ISCA - International Speech
Communication Association

ISCApad Archive  »  2010  »  ISCApad #148  »  Jobs

ISCApad #148

Sunday, October 10, 2010 by Chris Wellekens

6 Jobs
6-1(2010-05-12) 2 PhD Positions at Vrije Universiteit of Brussel Belgium

PhD position in Audio Visual Signal Processing

ETRO – AVSP – Vrije Universiteit Brussel


PhD position in audiovisual crossmodal attention and multisensory integration.

Keywords: audio visual signal processing, scene analysis, cognitive vision.


The Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Brussels, Belgium;, department of Electronics and Informatics (ETRO) has available a PhD position in the area of audio visual scene analysis and in particular in crossmodal attention and multisensory integration in the detection and tracking of spatio-temporal events in audiovisual streams.


The position is part of an ambitious European project aliz-e “Adaptive Strategies for Sustainable Long-Term Social Interaction”. The overall aim of the project is to develop the theory and practice behind embodied cognitive robots which are capable of maintaining believable multi-modal any-depth affective interactions with a young user over an extended and possibly discontinuous period of time.


Within this context, audiovisual attention plays an important role. Indeed, attention is the cognitive process of selectively concentrating on an aspect of the environment while ignoring others. The human selective attention mechanism enables us to concentrate on the most meaningful signals amongst all information provided by our audio-visual senses. The human auditory system is able to separate acoustic mixtures in order to create a perceptual stream for each sound source. It is widely assumed that this auditory scene analysis interacts with attention mechanisms that select a stream for attentional focus. In computer vision, attention mechanisms are mainly used to reduce the amount of data for complex computations. They employ a method of determining important, salient units of attention and select them sequentially for being subjected to these computations. The most common visual attention model is the bottom-up approach which uses basic features, conjunctions of features or even learned features as saliency information to guide visual attention. Attention can also be controlled by top-down or goal-driven information relevant to current behaviors. The deployment of attention is then determined by an interaction between bottom-up and top-down attention priming or setting.

Motivated by these models, the present research project aims at developing a conceptual framework for audio-visual selective attention in which the formation of groups and streams is heavily influenced by conscious and subconscious attention.



The position will be within the ETRO research group ( under supervision of Prof. Werner Verhelst and Prof. Hichem Sahli, but will also have close collaboration and regular interaction with the research groups participating in Aliz-e.

The ideal candidate is a team worker having theoretical knowledge and practical experience in audio and image processing, machine learning and/or data mining. He/she is a good programmer (preferably matlab or C++). He or she is in the possession of a 2 year master in engineering science (electronics, informatics, artificial intelligence or other relevant discipline).

The position and research grant are available from June 2010. The position is for 4 years.

Applicants should send a letter explaining their research interests and experience, a complete curriculum vitae (with the relevant courses and grades), and an electronic copy of their master thesis (plus, optionally, reports of other relevant projects) to


============================================================Post Doc Position in Audio-Visual Signal Processing & Machine Learning

ETRO – AVSP – Vrije Universiteit Brussel


Post Doctoral Position in audiovisual signal processing and machine learning.

Keywords: audio visual signal processing, scene analysis, machine learning, affective human-robot interaction.


The Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Brussels, Belgium;, department of Electronics and Informatics (ETRO) has available a Post Doctoral position in the area of audio visual signal processing and multi-modal affective interaction.


The position is part of an ambitious European project aliz-e “Adaptive Strategies for Sustainable Long-Term Social Interaction”. The overall aim of the project is to develop the theory and practice behind embodied cognitive robots which are capable of maintaining believable multi-modal any-depth affective interactions with a young user over an extended and possibly discontinuous period of time.



PhD with concentration in relevant areas or closely related areas, such as audiovisual speech processing, audiovisual scene analysis, human-machine interaction, affective computing, machine learning
Track record of important publications 
Ability to generate new ideas and apply them to human-machine applications
Good programming skills, especially  implementation of complex algorithms
Highly motivated and willing to coordinate the work of 2-3 PhD students
Proficient in English, both written and spoken
Knowledge of the Dutch language is a plus but not a requirement

The position is available from June 2010 at a competitive salary. The position is guaranteed for 3 years and can be extended. In addition, candidates that qualify for an Odysseus grant from the Research Foundation Flanders will be encouraged and supported to do so (

Applicants should send a letter explaining their research interests and experience, a complete curriculum vitae and recommendation letters to


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6-2(2010-05-12) Post doc at Universite de Bordeaux, Talence , France

Sélection de modèles pour les systèmes de Markov à saut Post-Doc

DeadLine: 31/07/2010, 
Lieu : Laboratoire IMS, Groupe Signal, Talence, Bordeaux. 
Date : Septembre 2010 Domaine : Traitement du signal
Contacts :,

Fournir un CV avec 2 lettres de personnes référentes  Le post-doctorat proposé porte sur les approches de sélection de modèles pertinents dans un contexte d’estimation par algorithmes dits à modèles multiples. Ces approches consistent à mettre en compétition plusieurs modèles pour décrire l’évolution de l’état d’un système que l’on cherche à estimer. Les premiers algorithmes proposés [1] considèraient des modèles linéaires Gaussiens et étaient donc fondés sur une estimation du vecteur état par filtrage de Kalman. Avec le développement des méthodes de filtrage particulaire [2], le problème posé s’élargit au contexte des systèmes dits de Markov à saut dont l’évolution peut être décrite par différentes lois de probabilités. Dans ce cadre, le post-doctorant s’interrogera sur le choix a priori des modèles d’évolution de l’état du système. Si ce choix n’est pas dicté par des considérations physiques, différentes questions peuvent alors être soulevées telles que : - le nombre optimal de modèles à utiliser, - la validité des modèles sélectionnés, - l’influence du degré de recouvrement ou de ressemblance de ces modèles. Ainsi, il conviendra de déterminer si le fait d’utiliser un jeu de modèles très « différents » les uns des autres permet d’améliorer l’estimation de l’état du système. Le post-doctorant sera donc amené à étudier/développer des critères permettant de mesurer la ressemblance entre deux modèles, ou plus génériquement entre deux lois de probabilité, et s’intéressera entre autres à des outils tels que le facteur de Bayes ou la déviance Bayésienne [3]. 

[1]H. A. P. Blom,Y. Bar-Shalom, The interacting multiple model algorithm for systems with Markovian switching coefficients, IEEE Trans. Autom. Control, 33 8, (1988), 780–783.
 [2]M. S. Arulampalam, S. Maskell, N. Gordon, and T. Clapp, A tutorial on particle filters for online nonlinear/ non-Gaussian Bayesian tracking, IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 174-188, 2002.
[3]C.P. Robert, Le Choix Bayésien, Springer Editions, 2005.

