo is required.


Organizing Committee

General Chairs:

Wen Gao, Peking University

Chin-Hui Lee, Georgia Tech

Jie Yang, Carnegie Mellon University


Program Chairs

Xilin Chen, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Maxine Eskenazi, Carnegie Mellon University

Zhengyou Zhang, Microsoft Research


Important Dates

    Workshop proposals due: April 1, 2010

    Workshop proposal acceptance notification: May 1, 2010

    Paper submission: May 20, 2010

    Author notification: July 20, 2010

    Camera-ready due: August 20, 2010

    Conference: Nov. 8-10, 2010

    Workshops: Nov. 11-12, 2010


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3-3-2(2010-11-11) 3rd Workshop on Child, Computer and Interaction (WOCCI 2010)

The 3rd Workshop on Child, Computer and Interaction WOCCI 2010 ( will be held in Beijing, China, on November 11-12, 2010. T

he Workshop is a satellite event of the Twelth International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI), which is held this year jointly with the Workshop on Machine Learning and Multimodal Interaction ICMI-MLMI 2010 ( that will take place in the same venue on November 8-10, 2010. This 2-day session follows the first two of the WOCCI series which were held in Crete in October 2008 and Boston in November 2009, respectively.

Two page abstract submission: July 1, 2010

Notification of acceptance: July 20, 2010

Final paper (4-8 pages) submission and authors' registration: August 20, 2010

The Workshop aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners from universities and industry working in all aspects of multimodal child-machine interaction with particular emphasis on, but not limited to, speech interactive interfaces.

Children are special both at the acoustic/linguistic level but also at the interaction level. The Workshop provides a unique opportunity for bringing together different research communities to demonstrate various state-of-the-art components that can make up the next generation of child centred computer interaction. These technological advances are increasingly necessary in a world where education and health pose growing challenges to the core wellbeing of our societies. Noticeable examples are remedial treatments for children with or without disabilities, and first and second language learning. The Workshop should serve for presenting recent advancements in all core technologies for multimodal child-machine interaction as well as experimental systems and prototypes.

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3-3-3(2010-11-15) Tutorial and Special Session on Forensic Voice Comparison and Forensic Acoustics


Tutorial and Special Session on Forensic Voice Comparison and Forensic Acoustics at 2nd Pan-American/Iberian Meeting on Acoustics, Cancún, Mexico, 15–19 November 2010.

The official call for papers for the Pan-Am/Iberian meeting is now out and the deadline for submissions is 1 June 2010.

In February 2009 the National Research Council (NRC) Report to Congress on Strengthening Forensic Science in the United States found that:

“[S]ome forensic disciplines are supported by little rigorous systematic research to validate the discipline’s basic premises and techniques. There is no evident reason why such research cannot be conducted” (p. 22).

“The development of scientific research, training, technology, and databases associated with DNA analysis have resulted from substantial and steady federal support for both academic research and programs employing techniques for DNA analysis. Similar support must be given to all credible forensic science disciplines if they are to achieve the degrees of reliability needed to serve the goals of justice.” (p. 13)

Over the last decade, a small number of researchers (principally in Australia, Spain, and Switzerland) have been working on developing demonstrably valid and reliable forensic voice comparison with evidence evaluated using the same framework as is applied to the evaluation of DNA evidence.

Meanwhile in the Americas there has been little interest in this field of research.

The NRC report gives a new impetus for conducting forensic voice comparison research and holds out the hope for new funding opportunities in this area.

The 2nd Pan-American/Iberian Meeting on Acoustics provides an excellent opportunity to bring together researchers from Iberia and other parts of the world with researchers from the Americas to help foster research in this area in the Americas.

It also provides a venue for an exchange of ideas between researchers working on acoustic-phonetic and signal-processing approaches to forensic voice comparison. 

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3-3-4(2010-11-29) 2010 Int. Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing (ISCSLP 2010) Taiwan


2010 International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing (ISCSLP 2010)
November 29 – December 3, 2010  -  Tainan and Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan

ISCSLP is the flagship conference of ISCA SIG-CSLP (International Speech Communication Association, Special Interest Group on Chinese Spoken Language Processing). ISCSLP2010 will be held during November 29 - December 3, 2010 in Tainan and Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan hosted by National Cheng Kung University.
Tainan, located in south-western Taiwan, is the city of cultural origin. There are many historical places and heritage sites. In addition, Tainan is a modern city with various shopping centers, department stores, and night markets. It will be a wonderful opportunity to experience Taiwanese cultures when you visit Tainan. Sun Moon Lake, the largest lake located in central Taiwan, is a beautiful alpine lake, with its eastern part rounded like the sun and the western side shaped like a crescent moon. Its crystalline, emerald green body of water reflects the hills and mountains surrounding on all sides. Its natural beauty is further enhanced by numerous cultural and historical sites.

We invite your participation in this premier conference, where the language from ancient civilizations embraces modern computing technology. ISCSLP 2010 will feature world-renowned plenary speakers, tutorials, exhibits, and a number of lecture and poster sessions on the following topics:
Speech Production and Perception
Phonetics and Phonology
Speech Analysis
Speech Coding
Speech Enhancement
Speech Recognition
Speech Synthesis
Language Modeling and Spoken Language Understanding
Spoken Dialog Systems
Spoken Language Translation
Speaker and Language Recognition
Computer-Assisted Language Learning
Indexing, Retrieval and Authoring of Speech Signals
Multi-Modal Interface including Spoken Language Processing
Spoken Language Resources and Technology Evaluation
Applications of Spoken Language Processing Technology
Official Language & Publication
The official language of ISCSLP is English.
All papers accepted will be included in IEEE Xplore and indexed by EI Compendex.
Paper Submission
Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished work in English.
Papers should be submitted via
Each submission will be reviewed by two or more reviewers.
At least one author of each paper is required to register.
Important Dates
Full paper submission by July 15, 2010
Notification of acceptance by Aug. 30, 2010
Camera ready papers by Sep. 13, 2010
Registration to cover an accepted paper by Oct.13, 2010

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3-3-5(2010-12-02) 7th International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation,Paris (IWSLT 2010)


 7th International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation
                             (IWSLT 2010)

                  Second Call for Participation / Papers

                          December 2-3, 2010
                             Paris, France



The International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT)
is a yearly scientific workshop, associated with an open evaluation
campaign on spoken language translation, where both scientific papers
and system descriptions are presented. The 7th International Workshop
on Spoken Language Translation will take place in Paris, France
on 2-3 December 2010.

=== Scientific Papers: to be submitted at latest on September 10, 2010 (deadline extended)

The IWSLT invites submissions of scientific papers to be published
in the workshop proceedings and presented in dedicated technical sessions
of the workshop, either in oral or poster form. The workshop welcomes high
quality contributions covering theoretical and practical issues in the field
of machine translation (MT), in general, and spoken language translation (SLT),
including Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), Text-to-Speech Synthesis (TTS)
and MT, in particular.

Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

  - Speech and text MT
  - Integration of ASR and MT
  - MT and SLT approaches
  - MT and SLT evaluation
  - Language resources for MT and SLT
  - Open source software for MT and SLT
  - Pivot-language-based MT
  - Adaptation in MT
  - Simultaneous speech translation
  - Efficiency in MT
  - Stream-based algorithms for MT
  - Multilingual ASR and TTS

Submitted manuscripts will be peer-reviewed by three members of the workshop
program committee. Authors of accepted papers are requested to present their
paper at the workshop.

=== Evaluation Campaign

IWSLT evaluations are not organized for the sake of competition, but their goal
is to foster cooperative work and scientific exchange. In this respect, IWSLT
proposes challenging research tasks and an open experimental infrastructure
for the scientific community working on spoken and written language translation.
This year, the IWSLT evaluation campaign offers three tasks:

  - public speeches (TALK) on a variety of topics, from English to French (NEW CHALLENGE),
  - spoken dialogues (DIALOG) in travel situations, between Chinese and English,
  - traveling expressions (BTEC), from Arabic, Turkish, and French to English.

For each task, monolingual and bilingual language resources are provided to
participants in order to train their translation systems, as well as sets of manual
and automatic speech transcripts (with n-best and lattices) and reference translations,
allowing researchers working only on written language translation to also participate.
Moreover, blind test sets will be released and all translation outputs produced
by the participants will be evaluated using several automatic translation quality
metrics. Human assessment will be carried out for the translation of spoken dialogues
and basic travel expressions.

The goal of this year's new challenge (translation of public speeches) is to
establish reference baselines and appropriate evaluation protocols for future
evaluations. As a consequence, although an evaluation server will be set-up to compute
several translation accuracy metrics, there will be no official ranking of participants
published by the organizers for this task.

Each participant in the evaluation campaign is requested to submit a paper describing
the MT system, the utilized resources, and results using the provided test data.
Contrastive run submissions using only the bilingual resources provided by IWSLT
as well as investigations of the contribution of each utilized resource are highly
appreciated. Results feedback will be provided by the organizers a few days after
the run submissions. Finally, all participants are requested to present their papers
describing their MT systems at the workshop.

