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ISCApad Archive  »  2010  »  ISCApad #146  »  ISCA News

ISCApad #146

Tuesday, August 10, 2010 by Chris Wellekens

2 ISCA News
2-1Interspeech 2013

The ISCA Board is very happy to announce that INTERSPEECH 2013 will take

place in Lyon, France, 25-29 August 2013, with a special focus on




The conference will be organized by INRIA, University of Lyon II,

University of Avignon, University Paris III, GIPSA-Lab (Grenoble), LIMSI/CNRS,

and AFCP (French-speaking SIG of ISCA)


General Chair: Frédéric Bimbot


The Board congratulates the winning team for their successful bid and wishes them

all the success in the organization of INTERSPEECH 2013.


Isabel Trancoso

ISCA President

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2-2Membership renewal before Interspeech 2010

If you are planning to attend INTERSPEECH 2010 and your ISCA membership expires before 30 September 2010, please renew your membership now at renew your membership now at

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2-3ISCA student advisory committee (ISCA-SAC) seeks student volunteers.

'ISCA Student Advisory Committee (ISCA-SAC) is seeking student volunteers to
help with several interesting projects such as reporting on ISCA related events
and cutting edge research, plan/organize student events at ISCA-sponsored
conferences/workshops, increase awareness of speech and language research to
undergraduate and junior graduate students. 

At the moment, we are particularly looking for someone to help keep our web
resources up to date, e.g. keeping track of upcoming conferences and other
events, or general help with web programming.  However, there are many other
small tasks to be done, each of which would only take up a few hours.  If you
are interested, please contact the ISCA-SAC Volunteer Coordinator at: vo lun te
er [at] isca-students [dot] org.  You can also find more details on our

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