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6-3(2010-05-20) Associate professor at Nanjng Normal University China

Associate Professor or Lecturer positions in Phonetic Science and Speech Technology at Nanjing Normal University, China


The Department of Linguistic Science and Technology at Nanjing Normal University, China, invites applications for two positions at Associate Professor or Lecturer level in the area of Phonetic Sciences and Speech Technologies.


Nanjing Normal University (NNU) is situated in Nanjing, a city in China not only famous for its great history and culture but also pride for excellence in education and academy. With Chinese-style buildings and garden-like environment, the NNU campus is often entitled as the “Most Beautiful Campus in the Orient.”


NNU is among the top 5 universities of China in the area of Linguistics. Placing a strong emphasis on interdisciplinary research, the Department of Linguistic Science and Technology at NNU is unique in that it bridges the studies of theoretical and applied linguistics, cognitive sciences, and information technologies. A new laboratory has recently been established in phonetic sciences and speech technologies, to stimulate a closer collaboration between linguists, phoneticians, psychologists, and computer/engineering scientists. The laboratory is very well equipped, possessing sound-proof recording studio, professional audio facilities, physiological instruments (e.g., EGG, EMG, EPG, airflow and pressure module, and nasality sensor), EEG for ERP studies, and Linux/Windows workstations.


We welcome interested colleagues to join us. The research can cover any related areas in phonetic sciences and speech technologies, including but not limited to speech production, speech perception, prosodic modeling, speech synthesis, automatic speech recognition and understanding, spoken language acquisition, and computer-aided language learning. Outstanding research support will be offered. The position level will be determined based on qualifications and experience.



* A PhD degree in related disciplines (e.g., linguistics, psychology, physics, applied mathematics, computer sciences, and electronic engineering) is preferred, though a MS degree with a distinguished experience in R&D of speech technologies at world-class institutes/companies is also acceptable

* 3+ years’ experience and strong publication/patent record in phonetic sciences or speech technologies

* Good oral and written communication skills in both Chinese and English

* Good programming skills

* Team work spirit in a multidisciplinary group

* Candidates working in any related topics are encouraged to apply, but those who have backgrounds and research interests in both phonetic/linguistic sciences and speech technologies will be considered with preference


Interested candidates should submit a current CV, a detailed list of publication, the copies of the best two or three publications, and the contact information of at least two references. The application and any further enquiry about the positions should be sent to Prof. Wentao GU by email (preferred) or regular mail to the following address:


Prof. Wentao GU

              Dept of Linguistic Science and Technology

              Nanjing Normal University

              122 Ning Hai Road, Nanjing

              Jiangsu 210097, China

              Phone:  +86-189-3687-2840



The positions will keep open until they are filled.


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6-4(2010-05-21) Post doc at LORIA Nancy France

Title : Bayesian networks for modeling and handling variability sources in speech recognition

- Location: INRIA Nancy Grand Est research center --- LORIA Laboratory, NANCY, France
- Project-team: PAROLE
Contact: Denis Jouvet (

In state-of-art speech recognition systems, Hidden Markov Models (HMM) are used to model the acoustic realization of the sounds. The decoding process compares the unknown speech signal to sequences of these acoustic models to find the best matching sequence which determines the recognized words. Lexical and grammatical constraints are taken into account during the decoding process; they limit the amount of model sequences that are considered in the comparisons, which, nevertheless remains very large. Hence precise acoustic models are necessary for achieving good speech recognition performance. To obtain reliable parameters, the HMM-based acoustic models are trained on very large speech corpus. However, speech recognition performance is very dependent on the acoustic environment: good performance is achieved when the acoustic environment matches with that of the training data, and performance degrades when the acoustic environment gets different. The acoustic environment depends on many variability sources which impact on the acoustic signal. This includes the speaker gender (male / female), individual speaker characteristics, the speech loudness, the speaking rate, the microphone, the transmission channel, and of course the noise, to name only of few of them [Benzeghiba et al, 2007]. Using a training corpus which exhibits too many different variability sources (for example many different noise levels, too different channel speech coding schemes, ...) makes the acoustic models less discriminative, and thus lowers the speech recognition performance. On the opposite, having many sets of acoustic models, each one of them dedicated to a specific environment condition raises training problems. Indeed, because each training subset is restricted to a specific environment condition, its size gets much smaller, and consequently it might be impossible to train reliably some parameters of the acoustic models associated to this environment condition. In recent years, Dynamic Bayesian Networks (DBN) have been applied in speech recognition. In such an approach, certain model parameters are set dependent on some auxiliary features, such as articulatory information [Stephenson et al., 2000], pitch and energy [Stephenson et al. 2004], speaking rate [Shinozaki & Furui, 2003] or some hidden factor related to a clustering of the training speech data [Korkmazsky et al., 2004]. The approach has also been investigated for dealing with multiband speech recognition, non-native speech recognition, as well as for taking estimations of speaker classes into account in continuous speech recognition [Cloarec & Jouvet, 2008]. Although the above experiments were conducted with limited vocabulary tasks, they showed that Dynamics Bayesian Networks provide a way of handling some variability sources in the acoustic modeling. The objective of the work is to further investigate the application of Dynamic Bayesian Network (DBN) for continuous speech recognition application using large vocabularies. The aim is to estimate the current acoustic environment condition dynamically, and to constraint the current acoustic space used during decoding accordingly. The underlying idea is to be able to handle various range of acoustic space constraints during decoding. Hence, when the acoustic environment condition estimation is reliable, the corresponding specific condition constraints can be used (leading, for example, to model parameters associated to a class of very similar speakers in a given environment). On the opposite, when the acoustic environment condition estimation is less reliable, more tolerant constraints should be used (leading, for example, to model parameters associated to a broader class of speakers or to several environment conditions). Within the formalism of Dynamic Bayesian Networks, the work to be carried out is the following. The first aspect concerns the optimization of the classification of the training data, and associated methods for estimating the classes that best matches unknown test data automatically. The second aspect involves the development of confidence measures associated to the classification process of test sentences, and the integration of these confidence measures in the DBN modeling (in order to constraint more or less the acoustic space for decoding according to the reliability of the environment condition estimation).

 [Benzeghiba et al, 2007] M. Benzeghiba, R. de Mori, O. Deroo, S. Dupont, T. Erbes, D. Jouvet, L. Fissore, P. Laface, A. mertins, C. Ris, R. Rose, V. Tyagi & C. Wellekens: 'Automatic speech recognition and speech variability: A review'; Speech Communication, Vol. 49, 2007, pp. 763-786.

[Cloarec & Jouvet, 2008] G. Cloarec & D. Jouvet: 'Modeling inter-speaker variability in speech recognition' ; Proc. ICASSP'2008, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 30 March – 4 April 2008, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, pp. 4529-4532

[Korkmazsky et al., 2004] F. Korkmazsky, M. Deviren, D. Fohr & I. Illina: 'Hidden factor dynamic Bayesian networks for speech recognition'; Proc. ICSLP'2004, International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, 4-8 October 2004, Jeju Island, Korea, pp. 1134-1137.