=== Important Dates

Scientific Papers:

  - Paper submission due 10 September 2010 (deadline extended)
  - Notification of acceptance 16 October 2010
  - Camera-ready paper due 10 November 2010

Evaluation Campaign:

  - Training corpus release 28 May 2010
  - Test corpus release 23 August 2010
  - Run submissions due (DIALOG, BTEC) 6 September 2010
  - Run submissions due (TALK) 30 September 2010
  - MT system description due 14 October 2010
  - Notification of acceptance 29 October 2010
  - Camera-ready paper due 10 November 2010

=== Organizers

IWSLT Steering Committee:

  - Alex Waibel (CMU, USA / Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany)
  - Marcello Federico (FBK-irst, Italy)
  - Satoshi Nakamura (NICT, Japan)


  * Workshop:

    - Alex Waibel (CMU, USA / KIT, Germany)
    - Joseph Mariani (LIMSI-CNRS & IMMI, France)

  * Evaluation Committee:

    - Michael Paul (NICT, Japan)
    - Marcello Federico (FBK-irst, Italy)

  * Program Committee:

    - Ian Lane (CMU, USA)
    - François Yvon (LIMSI-CNRS/U. Paris Sud 11, France)

Local Organizing Committee:

  - Martine Garnier-Rizet (IMMI, Chair)
  - Lynn Barreteau (IMMI)
  - Joseph Mariani (LIMSI-CNRS & IMMI)
  - Aurélien Max (LIMSI-CNRS/U. Paris Sud 11)
  - Guillaume Wisniewski (LIMSI-CNRS/U. Paris Sud 11)

Program Committee:

  - Alexandre Allauzen (LIMSI-CNRS/U. Paris Sud 11, France)
  - Laurent Besacier (LIG, France)
  - Arianna Bisazza (FBK-irst, Italy)
  - Francisco Casacuberta (ITI-UPV, Spain)
  - Boxing Chen (NRC, Canada)
  - Mehmet Uğur Doğan (Tubitak-Uekae, Turkey)
  - Matthias Eck (Mobile Technologies, USA)
  - Philipp Koehn (Univ. Edinburgh, UK)
  - Philippe Langlais (Univ. Montreal, Canada)
  - Geunbae Geunbae Lee (POSTECH, Korea)
  - Yves Lepage (Waseda Univ., Japan)
  - Haizhou Li (I2R, Singapore)
  - Qun Liu (ICT, China)
  - José B. Mariño (TALP-UPC, Spain)
  - Coskun Mermer (Tubitak-Uekae, Turkey)
  - Hermann Ney (RWTH, Germany)
  - Hwee Tou Ng (NUS, Singapore)
  - Matthias Paulik (CMU, USA)
  - Holger Schwenk (LIUM, France)
  - Wade Shen (MIT-LL, USA)
  - Sebastian Stüker (KIT, Germany)
  - Eiichiro Sumita (NICT, Japan)
  - Hajime Tsukada (NTT, Japan)
  - Haifeng Wang (Baidu, China)
  - Andy Way (DCU, Ireland)
  - Joy Zhang (CMU, USA)
  - Imed Zitouni (IBM, USA)
  - Chengqing Zong (CASIA, China)

For all information, please visit the IWSLT 2010 Web site:


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3-3-6(2010-12-10) NIPS Workshop Modeling Human Communication Dynamics
Modeling Human Communication Dynamics
NIPS Workshop, Whistler, British Columbia, Canada 
Friday, December 10th, 2010 
Submission Deadline: October 15th, 2010

Face-to-face communication is a highly interactive process in which the participants mutually exchange and 
interpret verbal and nonverbal messages. Both the interpersonal dynamics and the dynamic interactions among 
an individual's perceptual, cognitive, and motor processes are swift and complex. How people accomplish these 
feats  of coordination is a question of great scientific interest. Models of human communication dynamics also 
have much potential practical value, for applications including the understanding of communications problems 
such as autism and the creation of socially intelligent robots able to recognize, predict, and analyze verbal 
and nonverbal behaviors in real-time interaction with humans.

Modeling human communicative dynamics brings exciting new problems and challenges to the NIPS community.  
The first goal of this workshop is to raise awareness in the machine learning community of these problems, 
including some applications needs, the special properties of these input streams, and the modeling challenges.  
The second goal is to exchange information about methods, techniques, and algorithms suitable for modeling 
human communication dynamics.  After the workshop, depending on interest, we may arrange to publish full-paper 
versions of selected submissions, possibly as a volume in the JMLR Workshop and Conference papers series.


We therefore invite submissions of short high-quality papers describing research on Human Communication 
Dynamics and related topics.  Suitable themes include, but are not limited to:

* modeling methods robust to semi-synchronized streams (gestural, lexical, prosodic, etc.)
* learning methods robust to the highly variable response lags seen in human interaction
* coupled models for the explicit simultaneous modeling of more than one participant
* ways to combine symbolic (lexical) and non-symbolic information
* learning of models that are valuable for both behavior recognition and behavior synthesis

* algorithms robust to training data whose labeling is incomplete or noisy
* feature engineering
* online learning and adaptation
* models of moment-by-moment human interaction that can also work for longer time scales

* specific applications and potential applications
* failures and problems observed when applying existing methods to such tasks
* insights from experimental or other studies of human communication behavior

Invited speakers (partial list):

* Jeff Bilmes (University of Washington)
* Dan Bohus (Microsoft Research)
* Marian Stewart Bartlett (University of California, San Diego)

Submission guidelines:

Submissions should be written as extended abstracts, no longer than 4 pages in the NIPS latex style. NIPS style files 
and formatting instructions can be found at (although we will not enforce 
the double blind rule). Work that was recently published or presented elsewhere is allowed, provided that the 
extended abstract mentions this explicitly; work earlier presented at non-machine-learning venues is especially 
encouraged. Please send your submission by email to before October 15th, 2010 
at 11:59pm PDT. 

Important dates:

Submission deadline: October 15th, 2010, 11:59pm PDT
Notification of acceptance: November 7th, 2010
Workshop: December 10th, 2010


Louis-Philippe Morency (University of Southern California)
Daniel Gatica-Perez (IDIAP)
Nigel Ward (UTEP)

Nigel Ward     Associate Professor of Computer Science
University of Texas at El Paso,   500 W. University Ave. 79902 USA
+1 915-747-6827    fax +1 915-747-5030 

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3-3-7(2010-12-12) IEEE Workshop on Spoken Language Technology SLT 2010, Berkeley CA

IEEE  Workshop on Spoken Language Technology                               SLT 2010                       December 12-15, 2010                         
Berkeley, CA                
********************** CALL FOR PAPERS ********************************
Apologies for multiple postings. 
The Third IEEE Spoken Language Technology (SLT) workshop will be held from December 12 to December 15, 2010 in Berkeley, CA. The goal of this workshop is to allow the spoken language processing community to share and present recent advances in various areas of spoken language technology. 
* Spoken language understanding
* Spoken document summarization
* Machine translation for speech
* Spoken language based systems
* Spoken language generation
* Question answering from speech
* Human/Computer Interaction
* Educational/Healthcare applications
* Speech data mining
* Information extraction
* Spoken document retrieval
* Multimodal processing
* Spoken dialog systems
* Spoken language systems
* Spoken language databases
* Assistive technologies 

The workshop program will consist of tutorials, oral and poster presentations, and panel discussions. Prospective authors are invited to submit full-length papers to the SLT 2010 website All papers will be handled and reviewed electronically. The website will provide you with further details. 

Paper Submission Deadline: July 16, 2010
Paper acceptance/rejection: September 1, 2010
Workshop dates: December 12-15, 2010 


Organizing Chairs: Dilek Hakkani-Tür, ICSI Mari Ostendorf, U. Washington 

Finance Chair: Gokhan Tur, SRI International 

Advisory Board: Mazin Gilbert, AT&T Labs - Research Srinivas Bangalore, AT&T Labs - Research Giuseppe Riccardi, U. Trento  Technical

Chairs: Isabel Trancoso, INESC-ID, Portugal Tim Paek, Microsoft Research 

Demo Chairs: Alex Potamianos, Tech. U. of Crete Mikko Kurimo, Helsinki U. of Tech. 

Publicity Chair: Bhuvana Ramabhadran, IBM Research Benoit Favre, Univ. Le Mans 

Panel Chairs: Sadaoki Furui, Tokyo Inst. Of Tech. Eric Fosler-Lussier, Ohio State U. 

Publication Chair: Yang Liu, U. Texas, Dallas 

Local Organizers: Dimitra Vergryi, SRI International Murat Akbacak, SRI International Sibel Yaman, ICSI Arindam Mandal, SRI International  Europe Liaisons: Frederic Bechet, U. Avignon Philipp Koehn, U. Edinburgh  Asia Liaisons: Helen Meng, C. U. Hong Kong Gary Geunbae Lee, POSTECH


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3-3-8(2010-12-13) The Second IEEE International Workshop on Content-Based Audio/Video Analysis for Novel TV Services.

