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ISCApad Archive  »  2010  »  ISCApad #146  »  Jobs  »  (2010-03-04) Post doctoral Position in Speech Recognition (Grenoble, France)

ISCApad #146

Tuesday, August 10, 2010 by Chris Wellekens

6-1 (2010-03-04) Post doctoral Position in Speech Recognition (Grenoble, France)

Post doctoral Position in Speech Recognition (Grenoble, France)
Title: Application and Optimization of Speech Detection and Recognition Algorithms in Smart Homes
Start Date: October 2010
Duration and salary: 12 months, 1900 euros ¤
Keywords: Speech Recognition, Home Automation, Smart Homes

Description: The GETALP Team of the Laboratory of Informatics of Grenoble invites applications
for a full-time post-doctoral researcher to work on the SWEET-HOME ('Système
Domotique d’Assistance au Domicile') national French project funded by the
ANR ('Agence Nationale de la Recherche'). This project aims to deliver sufficient
support to people who need support for independent living such as elderly of disabled
persons (e.g., Alzheimer, cognitive deficiency . . . ). This assessment is usually
done through sensing technology (e.g., microphones, infra-red presence sensors,
door-contacts, etc.) which detects critical situations in order to generate the appropriate
action to support the inhabitant (call to an emergency service, call to relatives . . . ).
A few microphones are set in an experimental apartment in order to recognize sounds
and speech in real time. The recognition is challenging given that the speaker may
be far from the microphone and because of additive noise and reverberation. Indeed,
the position requires a significant experience in speech recognition. The project consortium
is composed of the LIG (Joseph Fourier University), the ESIGETEL and the
Theoris, Technosens and Camera-Contact companies. The experimental apartment
DOMUS of the Carnot Institute of Grenoble will be used by the consortium during
this project.
Requirements: The succesful candidate will have been awarded a PhD degree in computer science
or signal processing, involving automatic speech recognition. Expertise in environmental
robustness, independent component analysis (ICA), is a bonus, as any other
experience relevant to signal processing. The candidate will have a strong research
track record with significant publications at leading international conferences or in
journals. She/He will be highly motivated to undertake challenging applied research.
Moderate level in French language is required as the project language will be French.
Applications: Please send to the address below (i) a one page statement of your research interests
and motivation, (ii) yout CV and (iii) references before 1st of July 2010. 

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