 [Shinozaki & Furui, 2003] T. Shinozaki & S. Furui: 'Hidden mode HMM using bayesian network for modeling speaking rate fluctuation'; Proc. ASRU'2003, IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding, 30 November - 4 December 2003, US Virgin Islands, pp.417-422.

 [Stephenson et al., 2000] T.A. Stephenson, H. Bourlard, S. Bengio & A.C. Morris: 'Automatic speech recognition using dynamic Bayesian networks with both acoustic and articulatory variables'; Proc. ICSLP'2000, International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, 2000, Beijing, China, vol. 2, pp. 951–954.

[Stephenson et al., 2004] T.A. Stephenson, M.M. Doss & H. Bourlard: 'Speech recognition with auxiliary information'; IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, SAP-12 (3), 2004, pp. 189–203.


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6-5(2010-05-26) Post-doc position in Speech Recognition, Adaptation, Retrieval and Translation- Aalto University Finland

Post-doc position in Speech Recognition, Adaptation, Retrieval and Translation
In Aalto University School of Science and Technology (previously known as Helsinki University of Technology) in Department of Computer and Information Science

or directly:

We are looking for a postdoc to join our research group working on machine learning and probabilistic modeling in speech recognition, adaptation, retrieval and translation. Speech recognition group (led by Mikko Kurimo) belongs to the Adaptive Informatics Research Centre (by Prof. Oja, 2006-) which is the successor to the Neural Networks Research Centre (by Prof. Kohonen, 1995-2005).

We are happy to consider outstanding candidates interested in any of our research themes, for example:

·      large-vocabulary speech recognition

·      acoustic and language model adaptation

·      speech recognition in noisy environments

·      spoken document retrieval

·      speech translation based on unsupervised morpheme models

·      speech recognition in multimodal and multilingual interfaces

Postdoc: 1 year + extension possibilities. Starting date: near August 1, 2010. Position requires a relevant doctoral degree in CS or EE, skills for doing excellent research in a group, and outstanding research experience in any of the research themes mentioned above. The candidate is expected to perform high-quality research, and provide assistance in supervision of our PhD students.

In Helsinki you will join the innovative international computational data analysis and ICT community. Among European cities, Helsinki is special in being clean, safe, liberal, Scandinavian, and close to nature, in short, having a high standard of living. English is spoken everywhere. See. e.g. Visit Finland.

Please attach a CV including a list of publications and email addresses of 2-3 people willing to give more information. Include a brief description of research interests and send the application by email to

Mikko Kurimo,
Adaptive Informatics Research Centre, Department of Information and Computer Science, Aalto University School of Science and Technology


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6-6(2010-05-26) Ph D grant at University of Nantes France

Fusion Strategies for Handwriting and Speech Modalities – Application in Mathematical Expression Recognition These DeadLine: 15/07/2010 

Keywords : Handwriting recognition, Speech recognition, Data/decision fusion.  IRCCyN - UMR CNRS 6597 - NANTES Equipe IVC 

Description of the Ph-D thesis: Handwriting and speech are the two most common modalities of interaction for human beings. Each of them has specific features related to usability, expressibility, and requires dedicated tools and techniques for digitization. The goal of this PhD is to study fusion strategies for a multi-modal input system, combining on-line handwriting and speech, so that extended facilities or increased performances are achieved with respect to a single modality. Several fusion methods will be investigated in order to take advantage of a possible mutual disambiguation. They will range from early fusion to late fusion, for exploiting as much as possible redundancy and complementarity of the two streams. The joint analysis of handwritten documents and speech is a quite new area of research, and only a few works have emerged concerning applications such as identity verification [1], white board interaction [2], lecture note taking [3], and mathematical expression recognition [4]. Precisely, the focus of this thesis will be on mathematical expression recognition [4,5,6]. This is a very challenging domain where a lot of difficulties have to be faced. Specifically, the large number of symbols, and the 2D layout of expressions have to be considered. Pattern recognition, machine learning, fusion techniques will play fundamental roles in this work. This PhD is part of the DEPART (Document Ecrit, Parole et Traduction) project funded by the Pays de la Loire Region. Applications, including cover letter, CV, and the contact information for references should be emailed to
 Qualification required:
• Master’s degree in computer science or a related field such as electrical, telecommunications engineering, signal processing or machine learning
• Good programming skills in C++, Java, C, Unix/Linux
 • High motivation in research and applications
• Good communication skills in English or French
. French knowledge is welcome but not mandatory

Starting date: September or October 2010
Place: Nantes (France).
The position is within IRCCyN IVC team in Nantes (Christian Viard-Gaudin, H. Mouchère) in collaboration with LIUM speech team in Le Mans (Simon Petitrenaud).

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6-7(2010-06-08) Two Associate Professor positions in Speech Communication at KTH.

Two Associate Professor positions in Speech Communication at KTH.
The positions are placed in the School of Computer Science and
Communication, Department of  Speech, Music and Hearing.
Further information is available on:
Deadline for applications is June 28, 2010 

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6-8(2010-06-15) Ph D students at Dpt Applied Informatics at University of Bielefeld Germany

The Applied Informatics Group, Faculty of Technology, Bielefeld University is looking for PhD
candidates for a project position within the EU Initial Training Network ?RobotDoc“ in the area of Social
Learning and Interaction.

We are looking for a PhD candidate for the following project:
Development of dialogical rules. The verbal and cognitive development of infants is rooted
in dialog with other people (e.g. parents, peers). However, there is little research on how
infants develop the capability for dialogue. We hypothesize that contingency is a fundamental
mechanism that may help infants to develop their basic interactive capabilities such as turntaking
(Masataka 2003). These capabilities guide their attention to opening phases of a
dialogue, and even regulate their emotions. This project proposes to use the mechanism of
contingency to build a system that can learn dialogical rules through interaction by analyzing
the effects of its own dialogue contributions. In this project, experimental studies on children’s
dialogical capabilities are planned.

We invite applications from motivated young scientists coming from the areas of computer science,
linguistics, psychology, robotics, mathematics, cognitive science or similar, that are willing to contribute
to the cross-disciplinary research agenda of our research group. Research and development are
directed towards understanding the processes and functional constituents of cognitive interaction, and
establishing cognitive interfaces and robots that facilitate the use of complex technical systems.
Bielefeld University provides a unique environment for research in cognitive and intelligent systems by
bringing together researchers from all over the world in a variety of relevant disciplines under the roof
of central institutions such as the Excellence Center of Cognitive Interaction Technology (CITEC) or
the Research Institute for Cognition and Robotics (CoR-Lab).

Successful candidates should hold an academic degree (MSc/Diploma) in a related discipline and
have a background in experimental work (because of planned experimental studies with children) as
well as have a strong interest in social robotics. All applications should include: a short cover letter
indicating the motivation and research interests of the candidate, a CV including a list of publications,
and relevant certificates of academic qualification.