The Second IEEE International Workshop on Content-Based Audio/Video Analysis for Novel TV Services.  13/12/2010 - // DeadLine: 20100712 Taichung  Taiwan

 Following the success of the first edition of the workshop on Content-Based Audio/Video Analysis for Novel TV Services (CBTV), we are pleased to announce the second one in this series.  

The objective of the workshop is twofold. First, it aims at highlighting the need for powerful and automatic audio and video content-based techniques in building novel TV services. The second objective is to bring in professionals and researchers, and to present the recent advances in the field.  The workshop will be held in conjunction with the International IEEE Symposium on Multimedia 2010.

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3-3-9(2010-12-14) CfP Thirteenth Australasian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology

SST2010: Thirteenth Australasian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology
Melbourne, Australia, 14-16 December 2010

Second Call for Papers
Call Deadline: 18 June 2010

ASSTA and La Trobe University are pleased to announce the Thirteenth Australasian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology (SST2010). The conference will be held at the La Trobe University City Campus, Melbourne.

*Paper submission guidelines and templates are now available from

Conference Themes
Submissions are invited for oral presentations. Submissions should describe original contributions to spoken language, speech science and/or technology that will be of interest to an audience including scientists, engineers, linguists, psychologists, speech and language therapists, audiologists and other professionals.

Submissions are invited in all areas of speech science and technology, but particularly in the following areas:
•       Speech production
•       Acoustic phonetics
•       Acoustics of accent change
•       Phonetics and phonology of Australasian languages (OzPhon)
•       Phonetics and Phonology of Australian and New Zealand English (PANZE)
•       Speech prosody, emotional speech, voice
•       Music and speech processing
•       Applications of speech science and technology
•       Speech processing for forensic applications
•       Speech recognition and understanding
•       Speaker recognition and classification
•       Speech enhancement and noise cancellation
•       Pedagogical technologies for speech and singing
•       Corpus management and speech tools
•       Contributions of speech science and technology to audiology and speech language therapy

Plenary Speakers:

Professor  D.R. Ladd
Linguistics and English Language, University of Edinburgh

Professor Hugh McDermott
Bionic Ear Institute and University of Melbourne

Professor Michael Robb        
Department of Communication Disorders, University of Canterbury

Key dates:

Paper submissions due           Friday 18 June 2010
Notification of acceptance      Friday 27 August 2010
Early-bird registration due     Friday 1 October 2010 

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3-3-10(2010-12-17) ACM DEV 2010: First ACM Annual Symposium on Computing for Development

*ACM DEV 2010: First ACM Annual Symposium on Computing for Development*

The First ACM Annual Symposium on Computing for Development (DEV 2010)  will be co-located with ICTD 2010 and the focus of the symposium will be  on new computing innovations for development. The scope of DEV 2010 is  broad covering a wide range of research areas within computer science  with a direct focus on development. ACM DEV 2010 aims to bring together  all CS researchers with an interest in computing for development.

The  deadline for paper submissions is July 10th, 2010.

We strongly encourage  you to submit your best works here.  The conference website is:  

*Call for Papers*

DEV 2010 provides an international forum for research in the design and  implementation of information and communication technologies (ICTs) for  social and economic development. In particular, we focus on emerging  contexts where conventional computing solutions are often inappropriate  due to various contextual factors - including, but not limited to, cost,  language, literacy, and the availability of power and bandwidth.  Focusing on innovative technical solutions to these unique application,  infrastructure and user challenges, DEV fosters exchange between  computer scientists, engineers, and other scholars and practitioners  interested in the use of ICTs for development.  DEV provides a high-quality, single-track forum for presenting results  and discussing new ideas. We expect paper contributions from different  existing sub-areas of Computer Science and Engineering with a direct  relevance to development.  Papers should describe original and previously unpublished research.  Three metrics will be applied to judge papers: (a) Relevance of the  problem for development; (b) Novelty of the technical solution; (c)  Evaluation of the solution, making a case for development-focused  impact. All ACM DEV paper submissions should either provide or directly  motivate a novel technical solution that has direct implications for  development.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
    * Low-cost wireless connectivity
   * Intermittent networks and systems
   * Power-efficient systems
   * Low-cost computing devices
   * Mobile systems and applications
   * Security challenges in developing regions
    * User interfaces for low-literacy populations
   * Multi-lingual computing
   * User-interfaces for low-cost devices
   * Participatory methods and user-centered design
   * Accessibility to disabled populations in developing regions
   * Design and evaluation of applications for health, microfinance,
     education, agriculture, entertainment
   AI/NLP/Data Mining/Speech/Vision
    * Machine learning techniques for large-scale data analysis in
     development contexts
   * Adapting content and applications to local languages and education
   * Understanding social relationships and information flows in
     disadvantaged societies
   * Speech interfaces and speech recognition for low-resource languages
   * Development of new AI-centric tools/solutions for development
   * Computer vision challenges in development  We also welcome papers outside of these topics that address the DEV  focus on computing innovations supporting social and economic development. 

*Important Dates *
Registration Deadline     July 3, 2010
Submission Deadline     July 10, 2010
Paper Acceptance     September 5, 2010
Final Version     October 5, 2010
Conference     December 17-18, 2010

  General Chair   

Andrew Dearden, Sheffield Hallam University  PC Chairs   Tapan Parikh, UC Berkeley Lakshminarayanan Subramanian, NYU 

*Steering Committee *

Saman Amarasinghe, MIT
Gaetano Borriello, University of Washington
Eric Brewer, UC Berkeley
Deborah Estrin, UCLA
Margaret Martonosi, Princeton
Roni Rosenfeld, CMU
Kentaro Toyama, UC Berkeley 

*Program Committee *

Muneeb Ali, Princeton, USA
 Saman Amarasinghe, MIT, USA
 Richard Anderson, Univ of Washington, USA
 Ravin Balakrishnan, Univ of Toronto, Canada
 Simone Barbosa, PUC - Rio, Brazil
 Etienne Barnard, Meraka Institute, South Africa
 Michael Best, Georgia Tech, USA
 Gaetano Borriello, Univ of Washington, USA
 Eric Brewer, UC Berkeley, USA
 John Canny, UC Berkeley, USA
 Ed Cutrell, MSR India, India
 James Davis, UC Santa Cruz, USA
 Andrew Dearden, Sheffield Hallam University, UK
 Nathan Eagle, MIT & Santa Fe Institute, USA
 Deborah Estrin, UCLA, USA
 Neil Ferguson, Imperial College, UK
 Beki Grinter, Georgia Tech, USA
 Eric Horovitz, MSR Redmond, USA
 Ravi Jain, Google, USA
 Matt Jones, Swansea, UK
 Matthew Kam, CMU, USA
 Srinivasan Keshav, University of Waterloo, Canada
 Zhengjie Liu, Dalian Maritime University, China
 Gary Marsden, Univ of Cape Town, South Africa
 Vanessa Frias Martinez, Telefonica Research, Spain
 Margaret Martonosi, Princeton, USA
 Srini Narayanan, UC Berkeley, USA
 Bonnie Nardi, UC Irvine, USA
 Tapan Parikh, UC Berkeley, USA
 Balaji Prabhakar, Stanford, USA
 John Quinn, Makerere University, Uganda
 Nitendra Rajput, IBM Research India, India
 Bhaskaran Raman, IIT-Bombay, India
 Roni Rosenfeld, CMU, USA
 Umar Saif, LUMS, Pakistan
 Lakshmi Subramanian, NYU, USA
 Bill Thies, MSR India, India
 Kentaro Toyama, UC Berkeley, USA
 Terry Winograd, Stanford, USA


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3-3-11(2011-01-28) CfP Workshop on New Tools and Methods for Very-Large-Scale Phonetics Research, University of Pennsylvania

Call for papers

Workshop on New Tools and Methods for Very-Large-Scale Phonetics Research
University of Pennsylvania, January 28-31, 2011.


Today, advances in networking, computation and mass storage are promising a new revolution in phonetics research: a movement from the study of small, mostly artificial datasets to the analysis of published corpora of natural speech that are thousands of times larger. To welcome and promote this revolution, we are organizing a workshop on new tools and methods for Very-Large-Scale phonetics research, as part of a newly awarded NSF grant. The themes of the workshop include: integration of speech technology in phonetics studies (including software to facilitate teaching and research); variation and invariance in large speech corpora; and revisiting classic phonetic and phonological problems from the perspective of corpus phonetics.

The last day of the workshop (January 31st) is for those interested in discussing development of tools suitable for teaching acoustic-phonetic analysis to beginners while allowing smooth progression to efficient advanced research protocols. The aim is to capitalize on the strengths of existing freeware systems, losing none of their capabilities, while providing as unified a platform as possible for future development.

