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ISCApad Archive  »  2010  »  ISCApad #148  »  Events  »  Other Events  »  (2010-10-29) CfP Multimedia in Forensics, Security and Intelligence (MiFor 2010)-Firenze Italy

ISCApad #148

Sunday, October 10, 2010 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-4 (2010-10-29) CfP Multimedia in Forensics, Security and Intelligence (MiFor 2010)-Firenze Italy

The ACM Workshop on Multimedia in Forensics, Security and Intelligence (MiFor 2010),
in conjunction with the 2010 ACM Multimedia (ACM-MM),
Firenze, Italy
October 29, 2010
With the proliferation of multimedia data on the web, surveillance cameras in cities, and mobile phones in everyday life we see an enormous growth in multimedia data that needs to be secured to prevent illegal use, to be analyzed by forensic investigators to detect and reconstruct illegal activities, or be used as source of intelligence. The sheer volume of such datasets makes manual inspection of all data impossible. In recent years the multimedia community has developed new exciting solutions for management of large collections of video footage, images, audio and other multimedia content, knowledge extraction and categorization, pattern recognition, indexing and retrieval, searching, browsing and visualization, and modeling and simulation in various domains. Due to the inherent uncertainty and complexity of the data appearing in criminal cases applying those techniques are not straightforward. The time is ripe, however, to tailor these results for forensics, security and intelligence.

The workshop topics include (but are not limited to) the following:


Forgery detection and identification, detection of stenography
Device characterization and identification
Media forensic applications and attack analysis
Crime scene reconstruction and annotation
Forensic investigation of surveillance data, video analytics
Multimodal analysis of surveillance data
Multimodal analysis of biometric traces
Authenticity of multimedia data


Digital/encrypted domain watermarking for multimedia
Signal processing in the encrypted domain
Multimedia content protection and violation detection
Digital rights management
Robust hashing and content fingerprinting
Cryptography for content protection


Searching for illicit content in multimedia data
Image, video, and text linking
Multimedia near duplicate detection and retrieval
Multimedia interfaces, visual analytics
Identity detection
Scalable multimedia search

Important Dates (tentative)

Paper Submission: June 10, 2010
Notification of Acceptance: July 10, 2010
Camera-ready Version: July 20, 2010
Workshop Date: October 29, 2010
 Paper Submissions and Author Guidelines

Papers submissions for MiFor 2010 should follow the submission format and guidelines for regular ACM Multimedia 2010 papers, and be up to 6 pages in length. Guidelines for preparing submissions can be found at:

Submitted papers will undergo a peer review process by at least two reviewers.

Accepted papers for oral and poster presentations at the workshop will be included in the workshop's proceedings, which will be published together with the proceedings of the ACM Multimedia Conference 2010. In addition, we plan to realize a special issue or an edited volume by asking the authors of the best papers to submit a substantially extended version of their workshop papers.

Additional information is available at the workshop website:
Workshop Chairs:
Sebastiano Battiato (University of Catania, Italy)
Sabu Emmanuel (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Adrian Ulges (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Germany)
Marcel Worring (University of Amsterdam, The Netherland)

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