Bielefeld University is an equal opportunity employer. Women are especially encouraged to apply and
in the case of comparable competences and qualification, will be given preference. Bielefeld University
explicitly encourages disabled people to apply. Bielefeld University offers a family friendly environment
and special arrangements for child care and double carrier opportunities.

Please send your application with reference to the offered position (RobotDoc) no later than
15.7.2009 to Ms Susanne H?ke (

Susanne H?ke
AG Applied Informatics
Faculty of Technology
Universit?tsstr. 21-23
33615 Bielefeld

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6-9(2010-06-16) Postdoc position at IRISA Rennes France

Unsupervised paradigms for domain-independent video structure analysis


DeadLine: 31/06/2011,

Video structure analysis consists in dividing a video into elementary structural units such as anchor shots or interviews. Most approaches to the problem of structure analysis follow a supervised train/detect paradigm. For example, machine learning techniques have widely been used for the detection of anchor shots, specific actions, etc. Such paradigms have proven highly efficient on specific contents but lack domain and genre independence. To overcome the limitation of current techniques, we will investigate unsupervised paradigms for robust video structure analysis.

In recent years, we have been working on discovery algorithms to find out in a totally unsupervised fashion coherent or repeating elements in audio and video streams. In a very general way, the problem of unsupervised discovery can be seen as a particular case of a clustering problem. For instance, in audio contents, we have proposed variability tolerant pattern matching techniques to discover repeating chunks of signals corresponding to word-like units [1]. In video contents, we have used audiovisual consistency between audio and visual clusters to discover structural elements such as anchor persons or guest's shots in games and talkshows.

In parallel, we have been working on topic segmentation of TV programs based on their automatic transcription, developing domain-independent methods robust to transcription errors, where no prior knowledge on topics is required [2]. In particular, robustness can be obtained relying on sources of information other than the transcribed speech material, such as audio events (pauses, speaker changes, etc.) or visual events (shot changes, anchor shots, etc.).

The goal of this post-doctoral position is to experiment further unsupervised discovery paradigms for robust structure analysis. The post-doctoral researcher will lead research in the following topics:

1. Unsupervised discovery paradigms in audio and video contents: (a) Improve current algorithms, both in performance and in computational burden; For example, one can rely on automatically built discriminative models from the result of an initial discovery step to improve performance. (b) Propose innovative solutions to define amapping of discovered elements to semantically meaningful events.

2. Apply discovery paradigms for video segmentation, and, in particular, for topic segmentation (accouting for structural elements,  transcript-free segmentation, etc.).

The work will be carried out jointly in the Multimedia group and in the Speech and Audio Processing group at INRIA Rennes, France, in the framework of the OSEO-funded project QUAERO. The position is to be filled as soon as possible and for a duration of 1 year, renewable once. Prospective candidates should have a strong background in at least one of the following domains: pattern recognition preferably applied to speech or video processing, machine learning, multimedia, data mining. Salary depending on experience.


  Guillaume Gravier (

  Mathieu Ben (

  For applications, please send a resume, a short summary of previous work and contacts for recommendation.


  INRIA Rennes:

  Multimedia Group Texmex,

  Speech and Audio Processing Group Metiss,

  Quaero project:


[1] Armando Muscariello, Guillaume Gravier and Frédéric Bimbot. Audio keyword extraction by unsupervised word discovery. In Proc. Conf. of the Intl. Speech Communication Association (Interspeech), 2009.

[2] Camille Guinaudeau, Guillaume Gravier and Pascale Sébillot. Improving ASR-based topic segmentation of TV programs with confidence measures and semantic relations. Submitted to Intl. Speech Communication Association (Interspeech), 2010.

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6-10(2010-06-22) Technical director at ELDA

Technical Director

Working under the supervision of the Managing Director, he/she will be responsible of the development and management of technical projects related to language technologies, as well as partnerships, guaranteeing the timely and cost effectiveness of the execution of those projects.

He/she will be responsible for the management of project teams and the steering of all technical aspects.

He/she will organise, supervise and coordinate the technical activities, guaranteeing of the good scheduling of tasks. He/she will be in charge of the establishment of new contacts, in order to ensure the development of the firm and negotiate business activities in collaboration with our Business Development Manager. Thus, he/she will help setting up all necessary means such as new competences, in order to develop the activity of the firm. Most part of the activity is taking place within international R&D projects co-funded by the European Commission, the French ANR or private partners.

 Skills required:

  • Engineer/PhD degree, with a minimum of 5 years’ experience as a project manager in the field of information technologies (human language technologies)
  • Experience and/or excellent knowledge of European cooperation programmes in the field of human language technologies, as well as international programmes
  • Experience in project management, including the management of European projects
  • Experience and/or good knowledge of issues related to Language Resources and tools of natural language processing in general.
  • Service-, customer- and business-minded, he/she has ability to work with a team and to listen. Excellent communication, as well as good social skills, written and oral ability will be a plus. Knowledge of market strategic orientations of human language technologies.
  • Proficiency in French and English


Candidates should have the citizenship (or residency papers) of a European Union country.

Salary: Commensurate with qualifications and experience.

Applicants should send (preferably via email) a cover letter addressing the points listed above together with a curriculum vitae to:


Khalid Choukri
55-57, rue Brillat-Savarin
75013 Paris
Fax : 01 43 13 33 30
Courriel :


For more information on ELRA/ELDA, visit the following web sites:

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We are seeking applications for a software engineering position to support research and development in the area of AI and Machine Learning at our Mountain View California office. The project goals are to design and develop our software system for spoken dialog systems and machine learning. The candidate will be involved in re-architecting and extending the existing software, closely collaborating with researchers.

Depending on interests and skills, the candidate will also have an opportunity to participate in our research projects on spoken dialog systems, probabilistic and symbolic reasoning, and decision making.

The candidate must have familiarity with AI/machine learning, and strong skills in software development in Java/C++. Desirable experience includes probabilistic and/or symbolic reasoning.

This position will last till March 2011 with possibility of further extensions at company discretion. To apply for this position, please send a cover letter and your resume to:

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6-12(2010-06-24) PhD (3 years) position available at the Radboud University Nijmegen.

PhD (3 years) position available at the Radboud University Nijmegen.

Job description

The FP7 Marie Curie Initial Training Network 'BBfor2' (Bayesian Biometrics for Forensics) provides an opportunity for young researchers to study several biometric technologies in a forensic context.  The Network consists of 9 European research institutes and 3 associated partners.  The Network will provide regular workshops and Summer Schools, so that the 15 PhD students (Early Stage Researchers - ESRs) and PostDocs (Experienced Researchers - ERs) and senior researchers can exchange research experience, insights and ideas.   The main areas of research are Speaker Recognition, Face Recognition, Fingerprint Recognition, but also combinations of these techniques are studied.  The challenge of applying biometric techniques in a forensic context is to be able to deal with the uncontrolled quality of the evidence, and to provide calibrated likelihood scores.  The researchers in this Network will have the opportunity during their assignment to stay for some period at another Network institute and to get experience in an industrial or forensic laboratory. 