Authors of contributions on Very-Large-Scale phonetics may submit either extended abstracts or Interspeech-style papers (up to four pages) via the workshop website at In addition, those interested in participating in the freeware tools workshop on January 31st are warmly invited to apply by emailing with an outline (less than 1000 words) of what you would like to contribute to the workshop, and (if you wish) other topics that you would like discussed.

Selected papers from the workshop will be published in a special issue of The Journal of Experimental Linguistics. A tutorial on forced alignment and the Penn Phonetics Lab Forced Aligner will also be provided prior to the workshop. Further details are available on the workshop website:

Important Dates

* Nov. 21, 2010: Abstract/paper submission deadline
* Jan. 28, 2011: Tutorial on forced alignment
* Jan. 29-31, 2011: Workshop


Organizing Committee

Mark Liberman, University of Pennsylvania (January 29-30)

Andreas Stolcke, SRI International and ICSI (January 29-30)
Jiahong Yuan, University of Pennsylvania (January 29-30)
Suzanne Boyce, University of Cincinnati (January 31)
Sarah Hawkins, University of Cambridge (January 31)
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3-3-12(2011-03-03) CfP TRALOGY'2011Translation and Technology Conference Paris F
Call for Papers

Translation and Technology Conference

Paris (France), March 3-4, 2011

We no longer translate as we did 50, 20 or even 10 years ago. What form will the translation process take 10, 20 or 50 years from now? What
will be the demand for translation and what kind of tools, what kind of approach, will we need to meet that demand? Who will be the translators
– assuming they will still be called translators – of tomorrow? What skills and disciplines will they need, on what concepts will their work
be based and what form will their training take? What can technology do today and what will it be able to do tomorrow? How far has research in
the field of machine translation and computer-assisted translation come? If there is to be a partnership between human beings and
machines, what approach to human translation will it be based on, and how will it progress?

To try to answer those questions, the TRALOGY international conference is organized in Paris (France), March 3-4, 2011.

This conference is of interest for:
- Translators and Interpretors,
- Researchers in Language Technology, especially Machine Translation,
- Educators in the areas of translation and interpretation.

Deadline for submitting on-line a 500-word abstract is November 30, 2010

All information on the conference is available at:
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3-3-13(2011-04-07) CfP Comparative Methods and Analysis in the Language Sciences Toulouse France CALL FOR PAPERS

JéTou 2011  - Comparative Methods and Analysis in the Language Sciences -
April 7th-8th, 2011, Toulouse, France
The doctoral students and young researchers of the language science laboratories in Toulouse, France:
- CLLE-ERSS (équipe de Recherche en Syntaxe et Sémantique)
- Laboratoire Octogone-Lordat (Centre Interdisciplinaire des Sciences du Langage et de la Cognition)
as well as the computer science laboratory :
- IRIT (Institut de Recherches en Informatique de Toulouse)
are organizing the third edition of JéTou, a conference aimed at doctoral students and young researchers (who have defended their dissertation within the past three years) in the language sciences.
The conference will focus on comparative methods and analysis in the language sciences.
The need to explore comparative methods is characteristic of the social sciences. Even more so than researchers in the “hard” sciences, researchers in the social sciences are often confronted with certain limitations with respect to their object of study, and therefore must expand their research beyond their own points of reference.
When approaching the topic of comparative methods and analysis in linguistics, one might first consider cross-linguistic comparison, which has given rise to several diverse areas of research, such as comparative linguistics, contrastive linguistics, and linguistic typology.  Cross-linguistic comparison has informed certain principles that would not have been brought to light without looking to other languages.  This is the case at all levels of linguistic description (phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics).
However, comparative or contrastive approaches also come into play in several other fields of study in the language sciences:
- While comparative studies between pathological subjects (aphasia, dyslexia, degenerative diseases, etc.) and non-pathological subjects are useful for clinical aims and objectives (diagnosis, description, and treatment of language pathologies), they also provide us with a better understanding of the cognitive aspects related to the development and use of language by healthy subjects.
- Comparing speakers with respect to their first language, their social identity, or even the way that they speak one or several language(s), allows us to determine universals in the acquisition of language, and inversely, to identify determining factors in attrition phenomena.
- Studies in language pedagogy have relied on contrastive analysis (between one’s first language and a second language) since the mid-20th century.  This is due to the fact that learning a first language involves the development of strategies and specific language patterns.  Also, such studies allow us to observe certain language traits, positive or negative, that “cross over” from the first language into the second language.  The question of multilingualism and plurilinguistic learning also falls into this set of issues.
- The notion of norm is ubiquitous in the language sciences, as language is governed by normalisation rules.  However, these rules, whether implicit or not, do not impede the creativity of speakers.  The multitude of different usages that have been brought to light by using comparative approaches is the proof of this individuality.
- In natural language processing, comparative approaches can be used in different areas of research: comparison of annotations to assess the difficulty of a task, comparison of reference annotation during evaluation, etc.  Some applications, such as the detection of plagiarism, are directly based on the notion of comparison.
- Corpus linguistics offers the necessary tools for wide-scale comparison between different corpora (aligned corpora of different languages, reference corpora vs. specialized corpora, etc.)
- Comparison can also be used as an analytical tool at different levels of linguistic description, such as morphology, syntax, semantics, etc.
The purpose of JéTou 2011 is to bring together young researchers working in different disciplines within the language sciences around the common theme of comparative approaches.  This topic, inherently cross-disciplinary, invites reflection on the question of method, which, while central to all research, is often neglected in scientific proceedings.
Possible contributions could focus on issues related to the following fields:
- descriptive linguistics
- sociolinguistics
- psycholinguistics
- neurolinguistics
- terminology
- language acquisition and pedagogy
- translation
- corpus linguistics
- natural language processing
Types of presentations
Two types of submissions will be accepted: long articles (8 to 10 pages) and short articles (4 to 5 pages).  Long articles will be presented as oral presentations or as posters, while short articles will be presented as posters.  
The proceedings of the conference will be published in book form and will also be available on the conference website.
Criteria for selection
Each submission will be evaluated by at least two specialists in the chosen field of study.  Submissions will be considered based on the following criteria:
1. The importance and originality of the contribution
2. The accuracy of the scientific and technical content
3. The critical discussion of results, particularly with respect to other work in the field
4. The organisation and clarity of the writing
5. Conformity to the theme of the conference
Submission Guidelines
Articles must be written in French or in English.
Submissions must not exceed 10 pages for a long article or 5 pages for a short article (including figures and examples, but not references).  The text must be written in Times 12, single spaced, in A4 format.  LaTeX and Word style sheets are available on the conference website.
The deadline for submissions is October 15th, 2010.  Submissions must be made using the Easychair conference management system.  Further information regarding the submission process can be found on the JéTou 2011 website:

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3-3-14(2011-04-17) ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR) Trento Italy


ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR)
17-20 April, Trento, Italy

The First ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR), puts together the long-lasting experience of former ACM CIVR and ACM MIR. It is the ideal forum to present and encounter the most recent developments and applications in the area of multimedia content retrieval. Originally set up to illuminate the state-of-the-art in image and video retrieval, ICMR aims at becoming the world reference event in this exciting field of research, where researchers and practitioners can exchange knowledge and ideas.

Important dates:
   October 15, 2010 : Special Session and Tutorials Proposal
   November 5, 2010 : Special Session and Tutorials Selection
   December 3, 2010 : Paper Submission
   February 11, 2011 : Notification of acceptance
   March 4, 2011 : Submission of camera-ready papers

ICMR 2011 is seeking original high quality submissions addressing innovative research in the broad field of multimedia retrieval. We wish to highlight significant contributions addressing the main problem of search and retrieval but also the related and equally important issues of multimedia content management, user interaction, and community-based management. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

   * Content- and context-based indexing, search and retrieval of images and video
   * Multimedia content search and browsing on the Web
   * Advanced descriptors and similarity metrics for audio, image, video and 3D data
   * Multimedia content analysis and understanding
   * Semantic retrieval of visual contents
   * Learning and relevance feedback in media retrieval
   * Query models, paradigms, and languages for multimedia retrieval
   * Multimodal media search
   * Human perception based multimedia retrieval
   * Studies of information-seeking behaviour among image/video users
   * Affective/emotional interaction or interfaces for image/video retrieval
   * HCI issues in multimedia retrieval
   * Evaluation of multimedia retrieval systems
   * High performance multimedia indexing algorithms
   * Database architectures for multimedia retrieval
   * Novel multimedia data management systems and applications
   * Community-based multimedia content management
   * Retrieval from multimodal lifelogs
   * Interaction with medical image databases
   * Satellite imagery analysis/retrieval
   * Image/video summarization and visualization


Honorary Chair: Ramesh Jain (UC Irvine)

General Co-Chairs:
Francesco G.B. De Natale (Univ. Trento)
Alberto Del Bimbo (Univ. Florence)

Technical Program Co-Chairs:
B.S Manjunath (UC Santa Barbara)
Alan Hanjalic (TU Delft)
Shin'ichi Satoh (National Inst. of Informatics, Tokyo)

Local Chair:
Nicola Conci (Univ. Trento)
Giulia Boato (Univ. Trento)

Special Session Chair:
Riccardo Leonardi (Univ. of Brescia)

Panel Chair:
Wolfgang Nejdl (Univ. Hannover)

Practitioner Co-Chairs:
Andrea de Polo (Alinari)
Vanessa Murdock (Yahoo!)