The PhD student will investigate automatic speaker recognition in the forensic environment.  The research will include theoretical aspects such as developing a general framework for evidence evaluation and reporting, and experimental aspects by conducting studies with automatic speaker recognition systems.   The candidate will collaborate with other PhD students and senior researchers in the Network, in a highly interdisciplinary environment.  Successful candidates have a Master Degree in Computer Science, Engineering or other relevant disciplines with a strong background in pattern recognition and / or signal processing, and excellent communication and writing skills in English. 


Candidates should comply with the rules set forward by the FP7 Marie Curie ITNs:  Candidates should

-       be transferring from another country, i.e., not be of Dutch nationality, and not have resided more than 12 months in the last 3 years in The Netherlands.

-       be willing to work in at least one other country in the BBfor2 network.

-       have less than 4 years of research experience since their master degree, and not hold a PhD.


The project will be carried out within the Centre for Language and Speech Technology (CLST), a research unit within the Faculty of Arts of the Radboud University Nijmegen.  The CLST hosts a large international group of senior researchers and PhD students who do research at the frontier of science and develop innovative applications. 

Conditions of employment

The duration of the contract is 3 years. The PostDoc will receive an initial contract for the duration of one year, with the possibility of prolongation for another 2 years.  The salary is in accordance with the rules of the Marie Curie ITNs. The annual gross salary is EUR 25,000 in the first year and will grow to EUR 30,000 in the third year. In addition to the salary, travel allowances and career exploratory allowances are foreseen according to generous Marie Curie ITN provisions. The Radboud University is an equal opportunity employer. Female researchers are strongly encouraged to apply for this vacancy. 

Additional information

For further information about the position, please contact David van Leeuwen,



Letters of application, including extensive CVs, (with reference to the vacancy number 23.02.10 and preferably by e-mail) can be sent to: Candiates can apply until August 15th, 2010.

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months; starting Sept./Oct. 2010) IN GRENOBLE (France)
Key words: video information retrieval, spoken language processing, cross-modal fusion

The ANR QCOMPERE project is one the three consortiums that will participate to the REPERE
challenge. REPERE is a multimedia challenge for person recognition within audiovisual
broadcasts. Its general goals are to improve the state-of-the-heart in automatic processing of
multimedia documents and to create collaborations between specialists of the different modalities
involved in the challenge. More precisely, the participants to the REPERE challenge are expected
to build a system for identifying the persons in audiovisual broadcasts, relying on different
possible information sources: the image of the person, his/her voice and the name written on the
image or pronounced. In order to participate to the call, each consortium needs to address these
four questions: who is seen (person identification in videos), who is speaking (speaker
identification in audio), whose name is written on screen (name identification in video using
OCR), whose name is pronounced (name spotting or name identification in ASR), and be able to
fuse the answers in a single system.

This PhD position focus on the fusion of information for cross-(multi-)modal person
recognition in videos, as well as name identification in videos using OCR.
The PhD will take place in the Laboratory of Informatics of Grenoble (LIG) that was created on
January 1, 2007. This laboratory gathers 500 researchers, lecturers-researchers, students and
post-docs, technical and administrative staff members. Research activities are structured around
24 autonomous research groups. Due to its multimodal dimension, this PhD would take place
between two different teams of the laboratory: MRIM and GETALP. The Multimedia
information indexing and retrieval (MRIM) group is specialized (as it is shown in its name) with
multimedia indexing. The GETALP group is specialized in spoken and written natural language
processing. More details on the groups can be found on and

Applicants should hold a Master Thesis in Computer Science and show a strong academic
background. They should be fluent in English. Competence in French is optional, though
applicants will be encouraged to acquire this skill during the PhD.

For further information, please contact Laurent Besacier (Laurent.Besacier at and
Georges Quénot (Georges.Quenot at

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6-14(2010-06-29) Post doc Universite de Neuchatel Suisse
1 poste de POST-DOCTORANT(E)
à temps partiel (50%)
dans le cadre d’un projet FNS portant sur l’étude psycholinguistique,
neurolinguistique et eletrophysiologique (ERP) des processus cognitifs
impliqués dans la production du langage
Charge Collaboration dans le cadre du projet de recherche FNS,
conduite de recherche indépendante dans une problématique
Entrée en fonction 1er octobre 2010 ou à convenir
Traitement légal
Durée du mandat : 2 ans
Titre requis Doctorat en psychologie, linguistique, logopédie ou sciences
du langage.
Profil Recherche scientifique sur les processus cognitifs impliqués
dans la production du langage dans le domaine de
la psycholinguistique expérimentale et/ou neurolinguistique
et/ou neuroimagerie fonctionnelle.
Les demandes de renseignements peuvent être adressées par e-mail à :
Le dossier de candidature (CV et lettre de motivation) doivent être adressées à Marina
Laganaro, par e-mail de préférence ( jusqu’au 30
juillet 2010.
Neuchâtel, le 25 juin 2010
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6-15(2010-06-30) Doctoral and postdoctoral opportunities in Forensic Voice Comparison Australia

Doctoral and postdoctoral opportunities in Forensic Voice Comparison

Doctoral students are sought in connection with the three-year half-million-dollar Australian Research Council Linkage Project (LP100200142) 'Making demonstrably valid and reliable forensic voice comparison a practical everyday reality in Australia'. This is a unique opportunity to obtain multidisciplinary training in both acoustic-phonetic and automatic approaches to forensic voice comparison and evaluation of forensic evidence within the new paradigm for forensic science – likelihood-ratio framework with testing of validity and reliability.

The project will be centred at the to-be-formed Forensic Voice Comparison Laboratory, School of Electrical Engineering & Telecommunications, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia The University of New South Wales is one of Australia's major research institutions, attracting top national competitive research grants and with extensive international research links.

The lead investigator on this project is Dr. Geoffrey Stewart Morrison More details about the project can be found at

Doctoral students

We are looking for two types of candidates:

1.      The ideal candidate would have a strong background in acoustic phonetics and also be (or have the potential to quickly become) knowledgeable and skilful in forensic science (especially the likelihood-ratio framework), programming (especially Matlab), statistics (especially Bayesian) and pattern recognition, and signal processing (especially speech processing).

2.      The ideal candidate would have a strong background in signal processing, especially speech processing, pattern recognition, and programming (especially Matlab), and also be (or have the potential to quickly become) knowledgeable and skilful in forensic science (especially the likelihood-ratio framework), acoustic phonetics, and statistics (especially Bayesian).

A candidate with a Masters degree specialising in forensic voice comparison within the likelihood-ratio framework would be highly favoured. An excellent command of spoken and written English is essential, and fluency in Spanish and/or Standard Chinese would be advantageous.
The start date is flexible but is likely to be early 2011. In some cases this may be dictated by scholarship rules. Applicants should initially submit a curriculum vitae with cover letter as soon as possible, both documents should be submitted as a single pdf to

If a suitable international candidate is found by 10 July 2010, we will make a decision at that time in order to facilitate Endeavour award application, see below (the deadline is tight because of the Australian Research Council's late announcement of Linkage Project funding). Otherwise positions will remain open until filled. The number of positions is flexible depending on the ability of candidates to obtain external funding.

We have a small amount of money (AU$10k per year) within the project allocated to supporting PhD students. This is envisaged as a top up to a more substantial scholarship. Potential students will have to apply for such a scholarship, but we will render all assistance possible to assist in making that application.

Citizens and permanent residents of Australia and New Zealand should apply for:

1. Australian Postgraduate Award and other scholarships

        The application closing date for a 2011 start will probably be mid-October 2010 (check the link regularly for updates).

International students should apply for:

1. Endeavour Awards

        The Australian Government's internationally competitive, merit-based scholarship program providing opportunities for citizens of the Asia-Pacific, Middle East, Europe and Americas to undertake study, research and professional development in Australia. The UNSW internal deadline for the next round of applications is 19 July 2010 (the following deadline will be January 2011).

2. UNSW International Research Scholarships

        These scholarships include full fees and some living allowance and are typically very competitive.  Please contact us before applying.

3. Any scholarships available from the student's home country (we have experience with applying for SSHRC Doctoral Fellowships). See also

Postdoctoral Researchers

 We would also welcome applications from postdoctoral researchers who have external funding (e.g., SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship) and wish to join our team. We will assist with preparing applications for external funding.

Visiting Students/Researchers

We would also welcome applications for externally-funded shorter research visits from PhD students and researchers from other universities. We will assist with preparing applications for external funding (e.g., Endeavour Research Fellowships).

Enquiries should be addressed to

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6-16(2010-07-07) Two positions at ELDA

Two positions are currently available at ELDA.


Engineer in HLT Evaluation Department


He/she will be in charge of managing the evaluation activities in relation with the collection of Language Resources for evaluation, the evaluation of technology components, and in general, the setting up of an HLT evaluation infrastructure. As part of the HLT Evaluation Department, he/she will be working on European projects and will be involved in the evaluation of technology components related to information retrieval, information extraction, machine translation, etc.

Profile :


  • Engineer/Master degree (preference for a PhD) in computer science, electrical engineering, computational linguistics, information science, knowledge management or similar fields.
  • Experience and/or good knowledge of the information retrieval/information extraction programmes in Europe, the US and Japan.
  • Experience in project management, including the management of European projects.
  • Experience and/or good knowledge of issues related to Language Resources.
  • Ability to work independently and as part of a team, in particular the ability to supervise members of a multidisciplinary team.
  • Proficiency in English.



ELDA offers a position for its Language Resource Production and Evaluation activities working in the framework of European projects. The position is related to a number of NLP activities within ELDA, with a focus on the development of web-service architectures for the automatic production and distribution of language resources. The candidate may also be involved in the creation of LR repositories, NLP applications development and/or evaluation, etc.

Profile :

  • Degree or MSc in computer science, computational linguistics, natural language processing or similar fields (preference for a PhD)
  • Good programming skills in C, C++, Perl and/or Java
  • Experience and/or knowledge of web services
  • Good knowledge of Linux and open source software
  • Experience and/or knowledge of NLP is a plus
  • Experience and/or knowledge of Machine Translation, Information Retrieval and related areas is a plus
  • Ability to work independently and as part of a team, in particular to collaborate with members of a multidisciplinary and multilingual team
  • Proficiency in French and English

Applicants should send (preferably via email) a cover letter addressing the points listed above together with a curriculum vitae to :


Khalid Choukri
55-57, rue Brillat-Savarin
75013 Paris
Fax : 01 43 13 33 30
Courriel :
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6-17(2010-07-07) Doctorat au LORIA Nancy France (fluency in french required))
Sujet de thèse
Dans le cadre d'une collaboration avec une entreprise qui commercialise des morceaux de
documentai res vidéo (rushes), nous nous intéres sons à la reconnaissance automatique
des dialogues de ces rushes afin de pouvoir les indexer.
L'équipe parole a développé un système de transcription automa tique de bulletins
d'information : ANTS [2,3]. Si les performances des systèmes de transcription
automatique actuels sont satisfaisantes dans le cas de la parole lue ou
« préparée » (bulletins d'informations, discours), elles se dégradent fortement dans le cas
de la parole spontanée [1,4,5]. Par rappor t à la parole préparée, la parole spontanée se
caractérise par:
• des insertions (hésitations, pauses, faux dépar t s de mots, reprises),
• des variations de prononciations comme la contraction de mots ou de syllabes
(/monsieur / => /m' sieu / ),
• des variations de la vitesse d'élocution (réduction de l'articulation de certains
phonèmes et allongement s d'aut res phonèmes),
• des environnement s sonores difficiles (parole superposée, rires, bruits
Ces spécificités sont peu ou pas prises en compte par les systèmes de reconnaissance
actuels. Tous ces phénomène s provoquent des erreur s de reconnais sance et peuvent
entraîner une indexation erronée.
Le but du sujet de thèse est de prendre en compte un ou plusieurs des phénomènes
spécifiques décrits ci- dessus, afin d'améliorer le taux de reconnaissance [4,6,7]. Les
phénomène s seront choisis et traités au niveau acoustique ou linguistique en fonction du
profil du candidat. Le travail consistera à :
• comprendre l'architecture de ANTS,
• pour les phénomène s choisis, faire un état de l'art et proposer de nouveaux
• réaliser un prototype de reconnaissance de parole spontanée et le valider sur un
corpus de parole spontanée étiqueté.
Cadre du travail
Le travail s'effectuera au sein de l'équipe Parole de l'Inria - Loria à Nancy
(http: / / p a L'étudiant utilisera le logiciel ANTS de reconnaissance
automatique de la parole développé dans l'équipe.
Profil souhaité
Les candidat s devront maîtriser le français et l'anglais et savoir programme r en C ou en
Java dans un environnement Unix. Des connaissances en modélisation stochas tique ou en
traitement automatique de la parole seront un plus.
Contacts : , ou
[1] S. Galliano, E. Geoffrois, D.Mostefa , K. Choukri, JF. Bonastre and G. Gravier, The ESTER Phase II Evaluation
Campaign for Rich Transcription of French broadcas t news, EUROSPEECH 2005,
[2] I. Irina, D. Fohr, O. Mella and C.Cerisara, The Automatic News Transcription System: ANTS some realtime
experiment s, ISCPL2004
[3] D. Fohr, O. Mella, I. Irina and C. Cerisara, Experiment s on the accuracy of phone models and liaison
proces sing in a French broadcas t news transcription systems, ISCPL2004
[4] J.- L Gauvain, G. Adda, L. Lamel, L. F. Lefevre and H. Schwenk, Transcription de la parole conversationnelle
Revue TAL vol 45 n° 3
[5] M. Garnier - Rizet, G. Adda, F. Cailliau, J.- L. Gauvain, S. Guillemin- Lanne, L. Lamel, S. Vanni, C. Waaste -
Richard CallSurf: Automatic transcription, indexing and structuration of call center conversational speech for
knowledge extraction and query by content. LREC 2008
[6] J.Ogata, M.Goto, The use of acous tically detected filled and silent pauses in spontaneous speech
recognition ICASSP 2009
[7] F. Stouten, J. Duchateau, J.- P. Martens and P. Wambacq, Coping with disfluencies in spontaneous speech
recognition: Acoustic detection and linguistic context manipulation, Speech Communication vol 48, 2006
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6-18(2010-07-14 ) Ph D position at Loria Nancy (in french)