Videolympics Chairs:
Cees Snoek (Univ. Amsterdam)
Alan Smeaton (Dublin City Univ.)

Publication Chair:
Marco Carli (Univ. of Roma Tre)

Publicity Chair:
Ioannis Patras (Queen Mary Univ. London)

Web Chair:
Andrea Rosani (Univ. Trento)
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3-3-15(2011-04-18) CfP 33rd European Conference on Information Retrieval/ Dublin, Ireland
***** Final Call for Posters/Demos - ECIR 2011 ****** 
33rd European Conference on Information Retrieval
Dublin, Ireland
18 - 21 April 2011
In cooperation with: BCS-IRSG, Dublin City University, University of Sheffield

* Posters/Demos deadline approaching - 29 October (midnight GMT)
* This deadline is final and will not be extended

The 33rd European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2011) will take place in Dublin, Ireland from 18-21 April 2011. ECIR provides an opportunity for both new and established researchers to present research papers reporting new, unpublished, and innovative research results within Information Retrieval. ECIR has traditionally had a strong student focus and papers whose sole or main author is a postgraduate student or postdoctoral researcher are especially welcome. As an added incentive at ECIR2011, accepted full-papers whose first author is a student will be given the opportunity to be paired with a senior mentor who will interact with them during the course of the conference. Each mentor will be an expert in the relevant area of the student's work, and will provide questions and subsequent feedback after their presentation.

We are seeking the submission of high-quality and original posters and demos, which will be reviewed by experts on the basis of the originality of the work, the validity of the results, chosen methodology, writing quality and the overall contribution to the field of Information Retrieval. Papers that demonstrate a high level of research adventure or which break out of the traditional IR paradigms are particularly welcome. 

Relevant topics include, but are not limited to:

-	Enterprise Search, Intranet Search, Desktop Search, Adversarial IR
-	Web IR and Web log analysis
-	Multimedia IR
-	Digital libraries
-	IR Theory and Formal Models
-	Distributed IR, Peer-to-peer IR, 
-	Mobile IR, Fusion/Combination
-	Cross-language retrieval, Multilingual retrieval, Machine translation for IR
-	Topic detection and tracking, Routing
-	Content-based filtering, Collaborative filtering, Agents, Spam filtering
-	Question answering, NLP for IR
-	Summarization, Lexical acquisition
-	Text Data Mining
-	Text Categorization, Clustering
-	Performance, Scalability, Architectures, Efficiency, Platforms
-	Indexing, Query representation, Query reformulation, 
-	Structure-based representation, XML Retrieval
-	Metadata, Social networking/tagging
-	Evaluation methods and metrics, Experimental design, Test collections
-	Interactive IR, User studies, User models, Task-based IR
-	User interfaces and visualization
-	Opinion mining, Sentiment Analysis
-	Blog and online-community search
-	Other domain-specific IR (e.g., Genomic IR, legal IR, IR for chemical structures)

The ECIR 2011 conference proceedings will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. Authors for both long and short papers are invited to submit their paper on or before 15 October 2010. All paper submissions must be written in English following the LNCS author guidelines []. Posters and demos must not be longer than 4 pages. All papers will be refereed through double-blind peer review so authors should take reasonable care not identify themselves in their submissions. The proceedings will be distributed to all delegates at the Conference. 

Important dates 

18 Oct 2010: Paper/Short Paper submission deadline (passed)
29 Oct 2010: Poster/Demo submission deadline
10 Dec 2010: Notification of acceptance
18 Apr 2011: Workshops Day / Tutorial Day
19-21 Apr 2011: ECIR 2011 main conference

Organising Committee

General Chair: Cathal Gurrin (Dublin City University)
Programme Co-chair: Gareth Jones (Dublin City University) and Paul Clough (University of Sheffield)
Student Mentor Chair: Nicola Stokes (University College Dublin)
Workshops Chair: Leif Azzopardi (University of Glasgow)
Tutorials Chair: Evangelos Kanoulas (University of Sheffield)
Posters Chair: Wessel Kraaij (TNO, Radboud University)
Demos Chair: Vanessa Murdock (Yahoo! Research)
Local organization Chair: Colum Foley (Dublin City University) and Peter Wilkins (Dublin City University)
Advertising Chair: Hyowon Lee (Dublin City University)

Any questions please email:


Dr Hyowon Lee
CLARITY: Centre for Sensor Web Technologies
Dublin City University
Glasnevin, Dublin 9
Tel: +353 -1 700 5829

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3-3-16(2011-05-19) Quatrièmes journees de phonetique clinique, Strasbourg (France)


quatrièmes journees de phonetique clinique

19-21 mai 2011, strasbourg, France 

colloque international 

universite de strasbourg (uds)

instutut de phonetique de strasbourg (ips)

U.R. 1339 linguistique, langue et parole  (lilpa) – E.R. parole et cognition

programme de la maison interuniversitaire des sciences de l’homme alsace

  USR 3227 (misha)


Les modalités de Soumission vont suivre bientôt….



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3-3-17(2011-05-22) ICASSP 2011, Prague



Prague hosts IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and

Signal Processing, ICASSP 2011. Prague Congress Centre, May 22-27, 2011.


ICASSP is one of the world's major conferences for signal processing,

bringing together over 2000 participants and experts from industry and



The conference features world-class speakers, tutorials, exhibits,

demos, and over 120 lecture and poster sessions on the following topics:

Signal Processing Theory and Methods, Machine Learning for Signal

Processing, Sensor Array and Multichannel Systems, Audio and Acoustic

Signal Processing, Speech and Language Processing, Signal Processing for

Communications and Networking, Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal

Processing, Biomedical  Imaging, Information Forensics and Security, and

Signal Processing Education.


Important deadlines

Special Session & Tutorial Proposals


September 1, 2010

Notification of Special Session &

Tutorial Acceptance

October 6, 2010

Submission of Camera Ready Papers

October 20, 2010

Notification of Paper Acceptance

January 17, 2011

Revised Paper Upload Deadline

February 20, 2011

Registration Deadline for Authors

March 13, 2011


More information can be found at


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3-3-18(2011-05-25) 9ème édition des Rencontres des Jeunes Chercheurs en Parole (RJCP) Grenoble France
Organisée par les jeunes chercheurs des laboratoires GIPSA et LPNC de

Grenoble et parrainée par l’Association Francophone de la Communication

Parlée (AFCP), la 9ème édition des Rencontres des Jeunes Chercheurs en

Parole (RJCP) se tiendra, du 25 au 27 mai 2011, sur le campus universitaire

de Grenoble.


* Objectif

Cette manifestation donne tous les deux ans aux (futurs) doctorants ou

jeunes docteurs l’occasion de se rencontrer, de présenter leurs travaux

et d’échanger sur les divers domaines de la Parole grâce à un travail

collaboratif. Au-delà de ce cadre purement scientifique, cette rencontre

sur 3 jours sera l’occasion pour les participants de faire leurs premiers

pas dans la communauté de la Parole. Cette édition 2011 est ouverte à

tous : communicants qui présentent leurs travaux ou auditeurs qui désirent

assister aux présentations.

* Langue

La langue officielle de la conférence est le français.

* Domaine

Les travaux présentés porteront sur la communication parlée et le

traitement de la parole dans leurs différents aspects.

* Les thèmes de ces journées incluent :

- Phonétique et Phonologie

- Sociolinguistique de la parole

Variation (dialectologie, etc.)



- Production/Perception de la parole

En conditions « normales »

En conditions adverses (voix chuchotée, bruit, etc.)

Avec changement de paramètres (chant, récitation, théâtre, etc.)

- Acoustique de la parole

Modèles phonatoires : modélisation acoustique du conduit vocal

Etudes des écoulements

Dispositifs de mesures (outils, maquettes de production, etc.)

- Acquisition et enseignement de la parole

Langue maternelle

Langue seconde

Bilinguisme et multilinguisme

- Corrélats neuro-anatomiques et fonctionnels de la parole

Spécialisation hémisphérique



- Synthèse

Synthèse de différentes qualités de voix, Conversion de voix

Synthèse des émotions, Prosodie

Synthèse de visages, Animation

Applications (grand public, handicap)

- Reconnaissance, Indexation

Reconnaissance de la parole spontanée

Modèles de langage

Modèles acoustiques

Systèmes multilingues

Indexation de documents audiovisuels

Vérification et Identification du Locuteur

Applications (grand public, handicap)

- Traduction automatique

- Pathologie de la parole (autisme, surdité, dyslexie, etc.)