Sujet de these


Dans le cadre d'une collaboration avec une entreprise qui commercialise des morceaux de

documentai res vidéo (rushes), nous nous intéres sons à la reconnaissance automatique

des dialogues de ces rushes afin de pouvoir les indexer.

L'équipe parole a développé un système de transcription automa tique de bulletins

d'information : ANTS [2,3]. Si les performances des systèmes de transcription

automatique actuels sont satisfaisantes dans le cas de la parole lue ou

« préparée » (bulletins d'informations, discours), elles se dégradent fortement dans le cas

de la parole spontanée [1,4,5].


Cadre du travail

Le travail s'effectuera au sein de l'équipe Parole de l'Inria - Loria à Nancy

(http: / / L'étudiant utilisera le logiciel ANTS de reconnaissance

automatique de la parole développé dans l'équipe.

Profil souhaité

Les candidat s devront maîtriser le français et l'anglais et savoir programme r en C ou en

Java dans un environnement Unix. Des connaissances en modélisation stochas tique ou en

traitement automatique de la parole seront un plus.


: , ou

[1] S. Galliano, E. Geoffrois, D.Mostefa , K. Choukri, JF. Bonastre and G. Gravier, The ESTER Phase II Evaluation

Campaign for Rich Transcription of French broadcas t news, EUROSPEECH 2005,

[2] I. Irina, D. Fohr, O. Mella and C.Cerisara, The Automatic News Transcription System: ANTS some realtime

experiment s, ISCPL2004

[3] D. Fohr, O. Mella, I. Irina and C. Cerisara, Experiment s on the accuracy of phone models and liaison

proces sing in a French broadcas t news transcription systems, ISCPL2004

[4] J.- L Gauvain, G. Adda, L. Lamel, L. F. Lefevre and H. Schwenk, Transcription de la parole conversationnelle

Revue TAL vol 45 n° 3

[5] M. Garnier - Rizet, G. Adda, F. Cailliau, J.- L. Gauvain, S. Guillemin- Lanne, L. Lamel, S. Vanni, C. Waaste -

Richard CallSurf: Automatic transcription, indexing and structuration of call center conversational speech for

knowledge extraction and query by content. LREC 2008

[6] J.Ogata, M.Goto, The use of acous tically detected filled and silent pauses in spontaneous speech

recognition ICASSP 2009

[7] F. Stouten, J. Duchateau, J.- P. Martens and P. Wambacq, Coping with disfluencies in spontaneous speech

recognition: Acoustic detection and linguistic context manipulation, Speech Communication vol 48, 2006

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6-19(2010-07-20) Ph D at IDIAP Martigny Switzerland

Research areas: 
Audio/video segmentation and clustering, speaker recognition, face recognition, pattern recognition, machine learning, audio and image processing.

The objective of the thesis is to investigate novel algorithms for the automatic segmentation and clustering of people in audio-visual documents. More precisely, the goal is to detect the people who appear in the documents, when they appear or/and when they speak, with whom they speak, and who they are. The work will rely on and improve previous knowledge of the LIUM and IDIAP in speaker diarization, names recognition from automatic speech transcripts, person detection, tracking and recognition, and will be expanded to address the audio-visual identity association and the recognition of the roles of people in the Tv shows. The work will be evaluated in the framework of the REPERE evaluation campaign, which is a challenge for audio and video person detection and recognition in TV broadcasts (journal debates, sitcoms) and will focus on segmentation and clustering targeting well-known people (anchors, journalists, known or introduced persons).

Supervision and organization: 
The proposed position is funded by the ANR in the SODA project. It is a joint PhD position within both IDIAP and LIUM, under academic co-supervision by Profs. Paul Deléglise (LIUM), Jean-Marc Odobez (IDIAP) and Sylvain Meignier (LIUM). He will work closely with a post-doctoral fellow working for the same project.

The candidate will be registered as a student at the University of Le Mans. He will share this time between Le Mans and Martigny depending on the need. The position will start in October 2010 and the net salary will be between €1700 a month. 18 months of indemnity (€500 per month) will be provided to support the extra cost of working at two different sites, as well as the higher cost of life in Martigny.

Applicants should hold a strong university degree entitling them to start a doctorate (Master’s degree or equivalent) in a relevant discipline (Computer Science, Human Language Technology, Machine Learning, etc).

Applicants for this full-time 3 year PhD position should be fluent in English or in French. Competence in French is optional, though applicants will be encouraged to acquire this skill during training.

Very strong software skills are required, especially in Java, C, C++, Unix/Linux, and at least one scripting language such as Perl or Python.

Please send a curriculum vitae to Jean-Marc Odobez AND
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6-20(2010-07-28) Ph D position in model based speech synthesis

Post Doctoral Speech Synthesis Research Associate Position



The Communication Analysis and Design Laboratory at Northeastern University is pleased to announce the availability of a postdoctoral research associate position, funded by the National Science Foundation Division of Computer and Information Systems. This project aims to build a personalized speech synthesizer for individuals with severe speech impairments by mining their residual source characteristics and morphing these vocal qualities with filter properties of a healthy talker. An initial prototype has been designed and implemented in MATLAB. Further work is required to refine the voice morphing and speech synthesis algorithms, to develop a front-end user interface and to assess system usability. The successful candidate will work on an interdisciplinary team toward the project goals.


Required Skills:

                        PhD in computer science or electrical engineering or related field

                        Strong knowledge in machine learning and digital signal processing

                        Extensive experience with MATLAB and C/C++ programming

Experience with building graphical user interfaces

Knowledge of, and experience with, concatenative and/or model-based     speech synthesis

This position is available immediately. Funding is available for up to two years on this project. Additional funding may be available for work on related projects. Interested candidates should email and/or send the following to Rupal Patel, Director, Communication Analysis and Design Laboratory, 360 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA, 02115;; 617-373-5842: A cover letter stating your research interests and career goals, CV, two letters of recommendation, official transcripts of all postsecondary education.





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6-21(2010-08) Speech Synthesis Post Doctoral Research Associate Position

Speech Synthesis Post Doctoral Research Associate Position



The Communication Analysis and Design Laboratory at Northeastern University is pleased to announce the availability of a postdoctoral research associate position, funded by the National Science Foundation Division of Computer and Information Systems. This project aims to build a personalized speech synthesizer for individuals with severe speech impairments by mining their residual source characteristics and morphing these vocal qualities with filter properties of a healthy talker. An initial prototype has been designed and implemented in MATLAB. Further work is required to refine the voice morphing and speech synthesis algorithms, to develop a front-end user interface and to assess system usability. The successful candidate will work on an interdisciplinary team toward the project goals.


Required Skills:

                        PhD in computer science or electrical engineering or related field

                        Strong knowledge in machine learning and digital signal processing

                        Extensive experience with MATLAB and C/C++ programming

Experience with building graphical user interfaces

Knowledge of, and experience with, concatenative and/or model-based     speech synthesis

This position is available immediately. Funding is available for up to two years on this project. Additional funding may be available for work on related projects. Interested candidates should email and/or send the following to Rupal Patel, Director, Communication Analysis and Design Laboratory, 360 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA, 02115;; 617-373-5842: A cover letter stating your research interests and career goals, CV, two letters of recommendation, official transcripts of all postsecondary education.


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6-22(2010-09-08) European project in Basque country Call 2010

for senior researchers

Date of publication:

January 2

nd 2010 at 9.00am, ECT


March the 31

There will be 2 evaluations processes,

one for the applications received until March 31

Candidates are expected to join during 2010 and 2011 early.

st | September 30th 2010. st, and another for the ones received until September 30th.
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6-23(2010-09-12) Ph D positions at KTH

PhD Student Positions:
2-4 positions in Speech Communication
1 position in Music Communication
is open for application at Speech, Music and Hearing at KTH in Stockholm, Sweden

Deadline for application: October 15, 2010


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6-24(2010-09-27) Two positions at ELDA

Two positions are currently available at ELDA (reminder).

1) Engineer in HLT Evaluation Department

He/she will be in charge of managing the evaluation activities in relation with the collection of Language Resources for evaluation, the
evaluation of technology components, and in general, the setting up of an HLT evaluation infrastructure. As part of the HLT Evaluation
Department, he/she will be working on European projects and will be involved in the evaluation of technology components related to
information retrieval, information extraction, machine translation, etc.

Profile :

 * Engineer/Master degree (preference for a PhD) in computer science, electrical engineering, computational linguistics, information
   science, knowledge management or similar fields.

 * Experience and/or good knowledge of the information retrieval/information extraction programmes in Europe, the US and

 * Experience in project management, including the management of European projects.

 * Experience and/or good knowledge of issues related to Language Resources.

 * Ability to work independently and as part of a team, in particular the ability to supervise members of a multidisciplinary team.

 * Proficiency in English.

2) Programmer

ELDA offers a position for its Language Resource Production and Evaluation activities working in the framework of European projects.
The position is related to a number of NLP activities within ELDA, with a focus on the development of web-service architectures for
the automatic production and distribution of language resources. The candidate may also be involved in the creation of LR repositories, NLP
applications development and/or evaluation, etc.

Profile :

 * Degree or MSc in computer science, computational linguistics, natural language processing or similar fields (preference for a

 * Good programming skills in C, C++, Perl and/or Java

 * Experience and/or knowledge of web services

 * Good knowledge of Linux and open source software

 * Experience and/or knowledge of NLP is a plus

 * Experience and/or knowledge of Machine Translation, Information Retrieval and related areas is a plus

 * Ability to work independently and as part of a team, in particular to collaborate with members of a multidisciplinary and
   multilingual team

 * Proficiency in French and English

Applicants should send (preferably via email) a cover letter addressing the points listed above together with a curriculum vitae to:

Khalid Choukri
55-57, rue Brillat-Savarin
75013 Paris
Fax : 01 43 13 33 30

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6-25(2010-10-01) Ingenieur/Doctorat en Reconnaissance automatique de la parole des personnes âgées

Reconnaissance automatique de la parole des personnes âgées pour les,services d’assistance aux personnes à domicile
Type de Poste: Ingénieur / doctorat
Échéance: 01/11/2010
Durée : 36 mois
Contact: ;

Dans le cadre  du projet CIRDO (ANR-TECSAN) qui a pour objectif de mettre au point un 'Compagnon Intelligent Réagissant au Doigt et à l’Oeil' qui représente un produit de télélien social augmenté et automatisé par l’intégration de services innovants (reconnaissance automatique de la parole, analyse de situations -scènes- dans un environnement complexe non contrôlé), visant à favoriser l’autonomie et la prise en charge par les aidants, des patients atteints de maladies chroniques ou de la maladie Alzheimer ou apparentées. De plus, ce projet permettra la validation de technologies génériques, une évaluation psychologique et ergonomique portant sur les usages des services développés mais aussi des enquêtes critiques des connaissances acquises par les professionnels des services à la personne (SAP) qui seront ensuite transférées à l’ensemble du secteur.
L’objectif visé par le projet est la réalisation d’un système de reconnaissance vocale adapté à une population de personnes âgées. Les sorties de ce système seront utilisées pour déterminer si la personne est dans une situation anormale. La reconnaissance de la parole adaptée à la voix des personnes âgées est un domaine encore peu exploré. L’étude proposée nécessitera l’enregistrement de corpus de parole lue par des personnes âgées volontaires. En complément des enregistrements de sons et de paroles spontanées (onomatopées,hésitations, jurons...) permettront de compléter les modèles acoustiques du système et traiter les évènements audio non langagiers. L’aspect éthique sera pris en compte lors des enregistrements ou des évaluations.
Le programme de travail peut être résumé comme suit :
– réalisation d’un logiciel adapté permettant d’enregistrer la parole lue de personnes âgées ;
– collecte d’une base de signaux de parole de personnes âgées ;
– comparaison des performances du système de reconnaissance GETALP sur cette nouvelle base et sur une base témoin de locuteurs plus jeunes ; cette comparaison s’effectuera selon deux axes : reconnaissance de mots clés ou parole spontanée ;
– réalisation d’un système de reconnaissance automatique de la parole et de mots clefs adapté aux « personnes âgées ».
L’activité sera menée en collaboration avec les équipes de recherche (LIRIS-SAARA et GRePS) et les industriels impliqués dans le projet (CATEL, ISARP, Technosens, FSI).

compétences requises:
Le (la) candidat(e) recherché est un ingénieur ayant un haut niveau en informatique, des compétences en traitement du signal seraient un plus. Les travaux de développement nécessitent une bonne connaissance des langages C et C++. Enfin, la capacité de travailler en équipe et de manière autonome est primordiale.
La connaissance du domaine de la reconnaissance automatique de la parole n’est pas requise, la formation nécessaire sera assurée au sein de l’équipe de recherche.

Il est aussi possible d’effectuer une thèse dans le cadre de ce projet.

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