- Multi-modalité/Gestualité associée à la parole/Expressivité






* Format des communications

Toutes les communications devront être en français

- Présentations orales : chacune aura une durée de 15 minutes et sera suivie de

10 minutes de discussion. Il est suggéré aux communicants de renforcer leur

communication orale avec un diaporama ou un autre type d’illustrations.

- Présentations des affiches : la taille est fixée au format A0 portrait. Une session

d’une heure par jour sera réservée à la présentation des affiches. Pendant cette session,

les communicants resteront près de leur affiche de manière à répondre aux questions de

leurs collègues ou à recevoir et discuter d’éventuelles suggestions.

Dans le cas où des ateliers seraient prévus, ils dureront entre une demi-heure et

une heure. Le communicant animera son atelier de façon vivante et fera participer

son public. Ce type de communication doit faciliter l’échange oral, voire la mise

en situation, entre le communicant et les participants sur la durée de l’atelier.

Notez bien que ces formats pourront être légèrement modifiés selon la quantité et

le type de soumissions acceptées. Ces informations sont données à titre indicatif

pour les jeunes chercheurs qui n’ont jamais participé à un colloque.

* Modalités de soumission des articles

Tous les articles devront être soumis en français, excepté le résumé qui sera en


- Format des articles soumis :

Les articles ne devront pas dépasser 4 pages, bibliographie comprise

Les documents devront être déposés sur la plateforme électronique

exclusivement au format PDF

Les modèles d'article (Word et LaTeX) sont disponibles sur le site

* Dates

Date limite pour les soumissions : jeudi 23 décembre 2010 à minuit (24h) GMT+1

La notification et le début des inscriptions : mardi 8 mars 2011

La date limite pour les inscriptions : mardi 22 mars 2011

Dépôt de la version corrigée : mardi 22 mars 2011

La conférence aura lieu du mercredi 25 au vendredi 27 mai 2011

* Informations Complémentaires

Web :

Mail : <>

Tél. : +33 (0)4 04 76 82 41 97

En espérant vous voir nombreux à cet événement.

Le comité d’organisation des RJCP 2011

Atef Ben Youssef

Ibrahima Cissé

Sandra Cornaz

Mathilde Fort

Amélie Lelong

Benjamin Roustan

Rosario Signorello

Thi Thuy Hien Tran

********************************************************************* Appel à Communication RJCP 2011 9èmes Rencontres des Jeunes Chercheurs en Parole Grenoble, 25 – 27 mai 2011 Web : Organisée par les jeunes chercheurs des laboratoires GIPSA et LPNC de Grenoble et parrainée par l’Association Francophone de la Communication Parlée (AFCP), la 9ème édition des Rencontres des Jeunes Chercheurs en Parole (RJCP) se tiendra, du 25 au 27 mai 2011, sur le campus universitaire de Grenoble. ********************************************************************* * Objectif Cette manifestation donne tous les deux ans aux (futurs) doctorants ou jeunes docteurs l’occasion de se rencontrer, de présenter leurs travaux et d’échanger sur les divers domaines de la Parole grâce à un travail collaboratif. Au-delà de ce cadre purement scientifique, cette rencontre sur 3 jours sera l’occasion pour les participants de faire leurs premiers pas dans la communauté de la Parole. Cette édition 2011 est ouverte à tous : communicants qui présentent leurs travaux ou auditeurs qui désirent assister aux présentations. * Langue La langue officielle de la conférence est le français. * Domaine Les travaux présentés porteront sur la communication parlée et le traitement de la parole dans leurs différents aspects. * Les thèmes de ces journées incluent : - Phonétique et Phonologie - Sociolinguistique de la parole Variation (dialectologie, etc.) Style Perception - Production/Perception de la parole En conditions « normales » En conditions adverses (voix chuchotée, bruit, etc.) Avec changement de paramètres (chant, récitation, théâtre, etc.) - Acoustique de la parole Modèles phonatoires : modélisation acoustique du conduit vocal Etudes des écoulements Dispositifs de mesures (outils, maquettes de production, etc.) - Acquisition et enseignement de la parole Langue maternelle Langue seconde Bilinguisme et multilinguisme - Corrélats neuro-anatomiques et fonctionnels de la parole Spécialisation hémisphérique Neurophonétique Neurolinguistique - Synthèse Synthèse de différentes qualités de voix, Conversion de voix Synthèse des émotions, Prosodie Synthèse de visages, Animation Applications (grand public, handicap) - Reconnaissance, Indexation Reconnaissance de la parole spontanée Modèles de langage Modèles acoustiques Systèmes multilingues Indexation de documents audiovisuels Vérification et Identification du Locuteur Applications (grand public, handicap) - Traduction automatique - Pathologie de la parole (autisme, surdité, dyslexie, etc.) - Multi-modalité/Gestualité associée à la parole/Expressivité Multi-modalité Développement Gestualité Expressivité Audiovisuel * Format des communications Toutes les communications devront être en français - Présentations orales : chacune aura une durée de 15 minutes et sera suivie de 10 minutes de discussion. Il est suggéré aux communicants de renforcer leur communication orale avec un diaporama ou un autre type d’illustrations. - Présentations des affiches : la taille est fixée au format A0 portrait. Une session d’une heure par jour sera réservée à la présentation des affiches. Pendant cette session, les communicants resteront près de leur affiche de manière à répondre aux questions de leurs collègues ou à recevoir et discuter d’éventuelles suggestions. Dans le cas où des ateliers seraient prévus, ils dureront entre une demi-heure et une heure. Le communicant animera son atelier de façon vivante et fera participer son public. Ce type de communication doit faciliter l’échange oral, voire la mise en situation, entre le communicant et les participants sur la durée de l’atelier. Notez bien que ces formats pourront être légèrement modifiés selon la quantité et le type de soumissions acceptées. Ces informations sont données à titre indicatif pour les jeunes chercheurs qui n’ont jamais participé à un colloque. * Modalités de soumission des articles Tous les articles devront être soumis en français, excepté le résumé qui sera en anglais. - Format des articles soumis : Les articles ne devront pas dépasser 4 pages, bibliographie comprise Les documents devront être déposés sur la plateforme électronique exclusivement au format PDF Les modèles d'article (Word et LaTeX) sont disponibles sur le site * Dates Date limite pour les soumissions : jeudi 23 décembre 2010 à minuit (24h) GMT+1 La notification et le début des inscriptions : mardi 8 mars 2011 La date limite pour les inscriptions : mardi 22 mars 2011 Dépôt de la version corrigée : mardi 22 mars 2011 La conférence aura lieu du mercredi 25 au vendredi 27 mai 2011 * Informations Complémentaires Web : Mail : Tél. : +33 (0)4 04 76 82 41 97 En espérant vous voir nombreux à cet événement. Le comité d’organisation des RJCP 2011 Atef Ben Youssef Ibrahima Cissé Sandra Cornaz Mathilde Fort Amélie Lelong Benjamin Roustan Rosario Signorello Thi Thuy Hien Tran
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3-3-19(2011-05-30) CfP HSCMA 2011: 3rd Joint Workshop on Hands-free Speech Communication and Microphone Arrays, Edinborough, UK
HSCMA 2011: The Third Joint Workshop on Hands-free Speech Communication and Microphone Arrays
30 May - 1 June 2011, Edinburgh, UK

The Third Joint Workshop on Hands-free Speech Communication and Microphone Arrays will be held from 30 May to 1 June 2011 in Edinburgh, Scotland.

The workshop will bring together researchers in microphone arrays and speech/speaker recognition and focusing on recent advances in speech and signal processing techniques based upon multi-microphone systems, and on distant-talking speech communication and human/machine interaction. Demonstrations of experimental systems, applications, and prototypes are especially welcome.

The technical scope of the workshop includes but is not limited to:
* Multichannel acoustic signal processing; 
* Speech and speaker recognition technology; 
* Microphone array technology and architectures; 
* Applications based on microphone arrays and distant-talking or hands-free speech systems.
There is an emphasis on work that crosses these technical areas.

The workshop programme will consist of talks, posters and demonstrations. Prospective authors are invited to submit full-length papers (up to 6 pages; 2 pages for demo papers).

Authors are encouraged to include a public URL to a video of the demo in their paper submission.

Paper/demo submission: 13 February 2011 
Notification of paper/demo acceptance: 21 March 2011 
Workshop: 30 May - 1 June 2011

General-chairs: Steve Renals (University of Edinburgh, UK); Walter Kellermann (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany) 

Technical committee: Gary Elko (MH Acoustics LLC, USA); Thomas Hain (University of Sheffield, UK); Tomohiro Nakatani (NTT, Japan); Maurizio Omologo (Fondazione Bruno Kessler-irst, Italy); Boaz Rafaely (Ben-Gurion University, Israel); Michael Seltzer (Microsoft Research, USA) 

Demonstrations: Mike Lincoln (University of Edinburgh, UK) 

Publications: James Hopgood (University of Edinburgh, UK) 

Website: Peter Bell (University of Edinburgh, UK) 

Publicity: Arnab Ghoshal (Saarland University, Germany)
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1st Call for Papers


Tarragona, Spain, May 30 – June 3, 2011



LATA is a yearly conference in theoretical computer science and its applications. Inheriting the tradition of the International PhD School in Formal Languages and Applications that was developed at Rovira i Virgili University in the period 2002-2006, LATA 2011 will reserve significant room for young scholars at the beginning of their career. It will aim at attracting contributions from both classical theory fields and application areas (bioinformatics, systems biology, language technology, artificial intelligence, etc.).


Topics of either theoretical or applied interest include, but are not limited to:

- algebraic language theory
- algorithms for semi-structured data mining
- algorithms on automata and words
- automata and logic
- automata for system analysis and programme verification
- automata, concurrency and Petri nets
- cellular automata
- combinatorics on words
- computability
- computational complexity
- computational linguistics
- data and image compression
- decidability questions on words and languages
- descriptional complexity
- DNA and other models of bio-inspired computing
- document engineering
- foundations of finite state technology
- fuzzy and rough languages
- grammars (Chomsky hierarchy, contextual, multidimensional, unification, categorial, etc.)
- grammars and automata architectures
- grammatical inference and algorithmic learning
- graphs and graph transformation
- language varieties and semigroups
- language-based cryptography
- language-theoretic foundations of artificial intelligence and artificial life
- neural networks
- parallel and regulated rewriting
- parsing
- pattern recognition
- patterns and codes
- power series
- quantum, chemical and optical computing
- semantics
- string and combinatorial issues in computational biology and bioinformatics
- string processing algorithms
- symbolic dynamics
- term rewriting
- transducers
- trees, tree languages and tree machines
- weighted machines


LATA 2011 will consist of:

- 3 invited talks
- 2 invited tutorials
- refereed contributions
- open sessions for discussion in specific subfields, on open problems, or on professional issues (if requested by the participants)


To be announced


Andrew Adamatzky (Bristol)
Cyril Allauzen (Mountain View)
Amihood Amir (Ramat-Gan)
Franz Baader (Dresden)
Marie-Pierre Béal (Marne-la-Vallée)
Philip Bille (Lyngby)
Miklós Bóna (Gainesville)
Symeon Bozapalidis (Thessaloniki)
Vasco Brattka (Cape Town)
Maxime Crochemore (London)
James Currie (Winnipeg)
Jürgen Dassow (Magdeburg)
Cunsheng Ding (Hong Kong)
Rodney Downey (Wellington)
Manfred Droste (Leipzig)
Enrico Formenti (Nice)
Amy Glen (Perth)
Serge Haddad (Cachan)
Shunsuke Inenaga (Fukuoka, co-chair)
Jesper Jansson (Tokyo)
Jarkko Kari (Turku)
Marek Karpinski (Bonn)
Maciej Koutny (Newcastle)
Gregory Kucherov (Lille)
Markus Lohrey (Leipzig)
Benedikt Löwe (Amsterdam)
Salvador Lucas (Valencia)
Sebastian Maneth (Sydney)
Carlos Martín-Vide (Brussels, co-chair)
Giancarlo Mauri (Milano)
Alexander Meduna (Brno)
Kenichi Morita (Hiroshima)
Sven Naumann (Trier)
Gonzalo Navarro (Santiago, CL)
Mark-Jan Nederhof (St Andrews)
Joachim Niehren (Lille)
Joakim Nivre (Uppsala)
Kemal Oflazer (Doha)
Alexander Okhotin (Turku)
Witold Pedrycz (Edmonton)
Dominique Perrin (Marne-la-Vallée)
Giovanni Pighizzini (Milano)
Alberto Policriti (Udine)
Lech Polkowski (Warsaw)
Helmut Prodinger (Stellenbosch)
Mathieu Raffinot (Paris)
Philippe Schnoebelen (Cachan)
Ayumi Shinohara (Sendai)
Jamie Simpson (Perth)
Magnus Steinby (Turku)
James Storer (Boston)
Jens Stoye (Bielefeld)
Andrzej Tarlecki (Warsaw)
Richard Thomas (Leicester)
György Vaszil (Budapest)
Heiko Vogler (Dresden)
Pascal Weil (Bordeaux)
Damien Woods (Pasadena)
Thomas Zeugmann (Sapporo)


Adrian Horia Dediu (Tarragona)
Shunsuke Inenaga (Fukuoka, co-chair) 
Carlos Martín-Vide (Brussels, co-chair) 
Bianca Truthe (Magdeburg)


Authors are invited to submit papers presenting original and unpublished research. Papers should not exceed 12 single-spaced pages and should be formatted according to the standard format for Springer Verlag's LNCS series (see Submissions have to be uploaded at:


A volume of proceedings published by Springer in the LNCS series will be available by the time of the conference.

A special issue of a major journal will be later published containing refereed extended versions of some of the papers contributed to the conference. Submissions to it will be by invitation.


The period for registration will be open since October 13, 2010 until May 30, 2011. The registration form can be found at the website of the conference:

Early registration fees: 500 Euro
Early registration fees (PhD students): 400 Euro
Late registration fees: 540 Euro
Late registration fees (PhD students): 440 Euro
On-site registration fees: 580 Euro
On-site registration fees (PhD students): 480 Euro

At least one author per paper should register. Papers that do not have a registered author who paid the fees by February 28, 2011 will be excluded from the proceedings.

Fees comprise access to all sessions, one copy of the proceedings volume, coffee breaks and lunches.

PhD students will need to prove their status on site.


Early (resp. late) registration fees must be paid by bank transfer before February 28, 2011 (resp. May 16, 2011) to the conference series account at Uno-e Bank (Julián Camarillo 4 C, 28037 Madrid, Spain):

IBAN: ES3902270001820201823142 - Swift code: UNOEESM1 (account holder: Carlos Martin-Vide – LATA 2011).

Please write the participant’s name in the subject of the bank form. Transfers should not involve any expense for the conference. Please notice that the date that counts is the day when the transfer reached the conference’s account.

On-site registration fees can be paid only in cash. A receipt for payments will be provided on site.

Besides paying the registration fees, it is required to fill in the registration form at the website of the conference.


Paper submission: January 3, 2011
Notification of paper acceptance or rejection: February 14, 2011
Early registration: February 28, 2011
Final version of the paper for the LNCS proceedings: February 28, 2011
Late registration: May 16, 2011
Starting of the conference: May 30, 2011
Submission to the post-conference special issue: August 30, 2011



LATA 2011
Research Group on Mathematical Linguistics
Rovira i Virgili University
Av. Catalunya, 35
43002 Tarragona, Spain

Phone: +34-977-559543
Fax: +34-977-558386
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3-3-21(2011-06-13) CBMI 2011 9th International Workshop on Comtent-Based Multimedia Indexing

9th International Workshop on Comtent-Based Multimedia Indexing

                      13-15 June 2011, Madrid, Spain

Following the eight successful previous events of CBMI (Toulouse 1999, Brescia 2001, Rennes 2003, Riga 2005, Bordeaux 2007, London 2008, Chania 2009 and Grenoble 2010), the Video Processing and Understanding Lab (VPULab) and the Information Retrieval Group (IRG) at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid will organize the next CBMI event.

CBMI 2011 aims at bringing together the various communities involved in the different aspects of content-based multimedia indexing, retrieval, browsing and presentation. The scientific program of CBMI 2011 will include invited keynote talks and regular and special sessions with contributed research papers.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Multimedia indexing and retrieval (image, audio, video, text)
- Matching and similarity search
- Construction of high level indices
- Multimedia index extraction
- Identification and tracking of semantic regions in scenes
- Multi-modal and cross-modal indexing
- Content-based search
- Multimedia data mining
- Metadata generation, coding and transformation
- Large scale multimedia database management
- Summarization, browsing and organization of multimedia content
- Presentation and visualization tools   
- User interaction and relevance feedback
- Personalization and content adaptation
- Evaluation and metrics

Important Dates
        Submission of full paper (to be received by): January 14, 2011
        Notification of acceptance: February 25, 2011
        Submission of camera-ready papers: March 11, 2011

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3-3-22(2011-06-20) CfP 9th International Seminar in Speech Production, Montreal

in Speech Production, Montreal, June 20-23, 2011
De : issp2011 [ à ]

Dear speech researcher,

We are pleased to announce that the the ninth International Seminar on
Speech Production (ISSP'11) will be held in Montreal, Canada from June
20th to 23rd,
2011. ISSP’11 is the continuation of a series of seminars dating back to
Grenoble (1988), Leeds (1990), Old Saybrook (1993), Autrans (1996),
Kloster Seeon (2000), Sydney (2003), Ubatuba (2006), and Strasbourg (2008).
Several aspects of speech production will be covered, such as phonology,
phonetics, linguistics, mechanics, acoustics, physiology, motor control,
neurosciences and
computer science.

For this edition, a special session will be organized in honor of Dr.
Joseph Perkell, for his contribution to the field.

Technical details will be posted soon on the conference website

Looking forward to your venue in Montreal in 2011!

The organizing committee/ Le comité organisateur,
Lucie Ménard (UQAM)
Shari R. Baum (McGill)
Vincent Gracco (McGill)
David Ostry (McGill)

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3-3-23(2011-07-11) JHU Summer Workshops
JHU Summer Workshops
Deadline: Tuesday, November 9, 2010.

The Center for Language and Speech Processing at Johns Hopkins
University invites one-page research proposals for a
Summer Workshop on Language Engineering, to be held
in Baltimore, MD, USA, July 11 to August 19, 2011.

An interactive peer-review meeting will refine and select proposals
to be funded for a six-week residential team exploration. Proposals
should aim to advance the state of the art in any of the various
fields of Human Language Technology (HLT).  This year, proposals in
related areas of Machine Intelligence that share techniques with
HLT, such as Computer Vision (CV), are also strongly solicited.

Proposals are welcome on any topic of interest to HLT, CV and
technically related areas.  For example, proposals may address
novel topics or long-standing problems in one of the following

* SPEECH TECHNOLOGY:  Proposals are welcomed that address any
  aspect of information extraction from speech signal (message,
  speaker identity, language,...). Of particular interest are
  proposals for techniques whose performance would be minimally
  degraded by input signal variations, or which require minimal
  amounts of training data.

* NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING: Proposals for knowledge discovery
  from text are encouraged, as are proposals in traditional
  fields such as parsing, machine translation, information
  extraction, sentiment analysis, summarization, and question
  answering.  Proposals may aim to improve the accuracy or enrich
  the output of such systems, or extend their reach by improving
  their speed, scalability, and coverage of languages and genres.

* VISUAL SCENE INTERPRETATION: New strategies are needed to
  parse visual scenes or generic (novel) objects, analyzing an
  image as a set of spatially related components.  Such strategies
  may integrate global top-down knowledge of scene structure (e.g.,
  generative models) with the kind of rich bottom-up, learned
  image features that have recently become popular for object
  detection.  They will support both learning and efficient search
  for the best analysis.

  that do not require extensive quantities of human annotated data
  to address any of the challenges above could potentially make
  large strides in machine performance as well as lead to greater
  robustness to changes in input conditions.  Semi-supervised and
  unsupervised learning techniques with applications to HLT and CV
  are therefore of considerable interest.

Research topics selected for investigation by teams in
past workshops may serve as good examples for your proposal

An independent panel of experts will screen all received proposals
for suitability. Results of this screening will be communicated
no later than November 12, 2010. Authors passing this initial
screening will be invited to Baltimore to present their ideas
to a peer-review panel on December 3-5, 2010.  It is expected
that the proposals will be revised at this meeting to address any
outstanding concerns or new ideas. Two or three research topics and
the teams to tackle them will be selected for the 2011 workshop.

We attempt to bring the best researchers to the workshop
to collaboratively pursue the selected topics for six weeks.
Authors of successful proposals typically become the team leaders.
Each topic brings together a diverse team of researchers and
students.  The senior participants come from academia, industry
and government.  Graduate student participants familiar with
the field are selected in accordance with their demonstrated
performance. Undergraduate participants, selected through a
national search, are rising seniors: new to the field and showing
outstanding academic promise.

If you are interested in participating in the 2011 Summer
Workshop we ask that you submit a one-page research proposal for
consideration, detailing the problem to be addressed.  If your
proposal passes the initial screening, we will invite you to join
us for the December 3-5 meeting in Baltimore (as our guest) for
further discussions aimed at consensus.  If a topic in your area
of interest is chosen as one of the two or three to be pursued
next summer, we expect you to be available for participation
in the six-week workshop. We are not asking for an ironclad
commitment at this juncture, just a good faith understanding
that if a project in your area of interest is chosen, you will
actively pursue it.  We in turn will make a good faith effort to
accommodate any personal/logistical needs to make your six-week
participation possible.

Proposals should be submitted via e-mail to by
4PM EST on Tue, November 9, 2010.
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3-3-24(2011-08-17) 17th International Congress ofPhonetic Sciences (ICPhS XVII)

17th International Congress ofPhonetic Sciences (ICPhS XVII) 

 in Hong Kong, August 17-21, 2011 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. I

CPhS  XVII is jointly organized by the City University of Hong Kong, the
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, and the Academia Sinica,
Taipei, under the auspices of the Permanent Council for the
Organization of the International Congresses of Phonetic Sciences and
the International Phonetic Association. We have the pleasure to invite
you to take part in this world event in Hong Kong 2011. For further
information about ICPhS XVII, please visit the congress website or contact us at

The Organizers of ICPhS XVII 2011

Congress website:


Tel.: (852) 3442-7594

Fax: (852) 3442-0356

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3-3-25(2011-09-12) Prosody- Discourse Interface Conference

Conference  IDP 2011

 The Prosody-Discourse Interface (including research training workshop on prosody and special workshop on expressives and affective prosody)

 University of Salford, Greater Manchester  12 September 2011 –  14 September (incl)

 (just after the LAGB  7 – 10 September 2011, at the University of Manchester)


Invited speakers:

Nicole Dehe, University of Konstanz

John Local, University of York

Chris Potts, University of Stanford

Marc Schroeder, German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence


This conference is the fourth in a series which provides a forum for those working on the relationship between prosody and discourse.  As the previous conferences have shown, there is a range of phenomena which illustrate how research in prosody feeds into research in discourse and vice versa – for example, the communication of attitudes and emotions, constraints on implicit meaning, focus and information structure, the communication of irony, interaction and interactive meaning, humour in discourse, parentheticals, the interpretation of anaphora, the identification of processing units, and the identification of genre. The relationship between prosody and discourse has been viewed from the perspective of phonology, semantics, syntax, pragmatics, language acquisition, language processing, language pathology, stylistics, language evolution, and speech synthesis. Moreover, research has been carried out in a wide range of theoretical paradigms. We now aim to build on this research, and in this way develop a greater understanding of phenomena at the prosody-discourse interface.


The conference will consist of four parts:

 1.     Research Training Workshop (for research students and academics who wish to develop an understanding of the issues involved in transcribing prosodic structure).

2.     Oral presentations on any area of the prosody-discourse interface

3.     P5oster sessions on any area of the prosody-discourse interface

4.     Special workshop on expressive and affective prosody (speakers: Diane Blakemore, Chris Potts, Marc Schroeder)


 We now invite researchers in prosody and discourse to submit abstract for inclusion in themed sessions on any area of the prosody-discourse interface (including the topic of the special workshop). We expect abstracts to address the following questions from a range of theoretical paradigms:


  • What are the different prosodic subsystems; how do they interact; and how do they contribute to the interpretation of discourse?
  • How should we describe and analyze prosodic facts?
  • What are the relevant units for the analysis of discourse; and what are their prosodic properties?
  • How is discourse processed; and how does prosody affect discourse processing?
  • How do context and prosody interact in the interpretation of discourse?
  • What is ‘tone of voice’ and how does it affect interpretation?
  • How do L1 and L2 speakers acquire an understanding of the relationship between prosody and context?
  • What are the best methodological tools for the description and transcription of the prosodic properties of discourse?

 Please note

  • the conference will be held in English and French. 
  • abstracts must be no more than 1 A4 page and written in Times 12 Font (plus an extra page for references and figures)
  • two copies of the abstract must be submitted – one anonymous and the other marked with the name of the author(s), affiliation(s) and email address of the main author
  • abstracts must be sent to the following address:
  • abstracts will be evaluated anonymously by the scientific committee for the conference.
  • abstracts should indicate if they are for an oral presentation, a poster, or both. Please note that we will not be able to accommodate everybody in the oral sessions.


Submission of abstracts: 15 April 2011

Notification of acceptance: 6 June 2011

Conference: 12 – 14 September 2011


Diane Blakemore  (local organizer)

Debbie Hughes (conference support)



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3-3-26(2011-12-11) ASRU 2011 Hawaii (tentative)

ASRU 2011 will be held Dec. 11 - 15, 2011 in Hawaii. Motivated by the success of ICASSP 2007 in Honolulu, and past ASRU workshops (St. Thomas, San Juan, Kyoto and Merano), we plan to provide attendees with a pleasant and informal setting that naturally generates interactions and close collaborations among researchers.

Several venues in Hawaii are currently under consideration, including resorts in Big Island and Honolulu, with a decision on the exact location to be announced in May 2010. The dates have been chosen to accommodate Thanksgiving, Christmas and other holidays, and conferences such as NIPS, that ASRU attendees may wish to participate in. IBM has agreed to be a major sponsor.

As a scientific community, we hope to have participation from countries all over the world at ASRU 2011. In the article published in the February 2010 edition of the SLTC newsletter, it was observed that participation from Asia, Central and South America was low. We hope that the selected location will attract participants from not just those countries, but others as well.

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